USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

knowledge cannot be useless. it is perspectivally and contextually bound, certainly, but it is not totally without use.
the child has no civil right to freedom of speech until she's 18. that's why you can't claim freedom of speech as a student in school when you curse out your teacher.
Now, if you'll please stop harping on the "useless" degrees. no one forces students to enroll in non-vocational coursework. you fuckers think the reason to go to school is to get a better job. it isnt. (unless it is a VOCATIONAL SCHOOL). that is a poor reason to pursue a LIBERAL ARTS degree. if you pursue one with the hope of employability, you are a moron, and deserve the outcome you procure. whether you personally agree with this professor's work is immaterial, particularly since you aren't routinely involved in the research in which she is involved.
Take your righteous rage elsewhere: it is poorly thought out, and a woefully ignorant attempt at railing against something you perceive to be contrary to your own way of life.

The assaulted child in this case was not "at school", she was exercising her right to political speech in a public space. Your implication that kids have no constitutional rights is not nearly as cut and dried as you make it out to be.'s_rights
[h=3]United States law[/h] Further information: Timeline of children's rights in the United States, International child abduction in the United States, and Child labor laws in the United States
Children are generally afforded the basic rights embodied by the Constitution, as enshrined by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Equal Protection Clause of that amendment is to apply to children, born within a marriage or not, but excludes children not yet born.[SUP][4][/SUP] This was reinforced by the landmark US Supreme Court decision of In re Gault (1967)."
It was later found that a beam with which the two girls had been killed weighed over twenty pounds. It was ruled that George wasn't able to lift the beam, let alone swing it hard enough to kill the two girls.
I find it hard to believe a 15 year old is incapable of lifting 20 lbs.
Yes men have been excecuted in the US and found later to be innocent... if you are too lazy to educated yourself then dont expect a hand out from me... its not so much a "what if" as it has happened....perhaps you pretend it hasnt happened as you dont have an answer for the proposed question . how is the view with your head in the sand
"Yes men have been excecuted in the US and found later to be innocent.." Translation: I can't come up with a single example so simply stating it again makes it true. ........if you are too lazy to educated yourself then dont expect a hand out from me...Translation: You are lazy if you don't prove my point for me........" its not so much a "what if" as it has happened....perhaps you pretend it hasnt happened as you dont have an answer for the proposed question .Translation: I'm going to pretend repeating myself makes it true........."how is the view with your head in the sand" Translation: You are ignoring the evidence I was unable to provide. .......................This is just priceless.
he was 14 and slight for his age..the 2x4 was over 20 pounds..these are called facts..your comment is opinion.
It was a railroad spike, not a 2x4, so not a fact at all. I find it hard to believe a "slight" 14 year old couldn't lift 20 lbs., either. Yes, my comment was an opinion, yours was just false.
It was a railroad spike, not a 2x4, so not a fact at all. I find it hard to believe a "slight" 14 year old couldn't lift 20 lbs., either. Yes, my comment was an opinion, yours was just false.

I usually try to ignore Sky Daddy, but this new Trayvon 70 year old cold case is too much. Nothing of note must be happening in Florida lately.
The child will "cramp" my lifestyle. My convenience over rules his/her life. That's their honest answer, but they won't admit to it.

Is it "murder" if I scratch my arm and remove some live skin cells, too? What about if I jack off and effectively "murder" millions of sperm cells?
See, you won't admit it.

just like you won't admit that you are racist, but your own words show it beyond any doubt.

"the truth is that black males are more inclined to criminality" - red1966

"i never said blacks have a propensity to crime" - red1966, a few months later, in response to nodrama intimating that his beliefs were racist.