I would attribute it to hundreds of years of selective breeding in America prior to the end of slavery to select for big and strong, and dumb.
The smarter someone is, the harder they are to enslave.
Most enslaved groups manage to free themselves. With the exception of Haiti, the blacks are the only group ever to be enslaved that did not affect self liberation. Someone did it for them.
But as I said, I would attribute it to that, but they never seemed to do much better in their own land.
Take a look at South Africa. A great and prosperous nation, until the end of apartide. Now it is just another shit hole. I asked once for someone to point out a place largely black where they maintained decent living standards. Someone mentioned the Bahamas, and true the GDP per capatial is respectable, but it only furthers my point. Living conditions for most blacks in the Bahamas are still very shitty, despite the great wealth being made off of tourism there. Again supporting my position that blacks are incapable of self governance.
Just show me one successful black nation, that is self governing. Just one.
Find it!
And yes, they told me that I could keep the $900/month and the $20/month apartment indefinitely.