Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Because I'm not a racist, buck.

so when you said that blacks come from "an inferior lot", what would you describe that statement as?

not only are you a racist, but you are blind to your own white privilege. not every subway sandwich maker is lucky enough to have a family to turn to after stealing from them to feed their heroin habit.


about 3.5 million whites in private schools.
about 450k blacks.
about 225k asians.
about 500k hispanics.

you can run the math and tell me which populations might be underrepresented. or not. feel free to wallow in your ignorance.

i guess he's arguing my use of the term wasp as in white anglo saxon protestant for a synonym for all white people, which i obviously know that not all white people are wasps..


Barry Macintosh said:
After his death the Carver Museum, which he had helped create at Tuskegee, credited him with developing 287 peanut commodities. One hundred twenty-three were foods and beverages, 68 were paints or dyes, and the rest were livestock foods, cosmetics, medicinal preparations, and miscellaneous uncategorized items. The catalog was inflated by much near duplication: among the individual entries were bar candy, chocolate-coated peanuts, and peanut chocolate fudge; all-purpose cream, face cream, face lotion, and hand cream; thirty cloth dyes, nineteen leather dyes, and seventeen wood stains. Many items were clearly not original with Carver—even “salted peanuts” was on the list (though peanut butter was not).

Ten years later the noted black author Langsten Hughes published Famous American Negroes , and, apparently unaware that Carver kept no laboratory records, cited his “formulas in agricultural chemistry that enriched the entire Southland, indeed the whole of America and the world.”

While laymen lacked the knowledge to see through the legend, most of those better qualified to appraise Carver’s contributions lacked the desire. Responding to an inquiry about Carver’s work in 1937, an Agriculture Department official hedged: “Dr. Carver has without doubt done some very interesting things—things that were new to some of the people with whom he was associated, but a great many of them, if I am correctly informed, were not new to other people.…I am unable to determine just what profitable application has been made of any of his so-called discoveries. I am writing this to you confidentially and without an opportunity to make further investigation and would not wish to be quoted on the subject.”

Good job, Paddy! Man of science! Hahahaha!

Welfare... I went to a human services place for a free HIV and hepatitis test when I got clean. Since I was an addict, and my doctor had me on SSRI medications, I qualified for subsidized housing, and a crazy check, from social security. Only condition was I couldn't work. If my family were poor I would have taken it, and still be on it. I was lucky enough to have a soft place to land, get my head right, and a year later I'm still clean and have a good job, nay a career and am doing quite well.

We are trapping many blacks in a cycle of poverty. Welfare, as I was offered, shouldn't come with the condition that you cannot work. That's absurd. It is keeping them down. End of story.

welfare has a work search requirement, you dolt.

what you were offered was not welfare but probably some recovery program for worthless addicts.

i wouldn't call making sandwiches at subway a career, either.
i guess he's arguing my use of the term wasp as in white anglo saxon protestant for a synonym for all white people, which i obviously know that not all white people are wasps..

sets of data that large are incapable of much skew, those WASPs are likely overrepresented as a subset since poor whites are sure to be underrepresented in the same way that blacks and hispanics are.

red is just getting his meth on and being a contrarian fool tonight.
i guess he's arguing my use of the term wasp as in white anglo saxon protestant for a synonym for all white people, which i obviously know that not all white people are wasps..
I'm arguing that 3.5 million whites out of 250+million is still a small percentage. you were making it sound like the majority of whites went to private schools. Buck is just trying to put words in my mouth as usual.
Slightly lower average intelligence across the race.

A culture that looks at things like doing well in school, working every day, and being responsible as something uncool.

How do you figure that? The intelligence ratio, I mean, and what would you attribute it to?

Welfare... I went to a human services place for a free HIV and hepatitis test when I got clean. Since I was an addict, and my doctor had me on SSRI medications, I qualified for subsidized housing, and a crazy check, from social security. Only condition was I couldn't work. If my family were poor I would have taken it, and still be on it. I was lucky enough to have a soft place to land, get my head right, and a year later I'm still clean and have a good job, nay a career and am doing quite well.

We are trapping many blacks in a cycle of poverty. Welfare, as I was offered, shouldn't come with the condition that you cannot work. That's absurd. It is keeping them down. End of story.

So they told you you could have it so long as you didn't make over a certain amount of money?

What part of that is scientific, exactly?
Your chart doesn't say anything towards your point.

What about UB's information, which puts the point I made into better perspective?;



about 3.5 million whites in private schools.
about 450k blacks.
about 225k asians.
about 500k hispanics.

you can run the math and tell me which populations might be underrepresented. or not. feel free to wallow in your ignorance.
I'm arguing that 3.5 million whites out of 250+million is still a small percentage. you were making it sound like the majority of whites went to private schools. Buck is just trying to put words in my mouth as usual.

Its interesting to note that the current regime has been busy sending out teams
to certain poor predominant white areas (Appalachians) where people were to proud to sign up
and have been attempting to convince them to take the money. After all when attempting to bankrupt us all outlets are explored.
Its interesting to note that the current regime has been busy sending out teams
to certain poor predominant white areas (Appalachians) where people were to proud to sign up
and have been attempting to convince them to take the money. After all when attempting to bankrupt us all outlets are explored.

so obama is welfaring appalachia?

got any citation for that, toolwoman?
What about UB's information, which puts the point I made into better perspective?;
Your implication was nearly all whites go to private schools. Only a small percentage do. The percentage of private school students who are white is irrelevant. You guys seem to think all whites (or anyone not black) are born into a life of wealth and privilege while all blacks are born into poverty and squalor. And then you call me a racist
Your implication was nearly all whites go to private schools.

putting words into people's mouths again, red?

i guess that's better than putting dense clouds of smoke from a housefire into their lungs. keep up the improvement.

and just ignore all those detractors (me) who point out how dishonest and pathetic your debate style is.
Your implication was nearly all whites go to private schools. Only a small percentage do. The percentage of private school students who are white is irrelevant. You guys seem to think all whites (or anyone not black) are born into a life of wealth and privilege while all blacks are born into poverty and squalor. And then you call me a racist

The chart I posted was a percentage of demographics who attended private schools in 2010, not compared to the total number of students in the entire system of education. Private education makes up a small percentage of education overall, but the vast majority of those attending private schools are white, there is no debate about it.
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