USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

Few Christians believe in creationism. You seem anti-Christian. And very unknowledgeable.

isn't the climate "scientist" you guys revere the most a creationist who has taken an evangelical pledge on the issue?

yep, roy spencer. that's the guy you love to cite so much.
cameron todd willingham looks like a candidate for wrongful execution. 1993 arson case in texas.
Kynes, my prior post was sincere, so i don't understand your response to it.
the point i was attempting to highlight in here was that the ucsb professor's scholarship is irrelevant to the "case" being made against her for "assault." If you think a college education, particularly a liberal arts education, is well suited for the procurement of work, then you misunderstand the concept of education en toto.
If you are of the opinion that the state should only fund "programs of study" that are profitable, then you do not believe in public education nor the greater goal of knowledge production. What you believe in is taxpayer funded training programs. certifications granted by an immense bureaucracy that declare an individual's capacity to do a single job. and the society that places all value in terms of the bottom line on a balance sheet is one that will be as worthwhile and historically permanent as the paper fiat money it reveres above all else.

Let me guess. You are up to your eyeballs in student loan debt taken out to pay for a degree in mid evil French Literature, or maybe drama, and nobody will hire you. You can only discharge your student loan debts except by repaying them, so you are kinda screwed. In the grown up world a marketable skill is worth while.

A long time ago I worked for Hughes Aircraft. One of the guys on the technical staff with a degree in Computer Science was bitter because his CS degree was his second pass through college. His first degree was a BA in French. He got tired of being unemployed so he went back and got a BS CS. He was quite indignant that nobody offered to hire him with his French degree. Liberal arts degrees are meant for dilettantes. For those of us who have to earn a living, literature classes are a luxury, and why anybody would study "feminist studies" is beyond me.

It strikes me as very bad form for a college professor to assault a teenager and to violate her civil rights. I guess I am just old fashioned that way.
I would like to know how the women were able to steal the sign. Also the professor was an idiot. Should of made a report to main office of unauthorized posters. On a college campus only approved signs can be posted. Private property.
College campuses are not private property. Most are owned by a state.
Let me guess. You are up to your eyeballs in student loan debt taken out to pay for a degree in mid evil French Literature, or maybe drama, and nobody will hire you. You can't discharge your student loan debts except by repaying them. In the grown up world a marketable skill is worth while.

A long time ago I worked for Hughes Aircraft. One of the guys on the technical staff with a degree in Computer Science was bitter because his CS degree was his second pass through college. His first degree was a BA in French. He got tired of being unemployed so he went back and got a BS CS. He was quite indignant that nobody offered to hire him with his French degree. Liberal arts degrees are meant for dilettantes. For those of us who have to earn a living, literature classes are a luxury, and why anybody would study "feminist studies" is beyond me.

It strikes me as very bad form for a college professor to assault a teenager and to violate her civil rights. I guess I am just old fashioned that way.

he's actually a professor, for your edification.

but way to showcase your disdain for education and intellect.
i just returned from the publix in which i got stuck behind this guy who was an extreme couponer..had the binder and all..was getting really pissy with the clerk AND he forgot his wallet..
this is a distortion. is the life of the fetus of more value than the life of the woman who will have to bear and nurse said child? the raped woman has then to raise a child who must, by the fact of his/her conception, instigate and iterate a psychological distress more ungodly and terrorizing than anything most people ever have to experience. you suggest something that fails to account for the psyche* of the woman, thereby constituting a slightly misogynistic position. *psyche, here, is being used to refer not only to the psychological state of the woman in question, but also the traditional concept, from the greek, denoting the metaphysical concept we would most closely name mind/soul.
Why do you equate to the value of the life of the woman? Her life is not at stake here. Very few women nurse their children. If she is distressed at the child's presence, adoption is easy. Your justifications would permit the murder of adult children by their mothers.
Let me guess. You are up to your eyeballs in student loan debt taken out to pay for a degree in mid evil French Literature, or maybe drama, and nobody will hire you. You can only discharge your student loan debts except by repaying them, so you are kinda screwed. In the grown up world a marketable skill is worth while.

A long time ago I worked for Hughes Aircraft. One of the guys on the technical staff with a degree in Computer Science was bitter because his CS degree was his second pass through college. His first degree was a BA in French. He got tired of being unemployed so he went back and got a BS CS. He was quite indignant that nobody offered to hire him with his French degree. Liberal arts degrees are meant for dilettantes. For those of us who have to earn a living, literature classes are a luxury, and why anybody would study "feminist studies" is beyond me.

It strikes me as very bad form for a college professor to assault a teenager and to violate her civil rights. I guess I am just old fashioned that way.

if someone has a liberal arts degree who majored in french then one would think one would be an interpreter and nothing wrong with that degree and should have been able to find work.
I don't find it acceptable for political speech in public place to be squelched, nor do i find it acceptable for an adult to assault a child. But, if you want to claim the protection of juvenility, you can't also assert that person's right to free speech, since said rights have not been activated by the individual's entry into citizenship viz. the attainment of legal adulthood. what i find repugnant is the conflation of marketability and knowledge production. I haven't read hardly anything in this thread, I, rather, point out that there are massive inconsistencies on both sides. you can't attack a professor based on the fact of her scholarship's marketability; the point of an academy is to produce knowledge in every conceivable direction, not to create neat little worker-bees that fit nicely into the corporate structure--round pegs in round, well exploited holes. the ad hominem attacks on this professor, based on her scholarship, rather than her actions, are atrocious. If you have a problem with her squelching the anti-abortionists, you must also allow her scholarship as the freest form of expression. it is as free as the protester's expression.
Citizenship is not a requirement to have rights. "Allowing" "scholarship" (how you can claim displaying pornographic films is "scholarship" is beyond me) doesn't mean you should be required to fund it.
knowledge cannot be useless. it is perspectivally and contextually bound, certainly, but it is not totally without use. the child has no civil right to freedom of speech until she's 18. that's why you can't claim freedom of speech as a student in school when you curse out your teacher. Now, if you'll please stop harping on the "useless" degrees. no one forces students to enroll in non-vocational coursework. you fuckers think the reason to go to school is to get a better job. it isnt. (unless it is a VOCATIONAL SCHOOL). that is a poor reason to pursue a LIBERAL ARTS degree. if you pursue one with the hope of employability, you are a moron, and deserve the outcome you procure. whether you personally agree with this professor's work is immaterial, particularly since you aren't routinely involved in the research in which she is involved. Take your righteous rage elsewhere: it is poorly thought out, and a woefully ignorant attempt at railing against something you perceive to be contrary to your own way of life.
Some "knowledge" is indeed useless. "the child has no civil right to freedom of speech until she's 18. that's why you can't claim freedom of speech as a student in school when you curse out your teacher." Well, that's just false. "Cursing out a teacher" is assault, not speech. Your arguments in favor of censorship are just feeble.
Citizenship is not a requirement to have rights. "Allowing" "scholarship" (how you can claim displaying pornographic films is "scholarship" is beyond me) doesn't mean you should be required to fund it.

i don't like that my medicare dollars pay for penis pumps for impotent old geezers like you either, but we don't all get line item vetoes on our 1040s.
why is she a worthless professor? because you disagree with studying pornography? or pornography from an african american perspective? or is it because she's a woman? what exactly makes the knowledge she produces, worthless? because no one can be employed having learned what she can teach? well that's not entirely accurate because she can cultivate a successor to carry the torch, so it isn't entirely worthless. someone can take up her position once she's done. and if you are going to argue for the illimitable search for a happy existence, you can't bar this one.
How do you "study" pornography?