How do you tell the difference between hemies and males?


Well-Known Member
That's a good question, since the common consensus is that males produce very little THC, but females (obviously) produce quite a bit. Why not, then, if you can make hash from known males?


Well-Known Member
That's a good question, since the common consensus is that males produce very little THC, but females (obviously) produce quite a bit. Why not, then, if you can make hash from known males?
It is my understanding that males are quite high in THC at the time of flowering.

I prefer to make tea from males/hermies/trimmings. That whole hash concept seems sort of sketchy to me.


Active Member
if the plant doesn't hermi to bad you can pull off the male parts. In my experience my hermi buds will have little bananas sticking out of them. I just pick them off. but u have to be careful not to bust em open because they contain pollen.


Well-Known Member
if the plant doesn't hermi to bad you can pull off the male parts. In my experience my hermi buds will have little bananas sticking out of them. I just pick them off. but u have to be careful not to bust em open because they contain pollen.

Alright, this needs to be said.
I of all people know that you become attached to your plants. Everytime I pull my males, it saddenes me. It is completely understandable that you would want to save them by justifing they are still useful. Unless you are making feminized seeds (feminized seeds are evil) get rid of the hermies.
They are way more trouble than they are worth. One pollen ball can polinate 100's of plants, and they will grow back.

Unless it is the only plany you have, kill it. Throw it away and be very careful removing it. It's not worth it.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Alright, this needs to be said.
I of all people know that you become attached to your plants. Everytime I pull my males, it saddenes me. It is completely understandable that you would want to save them by justifing they are still useful. Unless you are making feminized seeds (feminized seeds are evil) get rid of the hermies.
They are way more trouble than they are worth. One pollen ball can polinate 100's of plants, and they will grow back.

Unless it is the only plany you have, kill it. Throw it away and be very careful removing it. It's not worth it.
How old or at what stage does a male have to be to pollinate females? My plants are now 5/6 weeks old. Out of ten plants I have had one male (he's gone) 4 definite females, 1 suspected female and (the root of my concern) 1 suspected male. I can not quite make out what the new growths are and am waiting for it to develop more to be certain. I just don't want to leave it too late if it is a male and end up pollinating all my females.


Well-Known Member
How old or at what stage does a male have to be to pollinate females?
It depends on so many things. First are you indoor or outdoor.
Outdoor the transition between veg and flowering happens over time, so how long it would take to produce a pollen sack differs.
Indoors I can sex my plants usually in less than 7 days.
My plants are now 5/6 weeks old.
Total age? If so how long have they been flowering?
Out of ten plants I have had one male (he's gone) 4 definite females, 1 suspected female and (the root of my concern) 1 suspected male.
10? Either it has two white pistels or balls. If it has both chop it


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
It depends on so many things. First are you indoor or outdoor.
Outdoor the transition between veg and flowering happens over time, so how long it would take to produce a pollen sack differs.
Indoors I can sex my plants usually in less than 7 days.

Total age? If so how long have they been flowering?

10? Either it has two white pistels or balls. If it has both chop it

Here is a pic of what I am looking at, its not very clear.

The first male I had i saw these on it,

This ball is very distinctive and it was easy to spot.

I have 4 other plants that are not yet showing any signs which makes up the 10.
It's an indoor grow they are 37 days from germination.
There are more details in my journal.
Am using 400w mh and still vegging with a 24hr light sched.


Well-Known Member
Am using 400w mh and still vegging with a 24hr light sched.
First, my advise is to switch to a 18light/6 dark. You are just wasting power. You don't sex a plant untill it flowers. If there is a boy wack it though. When you switch to 12/12 you will know within a couple days. Also your trunk has some purple in it. That is bad.
use R/O water
PH ballance to 6-7
add nutes and check ph in 1/2 hour.
If you are hydro/aero change your res once a week.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
First, my advise is to switch to a 18light/6 dark. You are just wasting power. You don't sex a plant untill it flowers. If there is a boy wack it though. When you switch to 12/12 you will know within a couple days. Also your trunk has some purple in it. That is bad.
use R/O water
PH ballance to 6-7
add nutes and check ph in 1/2 hour.
If you are hydro/aero change your res once a week.
I was told the purple was Ok during veg, its phospherous or some such deficiency which I don't need to add until I start flowering.
Won't I induce flowering if I change to 18/6 now?
I don't understand what you mean about not sexing until they flower. I have four females already and two of them have hairs all over the place.
Like these

Are you saying that they could become male when I start flowering? And is the ball in the previous picture not a male?
Questions questions questions, sorry to keep on. :-)


Well-Known Member
I was told the purple was Ok during veg, its phospherous or some such deficiency which I don't need to add until I start flowering.
Won't I induce flowering if I change to 18/6 now?
I don't understand what you mean about not sexing until they flower. I have four females already and two of them have hairs all over the place.
Like these

Are you saying that they could become male when I start flowering? And is the ball in the previous picture not a male?
Questions questions questions, sorry to keep on. :-)
the ball in the previous pic is male...but that doesnt mean the whole plant is male...check it for hairs...what you are seeing Bmad is still need to remove the pollen if you wanna grow out a hremie...sein as how your one plant is special...if its a hermie..then grow it out for seeds...but this pic is of pistil...girl...i dunno if I understand exactly what you are asking...but I was cutting male branches off of this plant up until the first pic...take a look...I only ended up with two seeds out of 1 1/2 oz's dried and cured..just cause you see pistils doesnt mean its flowering but if you see balls you need to remove them unless you want seeds. and no 18/6 will not make your plants flower


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
the ball in the previous pic is male...but that doesnt mean the whole plant is male...check it for hairs...what you are seeing Bmad is still need to remove the pollen if you wanna grow out a hremie...sein as how your one plant is special...if its a hermie..then grow it out for seeds...but this pic is of pistil...girl...i dunno if I understand exactly what you are asking...but I was cutting male branches off of this plant up until the first pic...take a look...I only ended up with two seeds out of 1 1/2 oz's dried and cured..just cause you see pistils doesnt mean its flowering but if you see balls you need to remove them unless you want seeds. and no 18/6 will not make your plants flower
No I don't want to grow any males or hermies. The plant in question is the first picture above the one with the male pre-flower/ball I can't tell if it's a male or not.
Mainly I just wanted a second opinion as cloudflyer suggests I should stop my 24hr light sched for 18/6 and that the purple in the stalks is a problem that I need to sort out.
I have no reason to think his advice is wrong as he seems to know what he's about but, Nobody else has given that advice and my journal has had quite a few visitors and many different comments.
Of course two people can give different advice and both be right: More than one way to skin a cat....etc
just wanted a second opinion. Thanks for checking mate.


Well-Known Member
No I don't want to grow any males or hermies. The plant in question is the first picture above the one with the male pre-flower/ball I can't tell if it's a male or not.
Mainly I just wanted a second opinion as cloudflyer suggests I should stop my 24hr light sched for 18/6 and that the purple in the stalks is a problem that I need to sort out.
I have no reason to think his advice is wrong as he seems to know what he's about but, Nobody else has given that advice and my journal has had quite a few visitors and many different comments.
Of course two people can give different advice and both be right: More than one way to skin a cat....etc
just wanted a second opinion. Thanks for checking mate.
Gotcha...that pic you are refering to isnt showing sex as far as I can tell yet. I tried to enlarge it but nothing...I would also recommend 18/6 at this point...plants like dark. and yes the purple stem needs to be dealt with...have you been getting cooler than normal temps at night lately?


Well-Known Member
I was told the purple was Ok during veg, its phospherous or some such deficiency which I don't need to add until I start flowering.

If you fix the problem today, it will be clear in a month. I have never heard of it being ok in veg, but that could be true, I don't know. I know that a healthy stock is green.

Won't I induce flowering if I change to 18/6 now?
No you wont. It is the dark that determines the stage of a plant , not the light. 18 hours is all the light it needs. Plants put much of their growth on at night (unless there is no night) It stores enery than uses that energy to put on mass. It needs to rest too.

I don't understand what you mean about not sexing until they flower. I have four females already and two of them have hairs all over the place.
Preflowers. I see by looking close you are using soil. I have not grown with soil for 10 years. I put mine into flowering at 2-3 weeks of veg (about18 in). I never see preflowers, but within 4 days of 12/12 pistels and balls emerge.

Are you saying that they could become male when I start flowering? And is the ball in the previous picture not a male?
If you have a hermie, you could see mostly pistels, miss one ball, and poof.
Yes the ball in the preivious one is male.


Well-Known Member
whoever it was from this thread that rep- me....FU asshole. some people like to keep hermies for seeds if they like that strain. depends on what your purpose for the plant is ya douche bag.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I was told the purple was Ok during veg, its phospherous or some such deficiency which I don't need to add until I start flowering.

If you fix the problem today, it will be clear in a month. I have never heard of it being ok in veg, but that could be true, I don't know. I know that a healthy stock is green.

No you wont. It is the dark that determines the stage of a plant , not the light. 18 hours is all the light it needs. Plants put much of their growth on at night (unless there is no night) It stores enery than uses that energy to put on mass. It needs to rest too.

Preflowers. I see by looking close you are using soil. I have not grown with soil for 10 years. I put mine into flowering at 2-3 weeks of veg (about18 in). I never see preflowers, but within 4 days of 12/12 pistels and balls emerge.

If you have a hermie, you could see mostly pistels, miss one ball, and poof.
Yes the ball in the preivious one is male.
Thanks for your advice. I read your journal (sig thread), very informative, I have a 12" UVB fluoro from keeping a tortoise, I will put it in the corner of my flower room and switch it on for 6hrs during the 12 light. Then I will compare the bud on the plant close to the UVB with the bud farthest away and see if there is a difference in the potency. I will be using a 400w HPS for flowering and will probably be starting that in a few days. So hopefully 12 weeks from now (after curing) I will have some results.
Have you tried adding a UVB or do you just stick with the multi spec MH?

Any suggestions on how I deal with the purple?
I have barely used nutes on the grow at all. My last watering I gave them about one third recommended of Ionic Grow, (UK, I think it has another name overseas) so maybe now I am introducing nutes this will deal with the problem.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
whoever it was from this thread that rep- me....FU asshole. some people like to keep hermies for seeds if they like that strain. depends on what your purpose for the plant is ya douche bag.
:shock::shock: Don't mince those words Honkeytown lol, go tell 'em bro'!! :clap:


Well-Known Member
:shock::shock: Don't mince those words Honkeytown lol, go tell 'em bro'!! :clap:
thx man...I realize now that you arent going for a hermie...but as you can see they can be grown with very minimal seeds. I am smokin my good ass hermie right now actually. anyway...about the purple stem have your temps been dropping at all...?


Well-Known Member
whoever it was from this thread that rep- me....FU asshole. some people like to keep hermies for seeds if they like that strain. depends on what your purpose for the plant is ya douche bag.
I have only given one person bad rep and thats cuz he had people beliving total BS. You know the kinda bs like in Billy Maddison when he gave his one answer and the judge said Wrong and now every person is dumber for having heard it. He was a douche

Don't take it personaly, it's just rep who cares. People have given me both good and bad. At the end of the day my plants are happy and best case, I helped somone out. Thats my scoreboard, not the rep counter.


Well-Known Member
thx about the purple stem have your temps been dropping at all...?
I think I know where you are going with this. Some types of weed (blueberry) get purple leafs and mixed flowers if all temps are kept below 68deg. It is never the trunk though. People want to believe nothing is wrong so a simple simularity provides a plausable explanation that you are doing it right. I have been caught in that web many times. I have purple trucks sometimes too, by the time I catch it it takes a month to clear up.