Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

All of this shit is situational.. we can all change the scenarios and weapons to make one weapon look "better", more fatal, more catastrophic, more destructive whatever the argument may be.

Evaluating guns at Sandy hook vs. a "F350 with lift, mudders, plow, and a suicidal driver on a marathon course would kill more people?" is absurd. Two very different "venues". Take that truck and put it in a parking lot at Sandy Hook while students are in classrooms (same situation that the shooting took place in), and your argument would fail miserably.

"If the truck is doing 50 mph from behind... How much noise does it make? How much time would it take for everyone to realize what's going on?" - Speed is irrelevant for one. The screams of the first person would undeniably provide warning to other people in harm's way much quicker than the sound of the vehicle. Not to mention a person with a gun can pick targets from front of a crowd to the back or anyone in between on spilt seconds. Meaning scrambling out of the way is just a nuisance for a shooter, not a killing spree stopper..

"How many shots would have to be fired to kill me?" - That's a stupid question but I'll answer it anyway - one.
I stopped at "speed is irrelevant".

Is the seed of a bullet relevant? What if I throw one at you?
The fake sense of self confidence is what is so clever....they think. :)

Hey, Heck, what are the instant energy dump equations....force of impact is it?

Talk all around the point. Mass murder, by individuals and war lords factions, was before the invention of the bow, long before gunpowder. We were always our only worse enemy.

And long after 4 phase plasma rifles, have come and gone, this will still be so, I think. We can't ban criminals. And if you look at the Age of Legalism in China, they sure tried. Death penalty for most anything.

And you cannot go without self defense awareness if you expect to defend yourself.

So, my house is littered with weapons. But, certainly not all are firearms. And the most important thing is. I know I can be vicious.

But, do you know if you can?
So a truck is not a long range weapon I thought you could get 500 miles or more if it were a diesel.

What about those 911 planes....short range; too loud?
Dictionaries are great, use history sparingly for context.


  Use Comrade in a sentence

[kom-rad, -rid] Show IPA
noun 1. a person who shares in one's activities, occupation, etc.; companion, associate, or friend.

2. a fellow member of a fraternal group, political party, etc.

3. a member of the Communist Party or someone with strongly leftist views.


noun \ˈkäm-ˌrad, -rəd, especially British -ˌrād\ : a close friend you have worked with, been in the military with, etc.
Comrade —used as a title for a member of a communist party

Thank you big brother may I have another?

I love free speech but please recognize the link in the mind war(semantics).
"our democracy"+unconstitutional wars+"comrades"= Comrades.
So you underscore the 3rd definition ignoring the others for the purpose of attempting to troll me? My use of the word comrade (accurately at that) was enough to get your goat?
I told you that is what I responded to. Go look. And I told you. We threw rocks and worse. We learned to be men. Yeah!!!! Real shitty. HA HAaaaaaaa.

Save face! That is a pun. Crush face. Save face. I love the long dong.

I was standing in the Museum of Armor in Zurich. Snowing outside, going nowhere, alone. I looking at a life sized tableau of Swiss Pikemen with 16 footers. And they were bracing for a horse charge. I remember the looks on the faces of all 8 of them.

I thought, what is a nuke but a stand-off Pike? A Pike is a stand-off rock AND a rock is a stand-off fist. Seemed profound at the time. :)
I was standing in the Museum of Armor in Zurich. Snowing outside, going nowhere, alone. I looking at a life sized tableau of Swiss Pikemen with 16 footers. And they were bracing for a horse charge. I remember the looks on the faces of all 8 of them.

I thought, what is a nuke but a stand-off Pike? A Pike is a stand-off rock AND a rock is a stand-off fist. Seemed profound at the time. :)

Profoundness and subtlety are great things.
So a truck is not a long range weapon I thought you could get 500 miles or more if it were a diesel.

What about those 911 planes....short range; too loud?
beefbisquit said:
Correction; [GUNS] Can send multiple bullets 2-3 miles in..... 5 seconds?

The truck can drive 800 miles in.....11 hours. Not counting gas stops and traffic.

Read "context":

  • 1.
    the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.

edit: I forgot you choose to "use history sparingly for context"
So a truck is not a long range weapon I thought you could get 500 miles or more if it were a diesel.

No, a truck is not a long range weapon. lol


What about those 911 planes....short range; too loud?

A jet plane, for all intents and purposes, is a missile.
I'm glad you love it.

You tell me....

Hey man. Why do you edit my posts and then quote that? You know I can make sad hash out of you that way.

So. walking on the forum rules and just making shit up and saying I said....makes you a sad chump indeed.

#480 I told you that is what I responded to. Go look. And I told you. We threw rocks and worse. We learned to be men. Yeah!!!! Real shitty. HA HAaaaaaaa.

Save face! That is a pun. Crush face. Save face. I love the long con.

See? you can only lie. And that is the last resort of the very stupid, to just make up a lie, in public.
Good job. I know the con went in deep now.

A ranged weapon is any weapon that can harm targets at distances greater than hand-to-hand distance. In contrast, a weapon intended to be used in man-to-man combat is called a melee weapon. Ranged weapons give the attacker an advantage in combat since the target has less time to react and defend. It also provides a safer combat option since melee combat often becomes a life or death struggle where each member has a high probability of dying.
Early ranged weapons include thrown weapons such as javelins, slings, darts, the bow and arrow, and medieval siege engines like stone throwers, catapults, ballistas and trebuchets. These ranged weapons were extremely effective in combat in comparison to close-combat weapons, as they gave the wielder opportunity to launch multiple projectiles before an enemy armed with melee weapons or shorter ranged missile weapon posed a threat to him. Siege engines were also used for passing or hitting obstacles like fortifications.
After the invention of gunpowder and the development of firearms, ranged weapons became the weapon of choice. In modern warfare, ranged weaponry is used in the form of cruise and ballistic missiles. Maximum effective range of a weapon is the greatest distance fired and able to produce casualties or damage consistently.

[h=3]Modern missile weapons[/h]
155 mm M198 howitzer

Exocet missile in flight

FFFFUUUUUCCCKKKK!! They forgot 'truck'!!!

Inform the authorities.
I stopped at "speed is irrelevant".

Is the seed of a bullet relevant? What if I throw one at you?

Perhaps you should have kept reading because I said that speed is irrelevant in the context of warning others via sound which was your question
  • If the truck is doing 50 mph from behind... How much noise does it make?

.. ie: screaming would be just as quick of an indicator of danger.

Ever notice that when idiots try to debate they cling to the most trivial parts of a statement, often contradict themselves and leave the most damning of arguments left unanswered?
Hey man. Why do you edit my posts and then quote that? You know I can make sad hash out of you that way.

So. walking on the forum rules and just making shit up and saying I said....makes you a sad chump indeed.

#480 I told you that is what I responded to. Go look. And I told you. We threw rocks and worse. We learned to be men. Yeah!!!! Real shitty. HA HAaaaaaaa.

Save face! That is a pun. Crush face. Save face. I love the long con.

See? you can only lie. And that is the last resort of the very stupid, to just make up a lie, in public.
Good job. I know the con went in deep now.


You got clowned and now you're relying on silly little games to try to save face. :(

Keep lying, everyone knows you were serious about your little rock-capades.

But this is humorous, you certianly are entertaining.
Did I ever say how I throw rocks or any limitation on rock throwing? I know I did not. I don't even have to go look.

Hmmm, perhaps you should have looked:

An 88 mile an hour baseball pitch is 129 ft/sec. That baseball speed is the across the plate measure, all the way from the mound. So, let me have a 2 pound rock at 10 feet at 100 feet/sec. That delivers 310 foot pounds and will not cut thru and thu like a bullet and embed itself elsewhere. It will dump all that into the brain, like a giant dum-dum.
Hmmm can't seem to figure out why one would talk about baseball pitches if not talking about throwing. Oh wait, to set up the "long con" right??
My brother and I played all kinds of rock throwing games.

The thing is, in a 50 ft throw with a 3 pound rock, both of us could nail that tree dead on and take a head size piece of bark off, most of the time.

Not lucky shots. We could throw it by at the knees, and make us jump, we could lean out on the tree and taunt. But, for both of us, zoning in on the bullseye was doable. And the tree guy had to move.[/QUOTE]

If you want to stand there and let me wind a 3 pounder between your eyes, I guarantee you it won't matter how fast it was going.
Ahh but when you said stand there and let you wind a 3 pounder between my eyes you really meant stand there and bring you little catapult in front of me, set it up, and fling one at my face. (Don't try to say a handheld sling shot can shoot a 3 lb rock, long con or not, it ain't happening - and definitely not at 70 mph).

But ahh, there is one post where you must have stopped with the long con for a moment (on purpose though right? This isn't what you were referring to any other time you referred to beaning, launching, hurling, or any other form of propelling rocks through the air)...
But, if I unleashed at close range, a full hip swing power throw with a big rock on your face, you would die almost immediately.
Hmmm, perhaps you should have looked:

Hmmm can't seem to figure out why one would talk about baseball pitches if not talking about throwing. Oh wait, to set up the "long con" right??

Not lucky shots. We could throw it by at the knees, and make us jump, we could lean out on the tree and taunt. But, for both of us, zoning in on the bullseye was doable. And the tree guy had to move.

Ahh but when you said stand there and let you wind a 3 pounder between my eyes you really meant stand there and bring you little catapult in front of me, set it up, and fling one at my face. (Don't try to say a handheld sling shot can shoot a 3 lb rock, long con or not, it ain't happening - and definitely not at 70 mph).

But ahh, there is one post where you must have stopped with the long con for a moment (on purpose though right? This isn't what you were referring to any other time you referred to beaning, launching, hurling, or any other form of propelling rocks through the air)...

All part of the long do-... er con.
So you underscore the 3rd definition ignoring the others for the purpose of attempting to troll me? My use of the word comrade (accurately at that) was enough to get your goat?

No worries, I am not a troll. I have never honestly known any ex-military use that term.....civilians yes; maybe its a new gen thing.