4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread


Well-Known Member
So here is my official update on the Mk ultra seed germed on 1-28-14
fed with full strength nectar for the gods early bloom phase, sitting under a T5 floro mixed spectrum and a 65 watt Han's panel (Ver. 3 I believe), Soil medium, a mix of light warrior and roots greenlight with about 20% ewc, and a tablespoon of perlite. I feed her almost everyday, if not every other day, she got foliar feeding's for the first 2 weeks of showing sex, now its been almost a week since last foliar feeding and she doesn't seem to mind one bit.

Picture from where it currently sits in the bloom room. The 1 cup measurement next to it is my drainage container it fits snugly onto the partycup and leaves about 1/8 of an inch at the bottom for water to stand and drain off.

Picture outside the room

A close up on a slant to get the whole view of The Mk ultra's Lady parts:

Hope this satisfies you guys that are thinking your getting first place...lol


Well-Known Member
Another week goes by, my BBK is looking a bit more awake now; starting to show a bit of character.

Below, is my BBK entry.


Here she is again along-side another BBK that I've been growing and stressing to produce fem pollen for a little breeding. So... my party cup entry may end up with something like that, but I'm trying to make her much prettier. Peace!


Well-Known Member
Why don't ya top that long ass toe...ew. Why would you top all that energy she's already put in to making flowers with?! I learned that the hard way too Sand in feet.
Well first off red We Sand people need long toes to walk thru the desert all nimbly bimbly like and not get burned, why do you think the tuscan raiders walk in a single file line???

As far as the topping goes its just an experiment she's about 2 weeks into flower and I wanted to see if I could create a more even canopy for budding especially since this sour diesel has allot of undergrowth. I normally wouldn't chop, but instead i'd supercrop, just trying something new. And who cares it not like I'm looking to pull 2 lbs of that thing anyways.


Well-Known Member
my weekend cupdate

they recovered a little bit from the neem stress. It sucks to have any stress with 12/12 fs Growth has slowed to a still. Once they fully come out trhey should be good. This may hurt yield. At least yield doesn't have shit to do with winning.

2 have recovered a little faster. One is still pretty stressed. They were perky. And within minutes of spraying them to rid of flies. The leaves drooped then curled.



Well-Known Member
damn hyroot those are looking pretty stretchy... and I thought you were gonna keep em short, how far away are your lights from them? Sorry to hear about your pest issue's man good luck to you and your girls.


Well-Known Member
So the last list of competitors I compiled was on 03-02-2014, @ 06:56 PM
which makes this post almost exactly a week later(+9hrs)
All those who haven't updated this week are about to be disqualified or dropped from the comp. just saying

heres a new list I made of those currently following the weekly posting rules for the comp:

sgt john

Not trying to do your job jimjim, just sitting around here bored outta my extreemly stoned mind.


Well-Known Member
I like how you have strategically hidden the runt in the back.... ;)

When did you germinate these again?

I threw seeds into a cup of water on the 12th late night. Planted on the 17th late night. They sprouted a few days later.

damn hyroot those are looking pretty stretchy... and I thought you were gonna keep em short, how far away are your lights from them? Sorry to hear about your pest issue's man good luck to you and your girls.

I don't think I ever said anything about these being short. Given the strain and how Mo's grew. Mulanjie Gold x Jillybean They are about 2 feet away from the Inda Gro / led pontoon combo

So the last list of competitors I compiled was on 03-02-2014, @ 06:56 PM
which makes this post almost exactly a week later(+9hrs)
All those who haven't updated this week are about to be disqualified or dropped from the comp. just saying

heres a new list I made of those currently following the weekly posting rules for the comp:

sgt john

Not trying to do your job jimjim, just sitting around here bored outta my extreemly stoned mind.
Nice almost 25 people weeded out:weed:. I think Puff and ghost did an update on fri too. I don't feel like looking back


Well-Known Member
My 3 Cherry AK s.eeds still haven't broken through. Going to give them a few more days before I dig them up and bow out. Been germed and in their cups for about a week now. Looking doubtful but keeping fingers crossed at least one pulls through


Well-Known Member
With no further adieu, I bring you Heller Keller...formally known as "Fallotta". She's a stubborn little bitch that refused to grow or die. Let's see how she's taking to her extensive training...
View attachment 3018116
Power nap after training. Toe topped, lollipopped, and bent over. She likes it rough like Psuzy.
View attachment 3018119
Looks average^^........ain't gonna beat sandy's mk ultra......sucker

How do you like those square white pots? Getting Tired of fabric.......wonder how your microbe population is digging the light leaks;-)

Btw stop spying into my bedroom! Your wife/kiddie porn not cutting it anymore redcarpetmuncher??


Well-Known Member
my weekend cupdate

they recovered a little bit from the neem stress. It sucks to have any stress with 12/12 fs Growth has slowed to a still. Once they fully come out trhey should be good. This may hurt yield. At least yield doesn't have shit to do with winning.

2 have recovered a little faster. One is still pretty stressed. They were perky. And within minutes of spraying them to rid of flies. The leaves drooped then curled.

Eagle claw, umbrella, frowning, convex, what's coming out of those straws? You're making Heller Keller look good :P


Well-Known Member
they are fine. slow down on the water is all. they have big fat leaves and that is good sign. do this put a drip tray under them add 1/8 inch water have 4 holes at bottom of cups. wait till they drink the water if they do in 4 hrs they want water if they dont then wait and test again tomorrow. now im assuming your RH is 50-65% and your temps are 70-80 degrees. before adding more. do this at day 3 after your last water. then they will tell you

Eagle claw, umbrella, frowning, convex, what's coming out of those straws? You're making Heller Keller look good :P