4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread


Well-Known Member
Darn it! I'm out...went 0 for 6 on my germ. Not gonna blame the seeds, I coulda been a little more careful about it. Mixed my soil universally when I probably should have layered it for the seeds.

Good luck to everyone! I'll still be watching
Damn, sucks to hear...............was worried about you in this comp/ your a great grower...........now gotta just see about puff!

Is the air stone in operation yet..?
Nope........will turn on around a month of 12/12

Here you go Chron, homemade 40w xte, 12/12 fs 16oz party cup, started mid Jan. I wish I could enter and show everyone how it's done. Lol

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very nice Jim........too bad it doesn't count:hump:

Im not gonna talk down bout these ladies and try take pity points like anyone else, erhem!! Psu!

They look GREAT! look at those....stems, and those........ petioles!

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Last one is the runt of the group- c'monnn gimme a TinyBomb!

Naw, once things do get going Ill try and take a picture everyday then upload them all per update, I forgot who had done this last year but I loved watching things chug along..

I dont necc know when.. or when not to water, so thats why I am so happy they are even standing.. pretty little tga bitches and your midget leaves... The mix is feeling VERY dry up top, and all "hardened together?"

Helpful advice? Should I squeeze the edges to loosen the soil in case it is compacting?

My last watering was my first ever, "SST..."......scotch's. stupid. tea.

1/3 of 1/3 Cup Kelp
1/3 of 1/3 Cup Alfalfa
handful currently cooking soil mix
Some ZHO
Ooooo... two shotglasses of Molasses (guesstimate.)

All in about a gallon and a half, and wasnt dilluted before I fed it... SO. we'll see how that goes.

I did go ahead and get some Ace of Spades going, through them in the same chamber, help cut consumption, as the PCCs till they sex, my other "active" area is running 20/4 with some SLH and Fruity Chronic Juice

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Be safe everyone!
good update scotch , look healthy.............yes break up the soil if compacted , don't want the water/nutrients too run-down the sides

I'll do an update tomorrow or sun. Mine are not doing to well. I just had a white fly invasion. Sprayed everything down with a soap/ neem / alcohol mix. The soap and been doesn't do shit to white flies on their own. So leaves on cups are droopy. I'm waiting for the hydro shop to get ladybugs in stock.
Agsil 16h + neem oil.... foliar/soil drench=====and be done with it http://buildasoil.com/blogs/news/12284349-all-natural-spider-mite-or-powdery-mildew-prevention-and-cure


Well-Known Member
Saturday night's alright for...updating my party cup grow. I pulled out the Canon DSLR to snap a few shots at different angles, with a proper lens. :)

She's coming along proper, now. Smells great. Definitely taking after the NL-side of the parentage. Drinking like a fish.


Well-Known Member
P1040405.jpgP1040397.jpgP1040404.jpgP1040398.jpgP1040400.jpgP1040402.jpgP1040399.jpgAlright here is my update guys, So the first pic is of all my cups, starting from the Front right which is the second picture we have jillybean! next up behind the jillybean we have a white widow that seems to have not sprouted, seed cracked and it started to sprout but didn't finish or died somehow, Next pic is of the original amnesia, and next to that we have JTR followed by a cheeseqauke next to that pic, The cheeseqauke looks little funny. The very first set of leaves that show after coming out of the seed didnt fully form. It seems for some reason the endosperm did not completely change into those first set of leaves, that is why they look brown. Then the last pic in the order is the second JTR.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was not planning on having all 6 for the comp, I just had 1 seed each of the amnesia and white widow so I just popped both of them for the hell of it. I guess the white widow did not care being popped just for the hell of it and made a run for the hills lol. oh well. So far I am liking the jillybean and JTR's the most. the JTRs leaves seem to be starting off fat, one a little weird looking compared to the other.

I was disappointed with the cheeseqaukes first leaves which starts off as the endosperm and while sprouting the endosperm is converted into what is those first set of leaves. For some reason it did not convert and gain chlorophyll throughout those leaves. But I am not counting it out, its just gonna have a slower start compared to the others until it gains more leaves for photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
All good....and nice to have another organic grower in the comp aswell...I take it you have your own soil mix doing itz thang? :)


Well-Known Member
yeah most definitely, Ill have to post pictures later but I have shots of the mycelium growing across the top of the soil. I also left a little more room on top for topdressing, and watering etc without having the water run off the top and over when watering because of the soil being at the top edge. I am looking forward to seeing how these turn out. I may replace that unfinished sprouted white widow with either another cheeseqauke or another strain to test out. (not for the comp of course) but just to run for myself.


Well-Known Member
This is the other seed I started that isn't my entry, so I decided to get a little crazy with the Sour Diesel...

2nd solo cup wannabe entry before topping

After topping

The top.. no more!


Well-Known Member
Good growth going on....Close nodes. Nice colour


Miley Cyprus Hill seems to be failing....

Started my bubblator going...


sgt john

Well-Known Member

Looks like everyone else is doing pretty well, I'm interred in what size yeilds people are gonna get..

I like Kools setup, pictures are good also.. Nicely done..


Well-Known Member
This is the other seed I started that isn't my entry, so I decided to get a little crazy with the Sour Diesel...

2nd solo cup wannabe entry before topping

After topping

The top.. no more!
Why don't ya top that long ass toe...ew. Why would you top all that energy she's already put in to making flowers with?! I learned that the hard way too Sand in feet.


Well-Known Member
Well glad the spam is now gone, anyone know what was up with that crap?

lol so I spent last night going through the last comp and I gotta say it was interesting and funny to read it all. And it was only what 60 something pages, we have barely gotten into this one and already were 98 pages in. I loved reading all the shit talking, it reminds me of when I was in the military. Nothing wrong with some jousting and all, builds camaraderie.

I can't believe froggy completely up and left. and JimJim. I was wanting to post that scary koala pic for you until I saw you already posted it after reading through the thread more lol, did not even realize you were from Aussieland.

So in the spirit of keeping things alive and interesting, I am planning on winning this just so you all know ;).. So how many people have already dropped, seems like quite few.


Well-Known Member
Why don't ya top that long ass toe...ew. Why would you top all that energy she's already put in to making flowers with?! I learned that the hard way too Sand in feet.
lmfao fuckin red.... I prob would've supercropped it before topping a flowering plant myself....but with that said , obviously not going for a record breaking yield on side project solo cup either


Well-Known Member
^ this guy lol I about blew beer through my nose. Lets see Hellen Keller! and have a good pic or drawing on the cup to match the name. :)


Well-Known Member
So in the spirit of keeping things alive and interesting, I am planning on winning this just so you all know ;).. So how many people have already dropped, seems like quite few.
Thats what I like to see, grower...confidence!

I guess we'll know after this weekend how many victims, errr, contestants, we have left.


Well-Known Member
With no further adieu, I bring you Heller Keller...formally known as "Fallotta". She's a stubborn little bitch that refused to grow or die. Let's see how she's taking to her extensive training...
Power nap after training. Toe topped, lollipopped, and bent over. She likes it rough like Psuzy.