Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

My brother and I played all kinds of rock throwing games. Mostly at each other. And I guess you can't make this stuff up. So, believe or not.

Take the back of an Apartment complex where the rock fill ended, it was about 60 ft down that rock slope to a marsh bottom, and on the edge where bulldozer didn't bury them from high above, were a few tall slim Aspens. About 60 feet high. Get the picture? High level even with the tree tops?

This around the same time when I shot him with the 30-06 blank, I made. Ahmmmm.....I was 14 he was 13.

So, how does this game even happen? We took turns crawling up a tree while the the other one fired on us with big rocks. Big. Gotta be that squirrel hunting, right?

The idea was to climb up and down and around the tree, and not get hit. And since it was a bit downhill throw, because we could only get up to 45 feet or so, in the Aspen tree, there was a good 2.5 seconds before impact. And waving the tree back and forth was part of it.

We almost killed each other, several times. A fall from the tree would be bad.

The thing is, in a 50 ft throw with a 3 pound rock, both of us could nail that tree dead on and take a head size piece of bark off, most of the time.

Not lucky shots. We could throw it by at the knees, and make us jump, we could lean out on the tree and taunt.

But, for both of us, zoning in on the bullseye was doable. And the tree guy had to move.

Don't tell my Dad, OK?

This post alone proves how f*ckin dumb you are. You think this is smart? Your an idiot an have been since birth apparently. You make Texas look worse than it already does. Im sorry I read through this thread....i feel a lot dumber now thank you.
Because we are not talking about murder, you vast dumb ass. We are talking about protection. The 2nd A is about man killing for protection.

Ahhh so rocks are better than guns for murder, but not defense. Makes sense.

1 million saves a year....bone head. I have posted this time after time and I am sure you have read it. So, you ignore. we are down to 16,000 gun deaths a year, but you won't aclniowlege how many of those were self defense. And you won't wake up to the fact that also, a million times a year, no shots fired, but protection still happened. Brandishing a firearm is self defense. It chills your ball sack but I doubt you have been on the receiving end, have you?

Citation required. FYI, you saying it, is not a citation.

I can't protect myself with a rock, without smashing someone. Not so a gun. But you surely remember how you began this. You said, only guns kill from a distance.

I didn't say only guns kill from a distance, I said Guns can kill from a distance rocks, not so much. Then you went on your rock tirade about smashing faces with 3 pounders from 50 feet, and how you, with a rock, are more deadly than most people with a handgun.

How stupid can you get? That is what the entire rock discussion is about if you even remember. You want to cheer the calls for Reason, when you don't have any.

And you won't open your dead eyes to the fact that yOU have a gun for protection, will never murder anyone and yet you, hand wave for Reason, with the Saganists.

I know I have a gun for protection, and I'm fine with laws require storage of said gun... that I use for protection. I understand this, apparently you do not. You also don't seem to understand that I am, in no way, suggesting the restriction of firearms, or peoples ability to use them.
We all make exceptions for ourselves regarding guns, thus deregulating ourselves.
If we all have that power, what is the point in the rules?
We all make exceptions for ourselves regarding guns, thus deregulating ourselves.
If we all have that power, what is the point in the rules?

You're right, no one can stop you from storing your firearms unsafely. There couldn't be 'checks' or enforcement until after the fact. But if there was a law regarding storage, and you get your gun stolen when you're away because it's not stored properly, you might be subject to a fine. (Just an idea for punishment, not sure what the best one would be)

Most people are law abiding citizens, this is one of the main arguments from the right. So, most people would follow the law. If most people followed the law, fewer guns would end up in the hands of criminals. Less guns in the hands of criminals means they're at a disadvantage to Mr. Joe Blow citizen packin' a S&W .500. lol
Ahhh so rocks are better than guns for murder, but not defense. Makes sense.

Citation required. FYI, you saying it, is not a citation.

I didn't say only guns kill from a distance, I said Guns can kill from a distance rocks, not so much. Then you went on your rock tirade about smashing faces with 3 pounders from 50 feet, and how you, with a rock, are more deadly than most people with a handgun.

I know I have a gun for protection, and I'm fine with laws require storage of said gun... that I use for protection. I understand this, apparently you do not. You also don't seem to understand that I am, in no way, suggesting the restriction of firearms, or peoples ability to use them.

The citation was stuck in your nose, many times. Use the search on Doer. post. guns

I understand you like to argue in circles. And you cannot require a single thing from me.
The citation was stuck in your nose, many times. Use the search on Doer. post. guns

I understand you like to argue in circles. And you cannot require a single thing from me.

You've never posted citations on saves. What is circular about that?

I'm saying show me some stats on saves from a reputable source, and you're failing to do so. It's not circular at all.
The citation was stuck in your nose, many times. Use the search on Doer. post. guns

I understand you like to argue in circles. And you cannot require a single thing from me.

If it's true stats exist and you want to earn some credibility back, what's the harm in you linking the post you cited them in? Perhaps you can't cause it doesn't exist?
Stop sidestepping and show a citation or retract what you said.

Let me beat you with a! Because I SAID SO!

Another whinny punk.

Now you pretend you want discussion,

1 million saves. Look it up. I get tired of you patty cakes, that are only into dick swinging and giving orders.

Oh, I have to end with what I always do when someone tries to order me about...what is it again? Oh yeah.

Fuck off.
Let me beat you with a! Because I SAID SO!

Another whinny punk.

Now you pretend you want discussion,

I've been asking you for a source for like 20 posts.... you're the retard that won't post it, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST.

1 million saves. Look it up.

Already did, doesn't exist. Still waiting for your source. Lemmie guess you lost the page in Never-never land?

I get tired of you patty cakes, that are only into dick swinging and giving orders.

Oh, I have to end with what I always do when someone tries to order me about...what is it again? Oh yeah.

Fuck off.

Fuck on, better results.

Now, if you're done being a dickhead and side stepping the question with your 'antics', everyone would like to see your magical 'saves' source.

That is, if it exists (which it doesn't).