Stoneslacker's 250w micro, hempy, scrog - Blue Hash, Afghan Kush Special. Cheese


Well-Known Member
Hey slacker that looks just about perfect!

Speaking of hempy being less work I drain my hempy buckets and refill so seldom that I forgot when I last did it.

They are way behind growth wise though compared to the ebb ones.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow Stoney, they look soooooo nice hey :-D
Your next run sounds awesome too, should get some interesting phenos too ;)
As for my next run, it will be my own made DJ Short Blueberry x Mr Nice White shark :) hoping this cutting i took shows some roots soon as i have to go away on sunday so will go straight in the system under a 400w MH to begin with! Stay tuned brother :)
Hey I like the sound of that cross for sure. Can't wait to see how she goes.

View attachment 3000643hey stoneslacker youre hittin on all 8 & i think my questions are pretty much answered as i look back through your thread my room is all cluttered right now as im running my ballast in my room [free heat] until things warm up a bit then im gonna put in mylar & hook up my inline duct fans but for now heat is not an issue ill soon be starting a new thread as my grow has changed up a bit had to start over as i overnuted my babies good thing my friend had extra babies my impatience cost me youve got a good thread here with lots of positive things WELL DONE!!!:clap:
Thanks HH. I have a patience problem myself so I can relate. I am amazed how much of a beating cannabis can take in veg and bounce right back.
Sounds like you have your grow smoothly underway now though.

Still no like button!?!? Looking great my man! I love the captivation of a well trained canopy!
Thanks SB. I don't think the like button is coming back, something about the likes and storing and tracking
them crashes the site. Hope they fix it. They are really starting to swell, be chopping soon.

Hey slacker that looks just about perfect!

Speaking of hempy being less work I drain my hempy buckets and refill so seldom that I forgot when I last did it.

They are way behind growth wise though compared to the ebb ones.
Thanks Bass. Sounds like you have the ebb dialed in nicely. I'd like to get a place with more room
in a couple years and try an ebb and a RWDC sometime.

Sitting at day 54. All 4 are supposed to finish in 8-9 weeks and I must say that they are going
to be right around there. I flushed last night and will watch them close over the next 10-14 days or so.




Well-Known Member
Man I just love looking at your pics hey, that canopy is something to be proud of :) your girls look extremely frosty as well! Top stuff mate :-D


Well-Known Member
Picture 005.jpgPicture 006.jpghey stoneslacker my grow is starting to respond for the better im gonna do a scrog this time ive also got a cc-blackwater abused baby im nursing back to health so my main grow this round is gonna be the skywalker that ive grown awfull fond of lately your grow is my inspiration i do the flood & drain because of its reliability started out in rockwool slabs & evolved into the coco smart pots im trying a 60% coco 40% perlite blend in the 2 gal smart pots i flood every day & start out at ph. 5.7 & adjust when the ph in my res. climbs to around 6.1 or so which usualy takes about 3-4 days im thinking it takes advantage of the fact that plants uptake nutes at different ph levels im waiting for my plants to get in their groove & the cal-mag should help that along i usually veg for about 3 weeks but due to the condition of my clones i might add a week its too soon to tell i clone off my grow the day i flip the light 12/12 but im starting over & these babies were extras a friend had & at this point im glad to get them


Well-Known Member
Took the Trainwreck tonight at day 62. She is remarkably similar to the Cheese from my last round in bud structure. The TW is not as bulky
as the cheese, or any other strain I've grown for that matter. She will not be a great yielder by any means, but her quality looks great.

She is very resinous and frosty with a spicy almost Haze smell to her. She started off as a clone in terrible shape, one set of leaves and one node.
I did not top her and she was quite a bit behind the other 3 all throughout veg. She ended up with a decent canopy, a bit crammed together though, which
shows why topping is so essential to scrogging IMO.

I definitely made some mistakes with her by lowering her screen too far. She stretched quite a bit and the grid for the screen is so far down it's not doing
anything. If properly spaced she would have performed better I think.

I will withhold judgement until I get a chance to smoke her. Her scissor hash is quite tasty and already has my head ringing a bit.

Here's some pics of the TW, Crit+ comes down next tomorrow or Wednesday.




Well-Known Member
Hey man, new journal is in my sig if you want to check it out :-D would be great to have one of the masters of scrog in to help me with my canopy building :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, new journal is in my sig if you want to check it out :-D would be great to have one of the masters of scrog in to help me with my canopy building :)
You know I'm looking forward to your grow man. I think you'll be just fine, you definitely are not lacking in the grow department bro.

The Crit + is down. She is nice and fat and pretty uniform across her canopy. I did get a bit lazy this grow and have more popcorn on some of the heads.
She looks to be the biggest producer this round although the Black Russian may give her a go for it.

It definitely won't be the trainwreck, she has shrunk up to almost nothing already and will be surprised if I get more than a zip off her.

Crit + pics. BR and Cheese both hopefully come down tomorrow.




Well-Known Member
Mmmm i love bud porn bro, especially yours :)
And cheers for the vote of confidence too, i hope i can live up to it lol ;)


Well-Known Member
Mmmm i love bud porn bro, especially yours :)
And cheers for the vote of confidence too, i hope i can live up to it lol ;)
No doubt you're going to kill it Easty. BB and Shark just sounds like a sweet mix. Bet she's gonna taste like str8 candy.

nice colours + crystals mate ! how much did that lady gave you ?
Thanks groox. The first one, trainwreck was chopped 2 days ago and the last set of pics, Crit+ was harvested last night. The
trainwreck will not end up yielding shit but she looks great.

The Crit+ and the other 2 that I will harvest tonight, Black Russian and Cheese, should end up in line with my past grows. Somewhere
around 65-85g each.


Well-Known Member
Qroox man, if you want to see how scrog is done properly, watch Stoney's threads. Im amazed at how he gets his canopies so perfect...every damn time lol. Pure scrog master :-D


Well-Known Member
Man yeah.Those are small ( well they are definitely not small buds) christmas cookie trees waiting to be harvested.The canopy is EVEN.Period :D.I still go to find what's best for me right now..I'll finish my vertcal grow and take my steps from there :D.I'll be watching this threads as well..;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. There really is no secret to an even canopy, just lots of string and tape to LST those tops down.

Well the last 2 have been harvested and both the BR and cheese are fairly impressive.

Black Russian really filled out well, she probably has the most volume of the 4. She has that great sweet/sour smell and a good bit of frost.
With the lights shut down and temps around 64F both have shown a bit of coloring with some purple at the tops. This BR is one of my favorites
and I am looking forward to sampling.

This Cheese pheno is so different in structure from my last grows cheese. It's hard to believe they are from the same
pack of seeds. The smell is a dead giveaway though, really sweet and earthy smelling.

I really enjoyed the last grow's cheese, nice quality smoke, so I am looking forward to seeing what kind of punch this pheno will produce.

Harvest shot.

Still undecided on whether I'll journal the upcoming grow. Will have a few things going on like feminizing for seeds and may just start another
journal or just update here or on my journal page. Seedlings are just developing their 3rd and 4th nodes so I have some time to decide.




Well-Known Member
Well SS, that was another excellent cycle!

Wonderful work.

I have my first Trainwreck finishing up in the tent right now, and its
yield looks to be decent. We will see.

Thanks again for taking the time to share what you do.


P.S. This post was '4' you. :0)


Well-Known Member
Stoney you sure get a lot of buds from a 250w hey, those hanging buds look like they should weigh a fair bit!
So awesome to watch man, will be looking forward to when you get back into it after feminizing hey ;)


Well-Known Member
Well SS, that was another excellent cycle!

Wonderful work.

I have my first Trainwreck finishing up in the tent right now, and its
yield looks to be decent. We will see.

Thanks again for taking the time to share what you do.


P.S. This post was '4' you. :0)
Thanks JD! Nice lucky 4's post.

The trainwreck I have is from clone so I don't know the breeder, but she definitely does not produce large buds.
Although, her tight canopy may have had some effect on bulking.

I did check out my buddy's TW last night, and it definitely looked "bigger" (His setup is 1000's of watts more than mine),
the structure was identical with the thin calyx "beads" for lack of a better term.

nice 4's java lol. SS awesome bud porn, if you do start a different journal post the link here so I can follow.
Thanks buz. I will probably not start a new journal till fall, but will update pics and progress here with my

Stoney you sure get a lot of buds from a 250w hey, those hanging buds look like they should weigh a fair bit!
So awesome to watch man, will be looking forward to when you get back into it after feminizing hey ;)
Cheers Easty. Got a good run out of her and was glad to see the 4th plant worked out.

I am following your model mate, taking a break to mess around before my next grow. Looking forward
to seeing if I can make this work and grow some viable feminized progeny.

Here is what I am working with next round.

Barney's Liberty Haze (from seed)
Dinafem OG Kush (seed)
Bomb Seeds THC Bomb (clone)
DNA Holy Grail Kush (clone)

I should add that the THC and HGK are freshly cut last night so there is no guarantee
that any will make it but chances are good.

Goal is to successfully self each strain using colloidal silver to reverse sex.

We shall see!