Stoneslacker's 250w micro, hempy, scrog - Blue Hash, Afghan Kush Special. Cheese


Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome brother, I reckon you'll find some winners in there hey. They're all pretty nice strains!
With the CS, just make sure you start spraying the week before you flip them and they'll grow balls straight out rather than pistils and balls :) spray for about 3 weeks all up or until you see balls! Go hard bro, cant wait to see how they come out!


Well-Known Member
Hey SS,

My Trainwreck is from HSO. I have popped two different females.

I cannot say that my buds are very large, but this is due to my not
knowing the breed and how much it would stretch....which was not
much at all for the pheno that I got.

I read about this in advance for the Bubba Kush that I started, also
from HSO, and I let it get big before putting it into flower. Now it
is about four feet from the top of the hempy == Perfect.

But I can say that the tops are totally filling in and make for what
I think is a great plant, yield-wise:
11 Trainwreck.jpg

It still has a couple of weeks to go.

The funny thing is that the Ace Of Spades that I started with it
is ready to come out tonight. Eight weeks.



Well-Known Member
View attachment 3019927View attachment 3019928Picture 066.jpgView attachment 3019930hey stoneslacker im almost there im gonna flip the light 12/12 & clone this week-end this stuff is starting to reek even in veg this is my first grow of this in hydro/coco [my prefered method] & is proving to be even stinkier than my soil grow was i would like to thank you for the efforts you put in your threads as ive got some good stuff from them


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just returned since the redo. I have my fem seed project in full swing, succesfully
pollinated the OG kush, and White Widow, just waiting to see if the Holy Grail and Liberty Haze took.

The 3 plant scrog is outta control this round! The Liberty Haze is just a stretchy monster and has been a real pain to control.
The OG and WW are both manageable and fairly even. I'll try to get some pics up tonight.


Well-Known Member
Hey JD and LK good to see you guys.

Got just some bad pics to post for now until I find my camera. At day 33 of flower.

Dinafem OG Kush


Barney's Liberty Haze

Greenhouse White Widow

Canopy side shot


Well-Known Member
hey stoneslacker good to see youve been busy since you been gone & even better to see you back ive finished my grow & started another one making a few changes


Well-Known Member
Looks really good stone. Always looks good! :-) I am waiting on the tent to finish in a few weeks and then I am just vegging through all the hot months... Ugh. Got LOTS to tide me over though. :-)


Well-Known Member
Going to have to relearn some things on the site I guess. I can't seem to figure out how to quote in my replies,
but haven't given it much effort yet.

Thanks JD. The Liberty is a good 10 inches above screen level, far more than I typically shoot for.

The trade off you have to make when doing multiple strains sometimes, as the white widow that
was the cause for the extended veg time is looking impressive.

Herk I seen some of your pics on the 250 thread, very impressive! Looks like you had some thick buds there
for sure.

I hear you with the hot months SG. I was hoping to have this run finished around now but had some
issues with veg time and reversing clones. Like you I have plenty that I grow and some generous
friends so the supply is not an issue if I take the summer off.

I just don't feel normal if I don't have some flowering plants to look at though. Growing is indeed an

I'll try to get some decent pics up tonight. (Found my cam, when in doubt usually one of the kids has it)

Have some nicely seeded OG buds I'll try to get pics of too.



Well-Known Member
yea... I have been more excited about growing this last year for sure. It comes and goes as the the addiction level to it. LOL By fall I am READY to get them going... LOL Has a lot to do with how much bud I have left...

Speaking of.... I have had horrible lower back pain flare up today. I think its time to go medicate and visit my dads hot tub. Scheduled me a deep tissue for monday too. Back Pain SUCKS.. ugh.


Well-Known Member
yea... I have been more excited about growing this last year for sure. It comes and goes as the the addiction level to it. LOL By fall I am READY to get them going... LOL Has a lot to do with how much bud I have left...

Speaking of.... I have had horrible lower back pain flare up today. I think its time to go medicate and visit my dads hot tub. Scheduled me a deep tissue for monday too. Back Pain SUCKS.. ugh.
Hey I figured out if you hit that button that says reply it quotes! :eyesmoke:

I hear you about the back pain my friend. Ruptured 1 and herniated another here. Everyone I know that has had surgery regrets it
though, so I'll keep medicating. Far more good days than bad, but some of those bad days are nightmares.


Well-Known Member
Yup... no surgery. That is last resort. I have massive amounts of compression fractures from my rock climbing fall. my L1 L2 have significant degeneration. I need to lose 50 more lbs and life will be better. Trying to find motivation to deal with the few months of extra pain from starting working out has been holding me back. I know better health will help alot. ugh.


Well-Known Member
Hey just thought I'd dust off this old thread since I returned to the site again and have a bit of free
time on my hands for a while.

Still keeping it green and have been messing around with some feminizing with a mixed bag of
success and failure. Had a few change but give no pollen but still have built up a small seed
stock of great strains.

Doing another round of fems and had some cloning issues and had to wait longer than I'd like
to start spraying them with silver. Still have a couple that looking promising with male flowers
developing nicely at 15 days into flower.

In the scrog area I am running Reserva Privada OG, Connoisseur Genetics Purple Cheddar, and
Royal Queen Critical. The crit I have run before and really like it and am looking forward to the other

The RP OG is very good I've heard and the PC is Exodus Cheese/GDP, 2 strains I really enjoy.

I will probably roll this over into a new thread once I start to pollinate.

Canopy shot day 10


Well-Known Member
Stoney my man, so great to have you back bro :-D
You've got that scrog thing down pat man, I always enjoy seeing your ladies all tied up like that!! Bring it on bro!!


Well-Known Member
Stoney my man, so great to have you back bro :-D
You've got that scrog thing down pat man, I always enjoy seeing your ladies all tied up like that!! Bring it on bro!!
Cheers Easty! Glad to see you around bro, and looks like things are going well for you. I've
seen from lurking on Flowa's page that he is running some of your crosses I think?

The outdoor ones look great I really need to get a new Blueberry, lost my favorite from
the previous grows and really miss it.