Well-Known Member
Good evening folks. Tonight we have breaking news. Law enforcement officials released a statement claiming that this man, Doer the Rockodile Hunter is on the loose:
Doer the Rockodile Hunter boasts horrifying credentials:
Doer the Rockodile Hunter is seen in this video shared by forum member BeefBisquit:
The taunts and threats on forums continued late into the afternoon:
Reference to original thread that motivated me to create this: Starting at post 178
He is to be considered armed and DEADLY. He has recently taken to the internet and posted the following on popular forums:
That's right folks, with a rock he is deadlier than most criminals wielding a 9mm handgun.If I bean you with a rock, I can finish you. I shoot you, most guys will run off, unless I ticked the right little spot. We see that very often on those CCTV foots.
My first shot with a rock is just as likely to kill as a bullet.
If you think I can't face plant a 1/4 pound rock from handgun distance, you are simply wrong about that. I have hunted with rocks.
That's right folks; face plant, squirrels, facebook, rocks... You simply can't argue with the following facts:When you hit a squirrel with rock...that was my childhood. My facebook page say, I travel the world and throw rocks.
He elaborates:We would have to work up some stats in foot-pounds. We need to look at how well a depressed, brain exposed skull fracture is survivable compared to say a 9mm to the Brain. Didn't someone just survive that? A Congress woman? And he walked up close. If you get your face crushed, that is immediate termination, you realize that, right?
So, a 9mm slug is about 7.5 grams and leaves at about 1150 feet/sec and if within 10 feet will deliver 340 foot pounds. An 88 mile an hour baseball (weight=5.25oz.)
Note: We ask that you refrain from referencing simple physics here and believe that a human can throw an object 6 times the weight of a baseball at the speed of a major league fastball.pitch is 129 ft/sec. That baseball speed is the across the plate measure, all the way from the mound. So, let me have a 2 pound rock at 10 feet at 100 feet/sec. That delivers 310 foot pounds and will not cut thru and thu like a bullet and embed itself elsewhere. It will dump all that into the brain, like a giant dum-dum.
No one can stand a 2 pound rock in their face, I don't think.
Can't argue with those statements..A rock at 100ft per second at 2 pounds will not bounce off your head. It smashes your skull.
Doer the Rockodile Hunter boasts horrifying credentials:
My brother and I played all kinds of rock throwing games. Mostly at each other. We took turns crawling up a tree while the the other one fired on us with big rocks. Big. Gotta be that squirrel hunting, right? The idea was to climb up and down and around the tree, and not get hit. And since it was a bit downhill throw, because we could only get up to 45 feet or so, in the Aspen tree, there was a good 2.5 seconds before impact. And waving the tree back and forth was part of it.
Gasp! The credentials go on:We almost killed each other, several times. A fall from the tree would be bad. The thing is, in a 50 ft throw with a 3 pound rock, both of us could nail that tree dead on and take a head size piece of bark off, most of the time.
Not lucky shots. We could throw it by at the knees, and make us jump, we could lean out on the tree and taunt. But, for both of us, zoning in on the bullseye was doable. And the tree guy had to move.
We wouldn't dream of it. The last thing we would want is a Rockodile Hunter after us.Don't tell my Dad, OK?
That's right folks, TEXAN ROCKS!I was raised with rocks in Texas. And my brother and I taught each other how not to blink.
Doer the Rockodile Hunter is seen in this video shared by forum member BeefBisquit:
The taunts and threats on forums continued late into the afternoon:
Note: Law enforcement officials advise that you don't stand there and let him wind a 3 pounder between your eyes.If you want to stand there and let me wind a 3 pounder between your eyes, I guarantee you it won't matter how fast it was going. It will be going plenty fast enough.
Just imagine you are looking at this.
Here is an image provided by Doer of a rock victim:
Smashed and robbed
Here Doer the Rockodile Hunter slips and gives possible defenses against rock attacks:
His taunts and threats did not stop there:Smashed and crushed are not synonyms in this context. So, obviously you need a vitamin B shot or something.
Tell me I could not come up and kill you with that blow...or debilitate you. Here is how. I would smash you with a palm plant of the rock, and let you live. But, if I unleashed at close range,
There you have it folks. We strongly advise you steer clear of DOER, THE ROCKODILE HUNTER! If you should encounter this man, we urge you to seek shelter and contact authorities with his whereabouts immediately!a full hip swing power throw with a big rock on your face, you would die almost immediately.
Reference to original thread that motivated me to create this: Starting at post 178