Doer the ROCKODILE HUNTER - Mass Murder by Rocks, you Vast Idiots

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Well-Known Member
Oh, and <blush> I forgot to thank you for the "Just like UB" nomination. I always sincerely appreciate those.

Sometimes, gosh darn it, you are just too dang nice to me.


Well-Known Member
You provoked me bud by telling me to f-off. I can laugh at dumb shit I say and do. If you want to brag about standing 10 feet from someone with a rock in hand and say you're going to best them...go ahead. But be prepared to take some ribbing for it, that's all I'm saying...ok


Well-Known Member
go on back huckyberry. There.... about 10 feet. I telling you man, it gets there before you think. I know your handedness from your stance and know the direction you will dodge.

That's how you get squirrels too. They favor a direction around the tree.

Who can't take a joke? Who told me I should calm down, who said I was a DIRTY NAME? Henhehehehehe.... dust off, walk around, blow your nose. Now think about the true art of ribbing.

Ribbing doesn't compute. If you think you have rocked my world, you haven't.

And I have worked damn hard for that pun and you should appreciate it. :)
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