Fire is controlled for murder. The subject is murder. Are are you sure you don't have massive ADD? You cannot even stick to the point....static electricity??? WTF? Head in the sand.
Fire and static are both naturally occurring. Guns are not. It's not complicated. Stay with me here, big rig. FIRE =/= GUNS.
Tell me any permission device that can be cleared instantly. There is none. So it is a dangerous and killer concept and your attempts be reasonable are sickening.
You are making straw men arguments. I
NEVER suggested using a permission device when you might need to use your firearm you jackass. RREEDNG CUMPWEHENSHUN. Win.
That is how Hitler got all of Europe. We have been reasonable with Russia and that really works out.
A new cold war.
Oh my shit. More argument from absurdity. You really suck at this, all of your arguments only make sense when taken to absolute absurdity. The misinformation surrounding Hitler and disarmament is mostly bogus, but I'm sure you already know that just a right wing ploy to make an argument against gun registration (which I do not support).
You are an appeaser, you are the idiot, why we have the 2nd....specifically because of you.
Oh yeah, those damn responsible people requesting firearms owners act like fucking adults instead of bratty fucking children.... like you.
Just pick up your toys and go home.
You are just a conflicted and confused Saganist and are the problem by MAKING STUFF UP and ignoring the saves that guns make on daily basis.
I've asked for citations on the fact that guns save more than they kill, which you cannot provide because the stats DO NOT FUCKING EXIST. Jackass.
It makes you look extremely stupid to ignore the saves.[/QUOTE]
I'm not, I know guns do save some lives. You have stated they save more than kill, with ZERO citations or sources. How does putting a trigger lock on your firearm when you're not home, and not using it, or ready to use it harm people? Literally the only thing it would do is make firearms more difficult to steal.
I know you're not the best at reading and writing, so I'll spell this out without using any big words;
Criminals are bad guys.
Bad guys use illegal guns.
Illegal guns come from theft and smuggling.
Making guns harder to steal will make criminals a) go elsewhere for firearms b) help stop criminals from using firearms.
Criminals with no firearms < citizens with guns.
Now, explain to me how using a trigger lock when your firearm is
stowed away prevents you from protecting yourself?