Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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that's not true.

thanks to civil rights, you can not be fired for being black and other reasons. something that had to be FORCED on you racists because you refused to do so on your own.

Its true. You can't be fired for being white or gay either, just for not doing you job, being late ect., same for everyone.
i have cited it many times.

i asked you directly if you thought civil rights was a good idea, and you said that you did not think it was a good idea.

All you can come up with is a "not a good idea" cropped quote and a BuckParaphrase TM
Which is jack shit.

what's bigoted about bringing up your documented history of racism?
Where is this documentation?

and do you honestly think i am slamming the blacks for being denied service, or the racist southern whites like you for denying them service and standing opposed to civil rights?

You attempt to make my "not a good idea" quote into something its not. Because you are lying to cover you latent racism.....from the same quote:

Look dude I don't think its a good idea. Not because I want businesses to be racist but because this stuff imho is better worked out by the individual.
What should happen is the purples make a stink, boycott my eatery, persuade all the oranges and greens to do it too.....they will, cause they all know its wrong....I go out of business cause times have changed for the better.

nice attempt at a smear, ya dumb shit, but it came back to bite you.

do we really need to go over this again?

southerners like you from both parties opposed civil rights.

northerners from both parties supported civil rights.

so again, you attempt to take a swipe at me, and it comes to backfire on racist southerners like you.

what a fucking stooge.

No smear. Your party founded such voter denial tactics as lynching, burning crosses and terrorism to suppress the party that wanted to free the slaves.

You keep erroneously pointing to who voted for civil rights as north vs south completely missing who perpetrated the actions that led to the legislation and the vote.......wait for it.......Democrats.

The bullying is alive and well now, irl and on this board right now, namely by you.....see my sig below for any questions you may have about your self hate....I could probably find a study or two if it would help you out dummy.
Its true. You can't be fired for being white or gay either, just for not doing you job, being late ect., same for everyone.

you are fucking retarded.

you can be fired for being gay in the south, there is NO law against it, unlike in most every blue state.

the south has still not extended civil rights to gays.

Where is this documentation?

are you honestly so stupid that you need to document the history of racism in your southern home?

You attempt to make my "not a good idea" quote into something its not.


i asked you point blank if it was a good idea for the federal government to end the racist practices that southerners like you refused to end on your own.

you sad, and i quote "i don't think it's a good idea".

Your party founded such voter denial tactics as lynching, burning crosses and terrorism to suppress the party that wanted to free the slaves.

You keep erroneously pointing to who voted for civil rights as north vs south completely missing who perpetrated the actions that led to the legislation and the vote.......wait for it.......Democrats.

again, you are attempting to rewrite history.

those actions were perpetrated by SOUTHERNERS, which is why SOUTHERNERS were subject to preclearance, not democrats.

you fucking idiot.

The bullying is alive and well now, irl and on this board right now, namely by you.....see my sig below for any questions you may have about your self hate....I could probably find a study or two if it would help you out dummy.

i'm not bullying you, i am simply correcting your revisionist history and reminding people of your racist views toward blacks.

go cry in your cornflakes, sport.
OMFG this is retarded.

you're claiming if the south had been left to continue the practice of slavery, that would have been less harmful than continuing slavery.

what a retarded thing to say.

you need some major perspective that you won't gain by making subway sandwiches all day long.

I'm saying had their not been a failed southern war for independence that today things would be better, if you look at post war southern blacks, they had it rough, probably rougher than they did prior to slavery. At least as slaves they were fed and given some care if they had value to their owners, I'm not saying that is a great thing, but that life for free blacks in 1880 was probably worse than the life of a enslaved black in 1850.

The south would have likely given up slavery in the 1880's on it's own accord. There would be not animosity towards blacks, because in such a scenario the slaves weren't "stolen" they were "given up."

Look at the lives of free blacks in the south prior to the civil war. Sure they weren't equal, but they had more rights and better lives than blacks did for nearly 100 years after the war.

It goes without question to those who have studied it that the lives of blacks of the late 19th and early 20th centuries would have been better had slavery ran it's course.

Every other western based society eventually gave up slavery on their own, why would the south be any different?

The war that ended slavery is a direct cause of much of the hatred that was generated towards blacks in the south.
I'm saying had their not been a failed southern war for independence that today things would be better, if you look at post war southern blacks, they had it rough, probably rougher than they did prior to slavery. At least as slaves they were fed and given some care if they had value to their owners, I'm not saying that is a great thing, but that life for free blacks in 1880 was probably worse than the life of a enslaved black in 1850.

The south would have likely given up slavery in the 1880's on it's own accord. There would be not animosity towards blacks, because in such a scenario the slaves weren't "stolen" they were "given up."

Look at the lives of free blacks in the south prior to the civil war. Sure they weren't equal, but they had more rights and better lives than blacks did for nearly 100 years after the war.

It goes without question to those who have studied it that the lives of blacks of the late 19th and early 20th centuries would have been better had slavery ran it's course.

Every other western based society eventually gave up slavery on their own, why would the south be any different?

The war that ended slavery is a direct cause of much of the hatred that was generated towards blacks in the south.

not a single thing you said in that entire retarded reply was anywhere in the area of truth.

blacks in the south did not have it better in 1850 than in 1950.

being held as a slave in 1850 was not better than being a free person in 1880.

there was no hatred "generated" towards blacks by the civil war, it already existed because you southern retards viewed them as subhuman.

slavery in the south would have gone on for a long, long, long time with idiots like you trying to argue that it is better to be enslaved than be free and subject to the repugnant racism that you spew.
you are fucking retarded.

you can be fired for being gay in the south, there is NO law against it, unlike in most every blue state.

the south has still not extended civil rights to gays.

There is no law against it, yet it does not need retarded pills thrice a day.

what's bigoted about bringing up your documented history of racism?
twostrokenut said:
Where is this documentation?
are you honestly so stupid that you need to document the history of racism in your southern home?

lol not at all, I am too stupid to think you know words mean stuff though.
You said you could document MY racism, now it switched to the south, derp dee derp dee droools on face.


i asked you point blank if it was a good idea for the federal government to end the racist practices that southerners like you refused to end on your own.

you sad, and i quote "i don't think it's a good idea".

Nope. Another lying sack of BuckPost TM I'm is what you actually asked:

what say you? do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to mandate that private business owners whose businesses were 'open to the public' serve the entire public? i'm talking hotels, gas stations, restaurants, and the like. do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to end racist practices that states were refusing to end on their own?
And here was my actual response....Yet Again:
Look dude I don't think its a good idea. Not because I want businesses to be racist but because this stuff imho is better worked out by the individual.
What should happen is the purples make a stink, boycott my eatery, persuade all the oranges and greens to do it too.....they will, cause they all know its wrong....I go out of business cause times have changed for the better.

again, you are attempting to rewrite history.

those actions were perpetrated by SOUTHERNERS, which is why SOUTHERNERS were subject to preclearance, not democrats.

you fucking idiot.

Of course they were Southerners moron what you conveniently leave out is they were Southern Democrats...and that you continue their legacy to this day.

i'm not bullying you, i am simply correcting your revisionist history and reminding people of your racist views toward blacks.

go cry in your cornflakes, sport.

I eat Reeses Peanut Butter puffs fool.
You, just like your KKK founders are nothing but bullies.
Lets prove this shall we?
Besides your dumbass "not a good idea" theory, which is well documented here by now and completely making you look more retarded....

Please quote me on what make you think I am "racist towards blacks".
Not stupid BuckParaphrases TM, actual quotes that are not your libelous opinion.
Failure will mean you're just a punk liar that uses bully tactics in an attempt to avoid conversing civilly about hard issues.

My sig however, does not lie.

Yea yea yea yeayeayeayea yeahhhhh...yeayeayeayah yeah yeah yeahhhhhhhh. Multi quote blitz.....yeah yeah yeayayayaaaayaya. It's not gay if it's a three way.
not really a single thing of substance in that whole post to respond to, just you chasing your tail about your infamous quote.

try as you may, but when you say that it is "not a good idea" to end the racist practices of the south, you endorse that racism.

i should also point out that southern republicans opposed the civil rights act more than southern democrats.

and try to tell vandy beth glenn that no one in the south gets fired for being gay.


you dumb, dumb racist.
not a single thing you said in that entire retarded reply was anywhere in the area of truth.

blacks in the south did not have it better in 1850 than in 1950.

being held as a slave in 1850 was not better than being a free person in 1880.

there was no hatred "generated" towards blacks by the civil war, it already existed because you southern retards viewed them as subhuman.

slavery in the south would have gone on for a long, long, long time with idiots like you trying to argue that it is better to be enslaved than be free and subject to the repugnant racism that you spew.

You have a certain aversion to reality, don't you?

Anyone, if given the choice would chose to be free over being a slave, that isn't up for discussion, I did not say they were better off as slaves, I said in ways their lives were rougher as free persons than slaves.

Once free, where did they go? They had nothing and no one. They had to go off somewhere to land no one wanted to try to scratch out a living on. They had absolutely no protections from laws after the occupation army left after Reconstruction. Sure, no one was going to sell your child (an event that didn't occur often) but it might starve to death. They were given nothing, denied many ways to get what they needed, and blocked at every opportunity when one finally started to get ahead. At least prior to the war they were fed and given basic medical care.

How many books about pre-civil war race relations have you read? I've read several. And I can tell you that prior to the civil war, FREE blacks enjoyed a level of social acceptance that they did not reach again until well into the 20th century.

Slavery is like a drug, in many ways. It wasn't 'the south' that set up the slave economy. England did. Those who lived in the south just so happened to be born into a society shaped by those who had come before and made them dependent on slavery. What do you do when you inherit a vast amount of wealth and a substantial part of it is slaves, and what is left over is dependent upon those slaves to be productive? You keep them until it no longer makes sense. How do you make it make sense? You boycott the goods produced by slaves.

The south had tentative support from France and England during the war. They were willing to end slavery, after the war, in exchange for aid. The aid never came because on the same day the dam broke in the western front (Vicksburg) and the Army of Northern Virginia was fatally wounded at Gettysburg. It became evident the south could not win, and negotiations ceased.

The United (Confederate) States of America was the last western nation to have slavery in its own territory. Other countries in the western hemisphere (Brazil, Peru, etc...) held slaves for 30 more years or so. Today they have much better race relations than we do. Their black slaves of African ancestry were treated much worse than ours, we outlawed slave importation in 1808, it made slaves scarce, and very valuable. Compared to their counterparts in Brazil, a slave here was very well fed and treated. There, they were worked to death, literally.

Do you honestly think that the American south was unique in the world and would have kept slaves into the twentieth century?

You have fallen victim to propagandist history that seeks out to make totally evil men who did something evil. Undoubtedly you will spin this into something it isn't, an advocacy of slavery. I don't advocate for slavery, what I do say that had slaves in the US been freed under different, more natural and gradual circumstances, those who were newly freed would have enjoyed more freedom, and less hatred upon their liberation. This is common sense, and the way it is in every other country where the process happened more normally.
They were given nothing, denied many ways to get what they needed, and blocked at every opportunity when one finally started to get ahead. At least prior to the war they were fed and given basic medical care.

what a shame that we ended slavery then.


fucking slavery apologists and civil rights opposers from the south, they are so dumb that they are blind to their own racism.
not really a single thing of substance in that whole post to respond to, just you chasing your tail about your infamous quote.

That's because you don't have jack, lolz...that's what little kids say when they can't think.

try as you may, but when you say that it is "not a good idea" to end the racist practices of the south, you endorse that racism.
Except I never said that.....I can do the same thing with this quote, ready?

According to Buck you will never get him to stop his "racist practices" because he believes firmly in them.

i should also point out that southern republicans opposed the civil rights act more than southern democrats.
I should point out that democrats founded the KKK, rinse and repeat.

and try to tell vandy beth glenn that no one in the south gets fired for being gay.


you dumb, dumb racist.

Fucking Christ you are an idiot.
First, she was transgender, not gay.
Second, she used Federal District Court, so much for your "no recourse" theory; you get dumber by the post keep it up.
So GA has no laws to protect as you put it yet she wins a lawsuit anyways, way to go.
It never works out when you grab "supporting" stuffs of the net real quick without actually reading it, bravo.

So you know, here's a link from a little kids site that might help you understand the term "transgender" better and not mistake it for "gay" Transgender People Gay?

Being transgender is not the same thing as being gay.
Being transgender is about gender identity — the way you see yourself and the gender you identify with. Being gay or lesbian is about sexual orientation — the gender you are attracted to.
Many gay and lesbian people are comfortable with their gender. They don't want to be a different gender from what they are. They're just attracted to people of the same sex they are.
Because sexual orientation is a different thing from gender identity, a transgender teen can be straight, gay, or bisexual — just like other teens can.

Cop, cook, draw - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bye bye RIU.

what does the T in LGBTQ stand for, mr. i-do-not-think-civil-rights-was-a-good-idea?

care to tell me how many states in the south protect either gender identity of sexual orientation?
what does the T in LGBTQ stand for, mr. i-do-not-think-civil-rights-was-a-good-idea?

care to tell me how many states in the south protect either gender identity of sexual orientation?

Its ok, you're a dumb racist bigot....things could be much worse you could be John Galt practicing Austrian Economics with Treadmills, or hanging weed over kitty poo.

  • do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to end racist practices that states were refusing to end on their own?

  • Look dude I don't think its a good idea.

  • I never said that....​

he never said that, folks. he never, ever said that thing that he clearly said.

  • do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to end racist practices that states were refusing to end on their own?

  • Look dude I don't think its a good idea.

  • I never said that....​

he never said that, folks. he never, ever said that thing that he clearly said.

Your quotes are even dumb....mine earlier have arrows so "folks" can jump to the thread.
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Its ok, you're a dumb racist bigot....things could be much worse you could be John Galt practicing Austrian Economics with Treadmills, or hanging weed over kitty poo.

i'll answer for you.

the T stands for transgender, and not a single state in the south protects transgender people from discrimination or termination in the workplace. likewise, not a single state in the south protects gays from discrimination or termination in the workplace.

whatever you do, don't look up brook waits of texas.
Your quotes are even dumb....mine earlier have arrows so "folks" can jump to the thread.
Reported as spam.

my formatting may be for shit (thanks, new computer), but the quotes about ending the racist practices of the south not being a good idea come from you.

you said, and i quote, that you "don't think it's a good idea" to end the racist practices of the south.

that is an endorsement of racist practices from you.

i don't even have to point out how you call the president by racial slurs, either.
what a shame that we ended slavery then.


fucking slavery apologists and civil rights opposers from the south, they are so dumb that they are blind to their own racism.

The InterWebz said:
Myth #4: The pre-Civil War era was the low point of U.S. race relations.
The InterWebz said:
Slavery was a low point, no doubt, but the era between 1890 and 1940 was a "nadir of race relations," Loewen said. Tiny steps toward racial equality were reversed. For example, in the 1880s, decades before Jackie Robinson stepped onto a major league field, a few black baseball players faced down racism to play for the professional leagues. That all changed in the 1890s, Loewen said.
"It was in these decades that white ideology went more racist than at any other time," Loewen said. Eugenics flourished, as did segregation and "sundown towns," where blacks were either officially or unofficially not allowed.
"In that period the North is not going to correct Southern historians for claiming that slavery and race had nothing to do with the Civil War," Loewen said. "The North is being incredibly racist itself."
The race-relations nadir gave rise to myths 1-3, Loewen said. It also heralded the Dixie ties now heralded by Union states such as West Virginia and Kentucky, he said.
"Kentucky never seceded. They did send 35,000 troops to the Confederacy and 90,000 to the U.S." Loewen said. "Today Kentucky has 74 Civil War monuments. Two are for the U.S. and 72 are for the Confederacy."
Part of the re-casting of the Civil War may have been an attempt to smooth over North-South relations, Deaton said.
"One of the ways you bring the country back together in the wake of the Civil War is to stop talking about what caused it," Deaton said. "To do that, you have to stop talking about slavery, because it's a very ugly thing." Is totally not a pro slavery site.,5911344

Thats a good link to a news paper, cant cut and paste, here is a nice snippet.
"I found case after case where free blacks sued white plantation owners held them illegally, and all white judges and all white juries found in favor of the free black."

"Many free blacks owned businesses in the old south...It was not at all unusual for whites to get their hair cut by black barbers who owned their own shops."

"Many free blacks owned farms...and slaves before the war...and backed the confederacy."

The past isn't as you would have it UncleFucktard
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