question about air vent


this is everything i have purchased to date

Reflective Mylar Hydroponics Grow Tent Green Dark Room Hydro Indoor 48"x48"x78"
Growlush Heavy Duty Timer Analogue 24 Hours 10A Max
Reflector CFL Fluorescent Energy Saving Plant Lights 2700K 6400K Grow Lamp Kit
300W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Plant Flowering Hydroponic Hydro Light Lamp

is this sufficient ? (of course including the potts and the soil )

this is the soil and pott i am using :



will this setup above produce heat? and smell?

here are the strains

BB-RQS03057Royal Queen Seeds Northern Light Auto Feminized
BB-HVY523FHeavyweight Seeds Turbo Bud Auto Feminized
BB-ASDS304FAuto Seeds Berry Ryder Auto Feminised
BB-GH25CFEMGreen House Seeds Super Lemon Haze Feminized
BB-BARN538FBarney's Farm Liberty Haze Feminized
BB-ASDS305FAuto Seeds Trans Siberian Auto Feminized
Options:: 3 AUTO FEM
BB-BOM509FBomb Seeds THC Bomb Feminized
SPL-89005111Spliff Seeds Blueberry Feminized (Gold)


i have another question, is it a good idea to spray the inside of the grow tent with some anti bug spray before the growing starts?

also which anti bug spray is good for this?
What kind of intake vents are in your tent? That's a nice size fan and should handle your exhaust needs. The filter at least needs to be inside the tent with the fan pull in air into the filter and out of the tent. I would get a small intake fan unless your tent is equip with passive rectangle vents which might be ok if you get a speed controller to keep your tent from imploding lol just kidding but that baby will make the walls suck in without the proper area to intake air.
I wouldn't spray anything in the tent. Get good soil that's not exposed to bugs and you will be ok. Start your grow and watch for bugs if you see them you have a few options. Neem oil seems to be ok in small amounts or you can get a cigarette and let in sit in water till the water turns light brown and lightly mist the dirt as nicotine is a pesticide. The fan filter should take care of your heat as the heat from the led1ZAW15981259150925
will be almost non existent but the cfls will throw off heat. Your fan should handle it. A fan speed controller is recommended as it will preserve your fan life and filter as well as quite that beast down. Looks good so far. What ferts will you be using?


thank for that info

the tent has i think various sizes, there is four holes all together

all i know about fertz is advanced nutrients, i will get some beginner pack
I'd find a cheap little 30$ intake to match one of them holes to keep the tent from sucking in to bad. I cut my 440cfm fan on and forgot to open any vents and left.. my new tent should be here in a week or two lol


oh man lol! after all the money i spent i wish i knew that before!

so you think that the fan and carbon thing will just collapse the tent on itself? by sucking it in?
oh man lol! after all the money i spent i wish i knew that before!

so you think that the fan and carbon thing will just collapse the tent on itself? by sucking it in?
Doubtful, but I guess possible... Under very severe circumstances. It will cause negative pressure, which is what you want. The idea is that all the air leaving the tent is being sucked through the carbon filter, "scrubbing" the air and exhausted via ducting through a port. Keep the unused ports open to act as passive intakes and or use an intake fan on the lowest setting to bring in fresh air and cool the tent which also keeps the pressure more balanced, but still having negative pressure. The idea is to have more air leaving tent than coming in.


I wouldn't spray anything in the tent. Get good soil that's not exposed to bugs and you will be ok. Start your grow and watch for bugs if you see them you have a few options. Neem oil seems to be ok in small amounts or you can get a cigarette and let in sit in water till the water turns light brown and lightly mist the dirt as nicotine is a pesticide. The fan filter should take care of your heat as the heat from the led1ZAW15981259150925
will be almost non existent but the cfls will throw off heat. Your fan should handle it. A fan speed controller is recommended as it will preserve your fan life and filter as well as quite that beast down. Looks good so far. What ferts will you be using?
also are the hobby pack advanced nutrients sufficient? or do i need somethign else?


Doubtful, but I guess possible... Under very severe circumstances. It will cause negative pressure, which is what you want. The idea is that all the air leaving the tent is being sucked through the carbon filter, "scrubbing" the air and exhausted via ducting through a port. Keep the unused ports open to act as passive intakes and or use an intake fan on the lowest setting to bring in fresh air and cool the tent which also keeps the pressure more balanced, but still having negative pressure. The idea is to have more air leaving tent than coming in.
okay thanks for that info

so i should by another exhaust fan? but that has less RPM

also does th fan that i have have some kind of control on which way it blows or sucks in? or does it only suck in air and cannot be reversed?
The fan blows in one direction. It depends, you might not need another exhaust fan, I would though, the more air circulation the better, unless your going to run a sealed tent. Do a test to see how your current setup works and go from there.
Mine didn't even collapse it murdered my zipper though. May have been weak stitch in and I have no idea how long it sat there like that it was a dry run I just forgot to open any ports. Luckily my light wasn't damaged at all but it did crack the cool tube which I can't replace yet. You do want minimal neg pressure but not a whole lot. I've never used those nutes before so don't make me like to you but everyone has their own taste. Practice makes perfect. Them little ass fans move some serious air I never thought I'd come home to a shredded tent like that but lesson learned. Thank god it was a metal frame. I can only assume when the zipper tore a metal part smacked my cool tube help I dunno but it looks like you got most of your bases covered so far. I'd do a dry run like I did before spending bank on seeds to find out you have some stupid flaw like I did that woulda killed my plants if they were in there.


what the reason that i need a pps meter? i can understand the other two but isnt pps for hydroponics? im going to be using soil
The plants take in only a certain amount of nutes and to much will cause a salt build up witch will hinder uptake. The ppm meter isn't mandatory but I like to control all aspects of my plants life. It also helps to diagnose problems with water and informs you of your base water before adding nutes and ph adjustment. Its just a way to better condition your water but some ppeople ppl left don't even use a ph meter and get decent result. You can hold off on it until you get some income from your investment but once you master your setup you will want to find any possible way to get the best bang per plant.
On the hygrometer/temp I'd say to find one with the sensor on a wire so you can position it near the canopy but avoid direct light hitting it and direct air from your fan to get an accurate reading.