Security/stealth on the internets?


Well-Known Member
Good morning!
Couldn't see a better sub-forum to ask about this, so I hope it's OK.

What do people on RIU do to cover their internet tracks? I just signed up and started posting, which probably wasn't the brightest idea.

We're running Linux at home. I poked around a little bit and it looked like installing AppArmor for Firefox is one step, but I don't think that's enough. Do we have any security experts with a bit of time to explain? I've never messed with VPN or etc.

Anyone who's posting grow journals with pictures and etc. is probably either risking it or has taken appropriate action to hide their physical whereabouts, right?

I believe TOR is a good way to go but cant be 100% sure.

Im sure there are more techy guys on here than me..

I know of people who have been busted with pics on their phones so I would suggest not using a mobile to take your pics...
Just start from scratch. New email under good ol' john smith, sign up with that account, use it strictly for the forums.

Then pictures is where alot of people fuck up. Everyone takes em with their phone then either sends em to an email or takes em off the phone. Either way there is exif data.

I use a dslr but any camera that doesnt have wifi or gps will work. Still might wanna wipe the exif by either getting a program that allows you to save without it, or taking screen shots. Thats what i mostly do even though i have a dslr. Makes the pictures a few hundred kb as well so cuts upload time by a ton.

Other than that theres really nothing you can do. You can do all those other things to make it safe but honestly, if someone wants you bad enough none of that is going to help. especially if theyre govt affiliated. they invented the numbers for encryption so they can easily blow it wide open.

Your best bet is to know how to look for holes that people have gotten into and get em out. Update java regularly, update everything regularly.

Watch some of the DEFCON seminar videos and youll see that there are very very few ways to get around anything with computers. Theres always a back door.

From flash drives that can be converted to blast through your shit without even being at the login screen, to botnets and proxies robbing you of speed and information.

Key to computer/internet safety is to never use said computer for ANY personal doings. Not ebay, not ordering from hydro sites. Nothing. Thats your only hope and even then your ip is always there.

Last but not least do not post from your grow spot. Or dont grow in your home you post from. haha.
You have good info above on photos and email addresses.
I use a VPN and also software that prevents tracking, the same software will also mask my email for free and will also mask my phone number and visa card for $5 a month.
If you want a link to this software let me know, personally I find it very effective.
It's also a good idea to use different usernames for different sites.
Since this is a thread that I can add some info to, figured that I would post some info. First off there is no such thing as absolute security. The only way that there could be would actually start with the forum site itself. Requiring an encrypted connection and a large legal team. Even then your email is at risk especially with a big box site like gmail, msn, yahoo, etc. If you actually read the disclaimer all of them mention that there is no expectation of privacy. This means that upon request data pertaining to the request of the authority can and will likely be provided. As mentioned in one of the other posts, do not use a cell phone to take pictures. Especially from an iphone or an android. The pictures themselves will contain headers that can identify the device, the contract holder, date and time and other information. Be very careful. Definitely use an external camera. Do not give time stamps on your photos, and do not have pictures with barcodes on pots, equipment, or locations where items were purchased.
First dont post pictures ...... ever

Second watch what you say , Yes the name off this fourm is RIU , but this is also a garden fourm that alot off dirty hippys hang out at that hapen to know their shit

In some places it's legal to grow fruits vedgi's nut's , dont grow anything illegal , talking about it (even if your not doing it) is just dumb
First off, I am a hacker, a good hacker if you will (or at least good for me - lol), that is I make my living identifying hacks, cleaning them up, and securing the aftermath. That said. There is no way to completely hide yourself, only place deterrents in from of potential listeners so they'll go chasing easier targets. If you're on the internet, at some point your traffic will be intercepted (it doesn't matter where you live either, all this crap going on about the NSA spying, and countries giving the US a hard time about it is smoke & mirrors, they all do it. If agencies don't get it, other hackers interested in profit will get it, you're in the public domain, get over it).

However, there's no need to be completely paranoid either. To get busted by someone tracking/reading your posts would be extremely unlikely. If you think these drug enforcement agencies have the time or budget to worry about some guy growing a few plants in their house, then I have some swamp land in Florida for you bro... They don't and can't chase everyone, their budgets allow only going for the bigger guns. To track and identify someone takes time, effort/money (that's the good part for me), and eventually a warrant of some sort has to be issued, so it better be something worthwhile and justifiable.

At the same time, if you're reckless and don't at least try to cover your tracks, you may as well walk into a cop station and tell them you're growing. But none of that has anything to do with being tracked on the internet. It has to do with common sense things like:

Never telling ANYONE outside maybe your extremely close family (maybe your brother if you know he's cool with it, like my long time partner knows because I don't hide anything from her and she helps me, particularly handy for things like trimming which I hate and she loves!!). This is the most likely way you'd get busted, hands down, and has nothing to do with technology, it's the old school big mouth/bragger syndrome that will get you busted.

Obvious, but If you're posting here, be careful not to mention specifics or post pics that could track back to you easily

Never use your personal email address on any site like this. Create a freebie somewhere else, use it for registration and then don't use it for anything else or even connect to it again. It's not necessary (use the control panel notifications) so emailing yourself notifications is not necessary on this site. Besides, they don't modify/strip titles so if you forward yourself emails from here, you'll get the very descriptive subject lines, essentially advertising that you're growing pot. Forget the traces/hackers, just someone looking over your shoulder could give you away.

Which brings me to the second one associated with the one above, NEVER use your email or access this site from work, unless you're Ok with showing up in your companies' logging/tracking software, be prepared to explain that one. All large companies log everything for valid reasons like laws and compliance.

More technical but relevant to the conversation:

If you're posting pics that's Ok too, just make sure a) they don't include anything that could give away your specific location b) to make sure a) doesn't happen, either turn off the location services on your phone camera, or specifically turn it off for the camera (e.g. iPhone allows you to have the GPS on which you would need for maps, but specifically turn it off for certain apps/functions like the camera). For pics, if you're not sure, strip the meta data before posting it, in Windows it's as easy as right clicking the file, selecting properties, selecting details, click the "Remove Properties and Personal Information", then choose the "Create a copy with all possible properties removed". Takes a few seconds and ensures there's nothing identifiable in the picture.

If you have the option, use a location other than where you grow to post, just an extra precaution but not high on the list of potential bust threats

If you don't have the option, use a proxy server, that will somewhat hide your address (not really but it adds that extra deterrent, they'd have to dig deeper and obtain more data from the proxy site). Yes, this could slow down your connection slightly, sometimes cause issues with apps, but for the most part proxies are invisible/transparent. Your own ISP may have a proxy service, they may not advertise it but if you ask them a lot of them have them available. This isn't a huge deal as most people don't have fixed IP addresses for their Internet connections, with dynamic IP's they'd have to get your ISP's data (effort, time, deterrent) and search through that to find when and where you posted anything, then correlate it to the destination post, again it's just another deterrent option.

I use all of the above as it's just second nature to me and whether what I'm doing is illegal or not, I don't want anyone snooping around my personal business. For most, the first few points will be more than sufficient.

I posted something recently about this in the support forum and the one good thing is that RIU doesn't log IP addresses. That's a good thing because as well intentioned as they may be, not having the information stored is the first line of defence, storing = potential hack = bad...
tails + tor dude. tails + tor. and also download "easy exif delete" if you need to post pics. be safe, stay free.
Get a good, off-shore vpn, on that keeps on logs. I love AirVpn, they take security seriously. When I post pics, I go through two vpn services. Having it off-shore means that they don't have to comply with US regulations or subpoenas, and if they keep no usage logs, there's nothing to give up, anyway. No one will see you IP address, and your tunnel is encrypted, so no one can see what you're doing. It's cheap security, good luck!
I use two VPN's as well sometimes, one has a kill switch so if the VPN disconnects for whatever reason it kills my internet until it connects again
Goto install the app on your computer. Then you can easily take screenshots of your pics and upload them anonymously and use the image URL to post pics
Dont get parking tickets and pay your bills. Good citizens pay their bills and obey local law directives. Therefore good citizens dont come to the attention of the authorities. Citizens who dont come to the attention of the authorities are less likely to get busted.
Basically, here is no point to being a stealthy ninja online if you act like an arsehole in meatspace.
tails + tor dude. tails + tor. and also download "easy exif delete" if you need to post pics. be safe, stay free.

I'm sorry but I really hate people who make these comments.

This has been proven time and time again by hackers and other nasty people that use the deep web for shit they shouldn't.

I will go into depth another time, I actually wrote an article on this for a friend who used it to get a bad ass grade at tech school.
I have to search my PC, but I'm sure its here somewhere.

Although the better question would be for someone who is this paranoid, what are you doing that you're afraid of getting caught?
Growing MJ is NOT a huge offense like most people claim, that is of course, unless you are growing lbs and lbs and have a warehouse or an entire apartment filled up.

Most people on this website are casual growers, who either grow for personal use because of medical issues, or just grow for personal use because they rather not fill another persons pockets with their hard earned money. I'm in both boats.

These people really have nothing to fear unless they have a History, Federal or State workers, Politicians, Selling and making tons of untaxed money, Are known in their area for selling or growing, or are doing something much more than growing weed in the background. The budget just isn't enough to go fuck with every person growing, and it would create more problems than good if they were to start arresting people left and right for growing MJ, if it were to hit the media, all hell would break loose.
The NSA is spying on other countries.
They know who we are if they want.
Like GroErr says they don't have the time or money to bust small time grows.

Keep your name clean and don't worry, be happy.
Last time I checked RIU had me living in England:)
IMO I haven't anything to hide.
My browser is patch work. My computer is a bunch of compiled junk. It runs vista on the same drive it came on. Other than the drive that vista came on everthing else has been replaced. The program still displays the original owner, whoever that was.
My ip address changes everytime I reboot this heap of junk etc.
I don't run anything but the security in wndows internet options. Everything is set to ask me first for incoming.
Even still it is better to be a bit weery of weirdos.
At the same time, if you're reckless and don't at least try to cover your tracks, you may as well walk into a cop station and tell them you're growing. But none of that has anything to do with being tracked on the internet. It has to do with common sense things like:

Never telling ANYONE outside maybe your extremely close family (maybe your brother if you know he's cool with it, like my long time partner knows because I don't hide anything from her and she helps me, particularly handy for things like trimming which I hate and she loves!!). This is the most likely way you'd get busted, hands down, and has nothing to do with technology, it's the old school big mouth/bragger syndrome that will get you busted.

Obvious, but If you're posting here, be careful not to mention specifics or post pics that could track back to you easily

Never use your personal email address on any site like this. Create a freebie somewhere else, use it for registration and then don't use it for anything else or even connect to it again. It's not necessary (use the control panel notifications) so emailing yourself notifications is not necessary on this site. Besides, they don't modify/strip titles so if you forward yourself emails from here, you'll get the very descriptive subject lines, essentially advertising that you're growing pot. Forget the traces/hackers, just someone looking over your shoulder could give you away.

Which brings me to the second one associated with the one above, NEVER use your email or access this site from work,

I posted something recently about this in the support forum and the one good thing is that RIU doesn't log IP addresses. That's a good thing because as well intentioned as they may be, not having the information stored is the first line of defence, storing = potential hack = bad...[/QUOTE]
Awesome post, thanks oh wise one
Does anyone know of any reports that show the number of small arrests made due to posts in online growing forums? I would think we would hear of these stories and the outrage from the public due to invasion of privacy IMO . I might try some research on that.