Greenpeace Founder: Climate Change Is Bogus

Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore claims that man-made climate change is just a bunch of hot air, as it were
In his Capitol Hill testimony this past week responding to the United Nations Panel on Climate Change, Moore — who earned a PhD in ecology — insisted that “There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years … no actual proof, as it is understood in science, actually exists.”
Yes... and I am sure he would lie about this because the climate is getting warmer... everyone knows that....
Good. Now you have 3.134% of scientists who don't believe climate change exists as opposed to 3.133%.

Making progress.

Meanwhile I'm sure the other 96.8% are meeting in the back corner of a bar somewhere, plotting out their next insidious attack on American business.
Good. Now you have 3.134% of scientists who don't believe climate change exists as opposed to 3.133%.

Making progress.

Meanwhile I'm sure the other 96.8% are meeting in the back corner of a bar somewhere, plotting out their next insidious attack on American business.
Where are you getting your numbers from, are you really claiming that only 3% of scientists world wide disagree with AGW?
Where are you getting your numbers from, are you really claiming that only 3% of scientists world wide disagree with AGW?

that's the approximate number that study after study after study shows and you've never been able to provide the least bit of evidence to the contrary.

all you can do is plug your fingers into your ears, hold your breath, stamp your feet, and say "NUH UH!".
Where are you getting your numbers from, are you really claiming that only 3% of scientists world wide disagree with AGW?

The low is just under 4%, the high is 6%. So yes, you can search for the studies yourself in a journal database. Climate Change is about as accepted as evolution since it's effects can be proven, contrary to what the business propaganda machine would try and have you believe. But you seem like the type who's already bought into the business community's propaganda.
Wait a fucking minute. Is this seriously?........Wowsers. And, I thought that I was a spammer.
The low is just under 4%, the high is 6%. So yes, you can search for the studies yourself in a journal database. Climate Change is about as accepted as evolution since it's effects can be proven, contrary to what the business propaganda machine would try and have you believe. But you seem like the type who's already bought into the business community's propaganda.

So where are your sources for that claim?
So where are your sources for that claim?

If you're interested, pull up an academic database and search for the keywords. I'm not here to spend my time doing more work to prove to you that you're a moron. If you care about being right, as opposed to fueling your ego, then you'll figure it out for yourself. You have the same resources I do.
teh fux is a "deforestation company" ?

you been watching captain planet re-runs again?

pulp and paper companies that clear cut rain forests and other such places.

i figured a refined intellect like yourself might be able to piece that one together, i guess not though.
Just to jump start your recovery, and to refresh my memory, here you go. This is your one freebie.

"We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming."

better than 2/3 of global warming research papers expressed no opinion on the "anthropogenicness" of global warming.

then they go on to repeat their "97% consensus" meme based on the bottom 1/3.

brilliant scientific reasoning