Aid to Israel rape of American taxpayer

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Eat shit you worthless cum stain. I see you're also delusional, but no big surprise there either. First, I am not a biker and I have no "biker buddies" but I see that you're incapable, in that pea brain of yours, of discerning between one who rides a bike and a biker. Secondly, I need nobody to back my shit up unlike yourself who constantly goes on about needing a gun or "friends". Actually, I'm quite surprised you have friends other than the ones you probably swap seminal fluid with.

It'll be just my knuckles pounding your worthless ass into a pulp...Again, you are incapable of remaining civil with anyone who disagrees with you for more than a few days and you're right back to your mean, hateful, racist, spiteful self. You're an old, bitter, spiteful waste of air.
Fuck you Dave. You can join the crowd of assholes who are lining up to kiss my liberal ass. If I weren't an old fuck, I'd gladly oblidge you in your fist frenzy, you may get in a few blows but I guarantee you you'd know you'd been in a fight. Hey how'd you like me calling your wife a cocksucker, funny I thought. fuck You asshole, she started it with her obscene caricature of me. I was mild with my reply. I'm saving all your threats in case you ever show up at my front door. Be afraid, be very afraid!
And to what do I owe the honor of being called a lib. Actually I am quite proud if my liberal Ideas. Here's my philosophy in a nutshell. If you aren't fucking over anyone in any manner, then you're allright with me.
But you and your ilk can fuck over as many people as you please, is that correct?

It seems that on this site especially, those birds are extremely rare. There are a few good eggs on here and a few that are on the border, but there is a contingent of hateful, spiteful folks with extremely large mouths, or pieholes as some may say. Those are the ones that I have issues with, And to be blunt, they can kiss my liberal ass. I will be as nice to you as you are to me. Give and you will recieve.........
Bullshit. You consistently start the battle and then disingenuously claim to be the victim. Your responses are especially shrill when you are getting your couch-wide ass handed to you. You are a fraud. A clown who entertains us all with your sad antics.
Fuck you Dave. You can join the crowd of assholes who are lining up to kiss my liberal ass. If I weren't an old fuck, I'd gladly oblidge you in your fist frenzy, you may get in a few blows but I guarantee you you'd know you'd been in a fight. Hey how'd you like me calling your wife a cocksucker, funny I thought. fuck You asshole, she started it with her obscene caricature of me. I was mild with my reply. I'm saving all your threats in case you ever show up at my front door. Be afraid, be very afraid!
I can't speak for Dave, but I'm terrified. LOL!

I can only quote your favorite President when I say: BRING IT ON!
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I thought you showed your hand quite well when you took to actually calling me such a lovely name, med. You showed your hand quite nicely. What's a shame is that more people can't see the truly mean-spirited, rotten-to-the-core ugliness that goes behind a response like that, especially from a man your age.

What a shame, you don't even understand what it is to 'respond in kind', yet you preach about getting what one gives.

Had you any sense of humor, you might have offered up something of wit, something of character, something actually amusing.

Something, med, like this...


Or maybe...


Now, those would have been funny.



But the sad reality is that the best you could come up with was nothing more able than a schoolyard taunt. At least you thought it was funny. :)
I thought you showed your hand quite well when you took to actually calling me such a lovely name, med. You showed your hand quite nicely. What's a shame is that more people can't see the truly mean-spirited, rotten-to-the-core ugliness that goes behind a response like that, especially from a man your age.

What a shame, you don't even understand what it is to 'respond in kind', yet you preach about getting what one gives.

Had you any sense of humor, you might have offered up something of wit, something of character, something actually amusing.

Something, med, like this... Or maybe...
Now, those would have been funny.

But the sad reality is that the best you could come up with was nothing more able than a schoolyard taunt. At least you thought it was funny. :)
Med consistently shows bad form. It seems he is simply unable to make a point without including some sort of attack, vague or specific.

Even in defeat he is unable to simply scurry away. Unable to retreat showing good order, he exposes himself to more attacks in an attempt to get in the last word. A desperate attempt to appear victorious, all the while in the clutches of ignoble defeat.
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It is hard to understand, but Med thrives on negative attention. In a way, we all feed his addiction by calling him out. He loves it.

The only real way to fuck up Med is to ignore him.
Why would it dissapear? I've voiced my displeasure with Israel several times, and most certainly my advanced hatred of that traitor Joe Lieberman on many occaisions. If you remember, he was a democratic senator (In name only) as he voted with the Bush vandals 99.9% of the time. I have no hatred or predjudice against jewish people, just the zionism of Israel and the traitorism of Lieberman. I wouldn't support either.

bad choice of words on your other post med. Maybe if you originally said Israeli instead of Jew? dunno
It is hard to understand, but Med thrives on negative attention. In a way, we all feed his addiction by calling him out. He loves it.

The only real way to fuck up Med is to ignore him.
You are correct. He loves the attention. And you are correct in saying we somehow encourage his bad behavior by responding. There is something about Medicineman and negative reinforcement.

But I disagree that ignoring him is the answer. I tried that tact shortly after arriving at this site, not ignoring him exactly, but avoiding the Politics section because of his revolting behavior. Eventually I realized that if I let him run roughshod over the site, he wins. So I started engaging him again he eventually resorted to a verbal WMD in an attempt to silence me. A move he has come to regret many times over.

Ignoring Med is nothing more than appeasement. Appeasement does not work. It provides a temporary solution. It sends the wrong message and ultimately backfires. There are some problems which simply cannot be ignored in civilized society.

No, the solution is for members to stand up to him and say, "Enough, Medicineman. Enough! Behave yourself or get the fuck out and stay out."
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Well Johnny, I do respect your discission to touch the unwashed. All I can say is use latex gloves and alcohol pads afterwards.
That's good advice. I'm not too worried about a little dirt, it's the price one pays for taking out the garbage. And shit washes off.

My concerns are a shade more intangible. I worry that my zeal in combating Med's criminal insanity may lead to madness all my own.

Friedrich Nietzsche said it best:
Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.
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"Ignoring Marxists/libs/med is nothing more than appeasement. Appeasement does not work. It provides a temporary solution. It sends the wrong message and ultimately backfires. There are some problems which simply cannot be ignored in civilized society.

No, the solution is for members to stand up to him and say, "Enough, Marxists/libs/med. Enough! Behave yourself or get the fuck out and stay out."

Med is the consummate lib. Over time, I have seen the most "reasonable" libs agree whole heartedly with his positions. Upon inspection of their records, they seem to be decent, unassuming people. Except for a few posts, which could be excused as rage, of which I usually started :mrgreen:. Liberalism is a hate filled philosophy which focuses on material things, and these are material people. The "fringe" libs are the honest libs. I have to give them that distinction. I'd take a loud, obnoxious, lib any day over a quite, smiling lib. The results will be the same if they take power, but at least we won't be able to say, "I had no idea that smiling, unassuming lib was a "real" lib." They're all real, real enough to take the hard earned fruits of our labor in the name of compassion, compassion which I exhibit without prompting.
I thought you showed your hand quite well when you took to actually calling me such a lovely name, med. You showed your hand quite nicely. What's a shame is that more people can't see the truly mean-spirited, rotten-to-the-core ugliness that goes behind a response like that, especially from a man your age.

What a shame, you don't even understand what it is to 'respond in kind', yet you preach about getting what one gives.

Had you any sense of humor, you might have offered up something of wit, something of character, something actually amusing.

But the sad reality is that the best you could come up with was nothing more able than a schoolyard taunt. At least you thought it was funny. :)

Indeed I did my fair maiden. Those were some pretty nasty caricatures, you must admit. I thought it very amusing since one couldn't actually see what was under the desk. In fact if you remove yourself from the equation, I'm sure you could have seen the humor in it. I actually didn't see the humor in your caricatures either. And would you please give up some ass to that crazed husband of your so he may mellow out, geeze what a temper, he has me scared to death. I can barely sleep at night. I feel threatened. I live in a house with 6 people and feeling threatened is not a pleasant experience, makes me nervous and I have to keep my gun by my side at all times. Now that I've Made my legal case, geeze, I feel a little less threatened.

"Ignoring Marxists/libs/med is nothing more than appeasement. Appeasement does not work. It provides a temporary solution. It sends the wrong message and ultimately backfires. There are some problems which simply cannot be ignored in civilized society.

No, the solution is for members to stand up to him and say, "Enough, Marxists/libs/med. Enough! Behave yourself or get the fuck out and stay out."

Med is the consummate lib. Over time, I have seen the most "reasonable" libs agree whole heartedly with his positions. Upon inspection of their records, they seem to be decent, unassuming people. Except for a few posts, which could be excused as rage, of which I usually started :mrgreen:. Liberalism is a hate filled philosophy which focuses on material things, and these are material people. The "fringe" libs are the honest libs. I have to give them that distinction. I'd take a loud, obnoxious, lib any day over a quite, smiling lib. The results will be the same if they take power, but at least we won't be able to say, "I had no idea that smiling, unassuming lib was a "real" lib." They're all real, real enough to take the hard earned fruits of our labor in the name of compassion, compassion which I exhibit without prompting.

Wow, take your meds much?bongsmilie

But honestly I think you are great. I only wish there were more honest conservatives like you, brave enough to really let it out. It really lets more moderate independent thinkers see why this form of extreme neo-conservative way of simplifying all other philosophies they disagree with, is a slowly dying phenomenon; a result of growing pains from the 20th century U.S. to the 21st century world. Save the Neo Cons!! before it’s too late:cry:
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Fuck you Dave. You can join the crowd of assholes who are lining up to kiss my liberal ass. If I weren't an old fuck, I'd gladly oblidge you in your fist frenzy, you may get in a few blows but I guarantee you you'd know you'd been in a fight. Hey how'd you like me calling your wife a cocksucker, funny I thought. fuck You asshole, she started it with her obscene caricature of me. I was mild with my reply. I'm saving all your threats in case you ever show up at my front door. Be afraid, be very afraid!
This does not look like the statement of a man frightened for his life. It reads like the words of a man spoiling for a fight.

And would you please give up some ass to that crazed husband of your so he may mellow out, geeze what a temper, he has me scared to death. I can barely sleep at night. I feel threatened. I live in a house with 6 people and feeling threatened is not a pleasant experience, makes me nervous and I have to keep my gun by my side at all times. Now that I've Made my legal case, geeze, I feel a little less threatened.

Dog-squeeze! If you we're kept awake last night, it was with glee in your heart because Dave took the bait. He descended down into your level of existence. I think you slept like a well-fed baby safe in the knowledge no-one was coming and you could play the victim for all to see. BRAVO!

You, the fucking KING of false bravado: threats and promise the of physical reprisal. That's your fucking MO!

It's funny, but it would be much funnier if it were not true, and not so sad.
You are correct. He loves the attention. And you are correct in saying we somehow encourage his bad behavior by responding. There is something about Medicineman and negative reinforcement.

But I disagree that ignoring him is the answer. I tried that tact shortly after arriving at this site, not ignoring him exactly, but avoiding the Politics section because of his revolting behavior. Eventually I realized that if I let him run roughshod over the site, he wins. So I started engaging him again he eventually resorted to a verbal WMD in an attempt to silence me. A move he has come to regret many times over.

Ignoring Med is nothing more than appeasement. Appeasement does not work. It provides a temporary solution. It sends the wrong message and ultimately backfires. There are some problems which simply cannot be ignored in civilized society.

No, the solution is for members to stand up to him and say, "Enough, Medicineman. Enough! Behave yourself or get the fuck out and stay out."
Saying nothing implies consent. I cannot tell him to leave, I can make my own observations, though.
Oh, and, "I smoooke weeed every daaa'eeee'aaay"
I think it goes, "All day long... yeah." Or something like that.
If you we're kept awake last night, it was with glee in your heart because Dave took the bait. He descended down into your level of existence.
That's OK Johnny. I willfully took the bait. Additionally, I don't mind wrestling with the pigs from time to time even if it means I'm gonna get dirty.
That's OK Johnny. I willfully took the bait. Additionally, I don't mind wrestling with the pigs from time to time even if it means I'm gonna get dirty.
It's just such a farce to see him to try to act shocked and appalled. Med believes what you say only if it fits his stereo-type of you.

I'm sure he terrorized his family with the specter of the mean, bad, rich, Libertarian, biker-man coming to get them like a thief in the night. That seems to be his style.

Based on his bluster one sure wouldn't take him for a weak, feeble, old man.
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