Well-Known Member
All good man, at least you didnt go straight in with the full strength at the start lol! I'd go full strength for both the base and the adds. The adds like silica is what the plant needs for cell division so it should be at full strength. The dr repair has chelated iron and nitrogen so it can be at full strength too, b1 boost doesnt really matter but can be at full strength, ryzofuel definitely full strength and not sure if you're using uptake or zyme, i dont tens to use those two but full strength cant hurt.Yea she is man. I can't believe it myselfbut yea you can def tell the difference. I'm glad I'm getting this right cus I've never grown hydro but I've done a lot of studying and watching some very good growers here like Eastcoast and others so I have an idea.
Thx Eastcoast much appreciated for the info. You know I figured after seeing her the next day after the flush and fresh feed that I could have given her more nutes. I just didn't wanna fuck her up cus y'all know I'm new this this hydro so I'm jus doing everything safe. So would you say at my next flush I should be giving her just about full strength base and adds or 3/4 for adds. I'm glad your here man you really helping big time bro.
Mate if you do, just keep an eye on it and if there are signs of nute burn (on the tips) the next day, just add some fresh water to make it back to 1/2 - 3/4 strength. No need to do a full flush again