NWO Takin' Shape?


Well-Known Member
You bet your ass...........or do you not like plumbing?
I would think you work for the gov't with the way you talk. Taking pride in your country is one thing, but you need to look at the facts.

Your not implying that your a plumber, ARE YOU? If so, than thats cool because I have family that are plumbers.

Ccodiane, you give me the impression that you are SOO patriotic that you don't believe the gov't does wrong doings. Look up "Operation Northwoods". Operation Northwoods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




New Member
Your on the precipice, We. You seem to display a good amount of common sense, something that experience, not schooling, teaches, but are also easily swayed by popularity. Your close to virtue, but closer maybe to the consensus.

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." by Thomas Paine.

This sums up my feelings on government. The facts are, We, that people are the government, large collections of people. I am but one man, who loves freedom. America provides me this freedom more than any other nation on Earth could, for the time being. Therefore, I love America.

No, I'm not a plumber. But, what gives that self-identified educated fool the prerogative to downplay the role of ditch diggers. They work hard for their money, and, usually don't stay in that line of work for long. (Yes, I've been a plumber, and, a ditch digger, in previous lines of work.) People move up through the "classes" throughout the course of a lifetime, and sometimes down, but no-ones position is static. To be your best, you have to start at the bottom and work your way up. There is nothing wrong with this. Quite the contrary. Ditch digging is admirable. As are all the "lowly", acutely necessary, professions. What we don't need is more Sociology/Liberal Arts/Psychology degrees, we need more masons and plumbers. (You'll notice he did not divulge whether I was right or wrong on my guess.)
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New Member
Your on the precipice, We. You seem to display a good amount of common sense, something that experience, not schooling, teaches, but are also easily swayed by popularity. Your close to virtue, but closer maybe to the consensus.

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." by Thomas Paine.

This sums up my feelings on government. The facts are, We, that people are the government, large collections of people. I am but one man, who loves freedom. America provides me this freedom more than any other nation on Earth could, for the time being. Therefore, I love America.

No, I'm not a plumber. But, what gives that self-identified educated fool to downplay the role of ditch diggers. They work hard for their money, and, usually don't stay in that line of work for long. (Yes, I've been a plumber, and, a ditch digger, in previous lines of work.) People move up through the "classes" throughout the course of a lifetime, and sometimes down, but no-ones position is static. To be your best, you have to start at the bottom and work your way up. There is nothing wrong with this. Quite the contrary. Ditch digging is admirable. As are all the "lowly", acutely necessary, professions. What we don't need is more Sociology/Liberal Arts/Psychology degrees, we need more masons and plumbers. (You'll notice he did not divulge whether I was right or wrong on my guess.)
Geeze, you were a plumber. I thought plumbers had to have common sense, like shit stinks and water runs downhill,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
I've had my fair share of "shitty days", that's for sure.........
I've been an apprentice on some pluming jobs (with my family) and I have a lot of respect for them. They work hard. Some of the stuff they have to deal with is lurid! Fixing old drainage pipe takes a hard stomach, but new work (or supply lines) isn't a dirty job. Plumbing doesn't compare to the labor/endurance it takes to work on commercial fishing boats though- If you want to talk about a tough job!!


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New Member
And you don't appreciate a ditch digger? Sure you are.....:-|

I bet your a moderate independent thinker as well.


New Member
yeah I guess freshman algebra was little overwhelming for you, its ok, not all of us can be that bright, but hey the world needs ditch diggers too right
Freshman Algebra? Freshman Engineering students start with Calculus, do they not? Do your research before you lie.


Well-Known Member
I was talking about your freshman year in high school, notice how it says freshman algebra mustve been overwhelming for you( I was in pre-cal as a freshman in h.s. by thw way).....why would I lie about my major? ......funny how you came back with a different response hours after your original response to my post, was it still bugging you and you thought you had to come back with a better retort or what?