NWO Takin' Shape?


New Member
I was talking about your freshman year in high school, notice how it says freshman algebra mustve been overwhelming for you( I was in pre-cal as a freshman in h.s. by thw way).....why would I lie about my major? ......funny how you came back with a different response hours after your original response to my post, was it still bugging you and you thought you had to come back with a better retort or what?

Oh................No, all A's in Algebra for me, maybe an A-. I got my GED so I would be accepted into college, Mr. Educated. You ARE lying, in my opinion. (After your peculiar response, "thats stupid", I knew I had pegged you.) Or I'm wrong. No, it was not still bugging me. Just a hunch that I had to follow up on. It was this. I bet Engineering majors , for the most part, are too engulfed in real math and real science to take lib bullshit classes, the kind of classes that would empower you to say your educated, more so than I. I was right.


Well-Known Member
sure thing...brilliant deductions there except for the fact that I am indeed an engineering major ...and you...well youre a highschool freshman dropout, deal with it


New Member
sure thing...brilliant deductions there except for the fact that I am indeed an engineering major ...and you...well youre a highschool freshman dropout, deal with it
I like am like totally like way smarter than you dude, like totally, and like you are a total douchebag, totally....so please dont try to insult my intelligence
Or something like that............
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