Dark Side Of The Moon.....

I was just thinking I could always just purchase my jars serialized already to go.. Just until I can catch on to the process, and what all is the best ingredients for max yield/return. Also, should you PH your water :??: and do the mushrooms need feed :??: or do they just get the nutrition from the medium :??:

yes ph rh temp light plays a huge role. same as your plants you grow but diff lvl of each.
The flush is when the mushrooms actually form and grow. The first flush is your first harvest basically. Then you prep the medium, and reset it to get another harvest from the same medium. You can many times get 3-4 flushes before contaminants take over or the nutrients in the material run out(but not always).
OK. What does it mean when a Mushroom grower does there 1st flush, then 2nd flush, etc' :??: I'm getting mixed information. lol

yes when you harvest you twist and they pop out if any is left behind you have to scrape that part out. hehe you are gonna be fine bro. worse case you loose them all and start over.
Ok. Is this what your talking about when I had read that you "soak" your cakes in water up to 12 hours, then return them to your fruiting chamber :??: The kit should be arriving sometime today. :) So needless to say the grow will sort of start today. I have already got the room prept/cleaned, and as soon as the kit arrives I will be inoculating all the masons. I was thinking about just sitting them in the fruiting chamber once I have it up and running. It will be dark in there, and also nice and warm. Im going to try like hell to get my temps in the fruiting chamber as close to 82 degrees as I can.
The flush is when the mushrooms actually form and grow. The first flush is your first harvest basically. Then you prep the medium, and reset it to get another harvest from the same medium. You can many times get 3-4 flushes before contaminants take over or the nutrients in the material run out(but not always).
Cool .. Yeah but see, that's the thing bro. I don't wanna loose anything, and want to make sure I get max return for the $ I have forked out fro the entire adventure. :mrgreen: I'm sure I wont have any issues though. Hell the syringes/spores was only 10$ ech, so that isn't bad at all.
yes when you harvest you twist and they pop out if any is left behind you have to scrape that part out. hehe you are gonna be fine bro. worse case you loose them all and start over.
I would be lying if I said I havent seen your thread. Amazing work! I just havent buckled down to read all 2000+ pages, and im not one to halfass something. Im at page 147. Theres not enough rep in the fourms for that thread.

This one just sparked my new mushroom grower inside me and was an easier read by a thousand or so pages. I cant wait to see more from you. In both threads. Keep it up.
yes ph rh temp light plays a huge role. same as your plants you grow but diff lvl of each.
OK. Sounds good. BTW just to let everyone know I have been READING my ass off! lol Don't mind all that much, I really enjoy reading honestly. I just have better luck sometimes having more of a "hands on" approach to things. Anyone else like that :??: ;) You said PH plays a huge roll in Shroom growing correct :??: OK. I have found that The ph of your substrate or spawn material that your growing your mycelium on should be non acidic and as close to 7 as possible
:??: How accurate is that :??:

I would be lying if I said I havent seen your thread. Amazing work! I just havent buckled down to read all 2000+ pages, and im not one to halfass something. Im at page 147. Theres not enough rep in the fourms for that thread.

This one just sparked my new mushroom grower inside me and was an easier read by a thousand or so pages. I cant wait to see more from you. In both threads. Keep it up.
:) Thanks. Yeah that thread (https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/621620-danks-update-come-friends-take-2225.html) has took on a life of it's own, but I would say someone just starting out growing could/would learn a great deal of knowledge on growing :leaf:

Thanks again 4 subbing up, and I look forward to having you around & talking.

when i grew my kit i used distilled water. they had it balanced for me. you are growing from scratch from all ive read they like it 7-8 ph. but ive never grown from scratch i buy the kit and usually get 3-5oz and my total cost is $50-$60 so $12 an once. is about average. i like the kits add water drain put in bag let them grow in my counter.
That's what I purchased from Caligrowkits.com. lol ;)
when i grew my kit i used distilled water. they had it balanced for me. you are growing from scratch from all ive read they like it 7-8 ph. but ive never grown from scratch i buy the kit and usually get 3-5oz and my total cost is $50-$60 so $12 an once. is about average. i like the kits add water drain put in bag let them grow in my counter.
Well it looks like the show is on the road now.. :mrgreen: Went ahead & sterilized everything once it was out of the box. ->

PIC_0670.jpg getting everything setup -> PIC_0669.jpg PIC_0667.jpg not setting air pump up until my jars are ready for the fruiting chamber -> PIC_0668.jpg everything nice and cleaned -> PIC_0697.jpg made sure to sterilize spore syringe before each injection -> PIC_0671.jpg injecting spores tilted towards outside of jars -> PIC_0679.jpg jars all knocked of each Golden Teacher's,Mexican, & B+ spores -> PIC_0690.jpg each syringe did 2 jars w/ 1 cc ech in each hole -> PIC_0689.jpg 2 Mexican, 2 B+, 2 Golden Teachers -> PIC_0684.jpg used/spent spore syringes -> PIC_0683.jpg unused 24K spores -> PIC_0694.jpg placed jars in fruiting chamber for slight heat, didnt add medium. Waiting until jars are good and ready before I add my medium. -> PIC_0691.jpg top sealed up & lights flipped off --> PIC_0693.jpg hopefully within a week or two we will see some action/pinning.. Keep your fingers crossed with me..

Thanks 4 following the Shroom grow guys/gals..

Found out that SYZYGY is one of the oldest cubensis strains in existence; originally coming from the Amazon basin. suppose to be also one of the strongest out there. :??: anyone know any info on that species :??:
Found out that SYZYGY is one of the oldest cubensis strains in existence; originally coming from the Amazon basin. suppose to be also one of the strongest out there. :??: anyone know any info on that species :??:

I know I haven't...I can research that for ya though ;)
Cool deal. Thanks.. Hopefully it will do it's thing. lol

You're welcome ;) I'm gonna have a lot of fun watching this grow! I've always wanted to see how its done. Oh so far, I found the same info you have but I'll keep digging and see what I can turn up for ya.