I pay my water bill online and it comes right out of the tap. You can buy and recharge prepaid gas cards online, taking delivery at any local gas station. A local grocery store will do my shopping for me and deliver it to my door.
Maybe the clerk thinks you're gay and doesn't want to serve you.
You were able to identify the clerk's sexual orientation?
Those may be useful skills to have if you decide to go to Arizona.
You could get a minimum wage job sitting by the door, sniffing for da ghey and keep them away from de fine dining establishments,
and maybe a couple hardware stores.
Gays are not welcome in az?
Am I the only one that saw the news of uganda?
Between az and uganda I would say one of those is certainly unwelcoming.
Shit I can't remember....pretty sure it was uganda though........
When you buy the gas online, you pay the price per gallon at that time. If the price goes up after, you still get the same quantity of gas, no matter how much more it costs at the time of delivery. Goods sold online at X date are still a valid comparison to goods sold online at Y date. So it's still a valid metric. Remember, your goal is measuring the rise or fall of identical goods over time, not the difference between place or method of purchase. The claim is online goods react faster to market conditions. While there may be exceptions, that is generally true.When you make these purchases are they the cheapest you can find? In other words, if gas in Wyoming is $3 a gallon and the gas in your hometown is $4.50, can you purchase a gas card from Wyoming, take it to your local gas station and pay only $3 instead of $4.50? Water in Ohio is cheaper than water in California, Can you get on the internet and buy the Ohio water instead? I think you are understanding my position a little better now, i never meant to imply that those things could not be purchased, but that you can't comparison shop and pay the cheapest price, which is what the study/graph infers.
The clerk stated he was gay. Giving rep for stupid comments makes you look stupid.+repppppppppppppp
Try Russia, or any Islamic country.Gays are not welcome in az? Am I the only one that saw the news of uganda? Between az and uganda I would say one of those is certainly unwelcoming. Shit I can't remember....pretty sure it was uganda though........
Aw did the embarassing uncle complete a thought? He assumes I am the opposition.
How cute.
In other words I am proud to live in a place that allows you to be gay and even those who don't like it really can't do shit about it.
Didn't I once hear you praise the free market?
That will fix az.
On the other hand its troubling to hear my pussified generation cry of oppression.
Uganda was the context for this.
The clerk stated he was gay. Giving rep for stupid comments makes you look stupid.
so you told him to fill 'er up and he said he was the "ghey"?
maybe he wanted to fill YOU up, red![]()
are you even aware that gays do not get the same rights as straight people, or are you just trying to straight up mock the battle for rights they face?
BTW tax breaks aren't rights they are privileges.
A legal marriage is likewise a privilege gay or straight.....licensed by the state.
Service is not a right either, try again.
I totally support equal service to gays though, as any civilized person should.
Unfortunately a very small segment of the population is not civilized, never has been, never will be and everyone supposedly has a right to their property.
their conclusions included "the police and courts are not biased against minorities" (LOfuckingL) and "you can best predict crime by how many blacks and hispanics are around" (LOfuckingL).
i know that since you are a white supremacist, you are kind of obligated to defend other white supremacists, but if you want to prove that you are retarded by defending such laughable and obviously false conclusions, go ahead. i can use a laugh.
yeah, it's not like equal protection of the law is in the constitution or anything, is it?
Not like you could stay on topic is it? Title 26 of the US Code is not a part of the Constitution, matter of fact its not even positive law....which is where tax breaks come from amirite? Lets switch goalposts though, no thanks.
it's not like civil institutions and the benefits that come from them are a civil right or subject to equal protection of the law.
Great thinking, so the single unmarried gay or straight just enjoys less "equal protection" and "rights" for lack of a license, cause ya know its lawful to license a right.
yeah, it's not like certain members of the public should expect to be treated as such in a store that is open to the public.
you are so smart and enlightening.
Read more better.
Everyone should expect to be treated the same.
that's demonstrably false, you have already stated very clearly that you do not think civil rights is a good idea.
trying to lie about your stated position now is pointless, you have already exposed your racism and bigotry loud and clear.
care for me to remind you of when you called civil rights a bad idea?
Buck said:no, my point in this thread was that the person of this town should stand up against this racist law. i made this thread because another member who i accused of being racist may have lived there at the time this happened.
the federal government has its place though. i certainly hope that we both agree that federal intervention into the practices of racist business owners in certain states was a good idea (i am referring to title II of civil rights for the record).
what say you? do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to mandate that private business owners whose businesses were 'open to the public' serve the entire public? i'm talking hotels, gas stations, restaurants, and the like. do you agree that it was a good idea for the federal government to end racist practices that states were refusing to end on their own?
Look dude I don't think its a good idea. Not because I want businesses to be racist but because this stuff imho is better worked out by the individual. Check it:
If I wont let purples in my resturaunt, gubbment shuts me down, makes me comply, whats left residually in me?
Do I now hate purples less or more?
Nope, I hate em more now.....and money we don't have was spent.
What should happen is the purples make a stink, boycott my eatery, persuade all the oranges and greens to do it too.....they will, cause they all know its wrong....I go out of business cause times have changed for the better.
Its color blind until someone says it isn't. I support local governments making their own local laws.
Where would we be with mmj if not for this?
Town says pull your pants up....you say its a racial thing, I cant agree just cause you posted some pics of black people doing it.
This white supremacist says then that this is the best indicator of crime; the presence of blacks and Hispanics.
Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to committ crime, even compared to similarly situated white folks in the SES.
You mock me for accusing the dems of history for their hatred and opression....
too bad for white supremacists like you that poverty is the best indicator of crime, not race.
citation needed.