Club 600


Active Member
@Mensa: are the plants in soil or hydro? If soil it may be that the root zone hasn't developed well enough, and if so did you repot them yourself as I remember you saying you were gifted plants from someone to grow?
DST i was convinced to di a soil/coco/perlite mix awhile back. Let me get some pics up.


Well-Known Member
I put my post per page down to "Forum Default" to get around riu today. Some can get away with 20 per page.
At forum default level, there are 7315 pages. :-(

*edit: what cof said :-)


Well-Known Member
Cheers gigs not long now for the cream haha my honey tube should be hear soon and I'm ordering my titanium nail tomorrow I think


Well-Known Member
Quit fluffing your count man! At least upload pics with little to no change from the previous ones like I do!
How's about totally off topic pics instead?

Finally got the new exhaust installed today:
*2.5-lbs lighter than stock exhaust, and twice the inside diameter for the pipe
**also modded the intake to match the exhaust & FI controller

***And will be deleting the rear fender before I'm done for the day

And then I wired in the iMap fuel injector controller:
*just need to friction tape the harness back together before re-assembly

Next will be removing the handlebar covers and front fender to prep them for paint:

And disassemble the rear plastic & remove the lights so I can get them ready for paint:

But first, I'll reward myself with some bongage, and then some lunch.


Well-Known Member
and, way to Doob for being willing to get in there and do the shit yourself on the scoot! I bet it will sound a ton better with that exhaust on there. I'm curious what type of power gains you'll get from everything you're doing. You'll have to a post test ride report for us.
I have a question if anyone can help. I have a 4x4 tent and its in my basement that just fits in the room but i cant use the back door at all. so my only way in or out of the tent is the front. I am going to run a flood and drain table but a 4x4 table in the tent i can not move or reach the the back half at all. I was wanting to try scrog but i dont think its doable at all. should i use a 3x3 table so i can move around somewhat and reach all my table? Again this is new to me and maybe i am overlooking something any help/input and or advice would be great. thanks


Well-Known Member
and, way to Doob for being willing to get in there and do the shit yourself on the scoot! I bet it will sound a ton better with that exhaust on there. I'm curious what type of power gains you'll get from everything you're doing. You'll have to a post test ride report for us.
Oh he will! With a helmet cam, narration, and music :)

You know I will! :-)
I'll be close to doubling my horsepower, so we shall see. :-)


Well-Known Member
man doubling the power of a scooter sounds like danger to me, lol
