Why do dealers use ghetto non-zip sandwich bags?

The second i see this, it tells me your an amateur. Personally I use size appropriate bags, and it seems to actually save money? I have sizes for dimes, dubs, eighths, ect ect all the way up to a QP (standard gallon ziplock seems to fit a qp perfect without smashing, maybe a half if you smash it down.) As far as widely sold commercial zips I think a gallon zip is about as big as you can get? For you folks moving pounds, and kilos, wtf do you wrap it in? Surran wrap or something, and compress to a brick or block shape?

the second I see someone starting threads about how they sell pot.....

it tells me they're an amateur.

about a pound:joint:
God Damn kids these days with their new fangled bags and air sucking machines.

Back in my day you would get a lid in a baggie and you liked it!

roll up the bag and lick it, that how we used to do it
Round here a lot of folks just use plastic carrier bags and just seal em shut with a lighter. So long as there is weed in it, i could not give a flying banana what it is packaged in (providing it is sanitary.. :p)
Shit, half the time if I have to buy instead of grow I get it in cling wrap. It's a 40 mile drive to buy a box of ziplocks though...
The second I hear people talking on the internet about all the weight they're moving, it tells me they're an amateur.

You couldn't sling rocks if you was Palestinian.
I was inquiring because when im dry, I know about a dozen retards flipping weed so they smoke for free, and they all package like shit... I'm sorry but presentation is kind of important, when it comes to almost anything in life. When you get something you enjoy, that's affordable, available, and presented well, and plays out like ordering a pizza, your going to get repeat biz.
If the weed is good, they can wrap it in newspaper for all i care. We are not talking a supermarket where you look at 20 competing products and are sold based on bag appeal compared to the next in line, you meet a guy, he has a bag, that's that. I don't think hmm, that's not a zip lock, i better find someone else because it must clearly be better.

On the whole, people are paying money for the weed, not the packaging, if the weed is good, people couldn't give a rats ass. If the weed is good, you can compress it and vac pack it and turn it into a brick, doesn't bother me :)
I was inquiring because when im dry, I know about a dozen retards flipping weed so they smoke for free, and they all package like shit... I'm sorry but presentation is kind of important, when it comes to almost anything in life. When you get something you enjoy, that's affordable, available, and presented well, and plays out like ordering a pizza, your going to get repeat biz.

keep bitching about my bags youre gonna get Christmas paper.......