Why do dealers use ghetto non-zip sandwich bags?


Well-Known Member
The second i see this, it tells me your an amateur. Personally I use size appropriate bags, and it seems to actually save money? I have sizes for dimes, dubs, eighths, ect ect all the way up to a QP (standard gallon ziplock seems to fit a qp perfect without smashing, maybe a half if you smash it down.) As far as widely sold commercial zips I think a gallon zip is about as big as you can get? For you folks moving pounds, and kilos, wtf do you wrap it in? Surran wrap or something, and compress to a brick or block shape?
The second i see this, it tells me your an amateur. Personally I use size appropriate bags, and it seems to actually save money? I have sizes for dimes, dubs, eighths, ect ect all the way up to a QP (standard gallon ziplock seems to fit a qp perfect without smashing, maybe a half if you smash it down.) As far as widely sold commercial zips I think a gallon zip is about as big as you can get? For you folks moving pounds, and kilos, wtf do you wrap it in? Surran wrap or something, and compress to a brick or block shape?

Well you can usually squeeze around a half lb in a gal zip, so two of those together then on to the foodsaver..
looooooooooool I know my way around the vac sealer pretty damn good... I don't fuck with pre cut bags... I use rolls..... I can cut them to what ever size I want... I can put pounds in one long bag if needed..
looooooooooool I know my way around the vac sealer pretty damn good... I don't fuck with pre cut bags... I use rolls..... I can cut them to what ever size I want... I can put pounds in one long bag if needed..

Very good.. Of course you could do what I described without the bags.. I wasn't even talking to you, are you on your period or something? looooooooool

edit: Anybody around a foodsaver knows you could put as much volume as you want. Oh wait you're that dude who is always showing off how much he knows, or how much money he has (lol), or your knowledge about drugs (lol) like the damn Wizard of Oz. Time to sit on that o button again. looooooooool
By me a trend of useing anti-static bags seems to be catching on for the quality stuff

It's nice becouse most of the crystals seem to fall to the bottom and pour right out
Turkey bags are great for curing.
I actually vac seal zips in food savers too and any amount over that...double sealed on each end....get the one with the cutter like thexpress said lol.

Proper Rx containers for smaller.

sandwich bag with a flap lol that's horrible.
Better than the corner pulled blender sack though....hopefully no-one will ever see one of those again!