Had sexual relations with a very ugly girl who my friends know now I'm paranoid.

Nice comeback. Instantly ad hominem! You obviously did well in debate and rhetoric, were you Captain of the Debate team? When you learn to spell and understand rudimentary English perhaps we can have an intelligent discussion. Oh, and please point out where I said or did anything racist. Oh, BTW, I'll match my post-graduate academic credentials against yours any day. Intellectual poseur.

hahahahaha well said.
I just want to update and say that I was around her again today. It was not awkward at all, like I thought it would be. Perhaps she understood my seriousness about her keeping her mouth shut. And to be perfectly honest, I might just jump back on that pony for one more ride.
Has it entered your head that the reason why she hasn't said anything is because she is embarassed and doesn't want anyone knowing?
If that is the case it's a win win.
Yeah, kid, saddle up. keep it on the DL because people shouldn;t kiss and tell, not because you are ashamed. I hope you fall in love.
I guess that I am a guilty party in keeping this thread going another post. But this is ridiculous that this little boy gets this much attention for being a shallow slut.

Don't worry bout it. Threads tend to derail a bit here in toke n talk.

Mostly negative attention. I'm sure some of it has sunk in. His last post displayed some signs of remorse. Might not be a lost cause. Everyone can be a bit shallow when they're young.
Honestly, I think he threw it up to see what happens, a form of light-hearted trolling and entertainment. If it were real, after reading the ridicule I doubt a sincere person would really give an update
op im confused.
how ugly are we talking about?
like normally pretty, and just not unrealistic standards of todays beauty ugly?
maybe youre not so hot yourself?
just wondering.

chances are she will tell.
but maybe she wont

who knows today its a dog eat dog world , hope people can get over it quickly.