Butthole is the New Vagina


I DID tattoo a W on each of my ass cheeks, so when I do naked cartwheels, it says "wow, mom"
You didn't offend me, and my reply was nothing to do with gays or peadophiles, however I do believe all peadophiles should be sentenced to death but that's for another discussion. I don't discriminate against anyone whether they are black white gay or straight, I go by the person and nothing else. My comment was intended as humour as was yours it seems neither of us would make comedians. As for my butt hole I have no entry tattooed on the cheeks of my ass! And I am a tad to old to venture into something new, unless it was Richard Gear I may just consider it if he was asking.:-P

Yeah, need to stop trying to crack jokes.

Do you at Least get why I was offended though? When we're talking about concencial sexual acts and you refer to it as rape it makes people associate the two. May not have been your intention but it's how it came across.

Guess I'm just a bit twitchy listening to some of the rhetoric coming from Russia at the moment. I would like to think most people are rational and don't give a hoot what someone else does with their body but sadly that's not the case.
I don't have to lick anything other than the lips to obtain an orgasm.
I try to not let my mouth or nose come in contact with direct filth and or bacteria.
It's just one of the reasons people get sick and count on ObamaCare to bail them out.
Or, I'm pregnant, How did that happen????

Yeah, I have a relative that gave birth to a severely Ill child. They were self employed (fucking leeches) and when time came to renew their health policy, it went from $625 per month to $7500 - on account of the fact that their child had been through several surgeries and had been in the hospital. So they lost their house, cars, business, savings and the kid is now being paid for by the taxpayers. What assholes. It's their fault that the kid was sick - they don't go to church - so why should we have to pay for it? Right?

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies
blah blah blah waves of grain....
You're not truly living!

Motherfu.. dude, it's OK if you don't want to make everything political.. Licking assholes? You managed to turn that into left/right, I didn't even think it was possible..

Try it before you dis it..

Why even bother to educate some right wing arsehole about the pleasures of deviant sex....?
He's probably dressed like Mitt Romney and only ever has missionary sex with his wife in the dark.
But in his deepest fantasies hardly even admitted to his own self....
He dreams of butt fucking deformed midgets in a Manilla sewer
or sucking septic pus from dead men's ears....

That's why these people are so eager to oppose sexual adventure.
It camouflage for the deepest lusts
and denial of their biggest shame.
Why even bother to educate some right wing arsehole about the pleasures of deviant sex....?
He's probably dressed like Mitt Romney and only ever has missionary sex with his wife in the dark.
But in his deepest fantasies hardly even admitted to his own self....
He dreams of butt fucking deformed midgets in a Manilla sewer
or sucking septic pus from dead men's ears....

That's why these people are so eager to oppose sexual adventure.
It camouflage for the deepest lusts
and denial of their biggest shame.

Or he's just a boring fuck with no imagination. I admire the effort, but I think you are giving him too much credit.
Why even bother to educate some right wing arsehole about the pleasures of deviant sex....?
He's probably dressed like Mitt Romney and only ever has missionary sex with his wife in the dark.
But in his deepest fantasies hardly even admitted to his own self....
He dreams of butt fucking deformed midgets in a Manilla sewer
or sucking septic pus from dead men's ears....

That's why these people are so eager to oppose sexual adventure.
It camouflage for the deepest lusts
and denial of their biggest shame.

Goddamnit! I'm a fucking republican?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

