Butthole is the New Vagina

Obviously, most people who enjoy anal stimulation clean up before hand. I know if I'm expecting any sexual activity I scrub/wash/clean everything out of utter self consciousness. Most people I've been with do the same.. If you're expecting to get your asshole played with, chances are you'll properly clean up ahead of time. Anal play isn't really a practical spontaneous endeavour, and most participants realize that and acknowledge the necessary steps to follow before such an event takes place.. You understand, right?
You're not truly living!

Motherfu.. dude, it's OK if you don't want to make everything political.. Licking assholes? You managed to turn that into left/right, I didn't even think it was possible..

Try it before you dis it..

Alrighty then.
I will put licking someones anus on my 'things to do' list.
Alrighty then.
I will put licking someones anus on my 'things to do' list.

I support that only if you do it because you want to, not because someone told you you might like it. Licking ass isn't for everyone and those that never partake aren't any less for it. To be truly honest, it won't be pleasurable for you or the person you're doing it to if you don't enjoy it yourself.

It must come from within, Nugs-san
I've had this discussion with my guy friends, they all said they prefer vagina. I just can't bring myself to lick a butthole LOL, I don't care how clean it is
Obviously, most people who enjoy anal stimulation clean up before hand. I know if I'm expecting any sexual activity I scrub/wash/clean everything out of utter self consciousness. Most people I've been with do the same.. If you're expecting to get your asshole played with, chances are you'll properly clean up ahead of time. Anal play isn't really a practical spontaneous endeavour, and most participants realize that and acknowledge the necessary steps to follow before such an event takes place.. You understand, right?

I would doubt these people licking assholes are totally clean in proper physical or mental health.

You do all this ass kissing just to blow your load?

Let's say you're with the same partner 10-20 years.
You still gonna lick that ass?
I would doubt these people licking assholes are totally clean in proper physical or mental health.

Couldn't speculate on that..

You do all this ass kissing just to blow your load?

I wouldn't need to lick, kiss or even look at an ass to get off, it's just something that sexually appeals to me

Let's say you're with the same partner 10-20 years.
You still gonna lick that ass?

Of course I would, why would your sexual fetishes change just because more time had passed? You like tits? You still gonna like tits 10-15-20 years from now? Of course!
Couldn't speculate on that..

I wouldn't need to lick, kiss or even look at an ass to get off, it's just something that sexually appeals to me

Of course I would, why would your sexual fetishes change just because more time had passed? You like tits? You still gonna like tits 10-15-20 years from now? Of course!

I like all the parts of a woman.
But I doubt I'll be licking her turds.
I'm not the biggest fan, but if the occasion arose and
she was incredibly hot I'd be back there teasing her butthole
with my tongue, lol I can't even write this without giggling like a
little girl heehee. But seriously if I was in the throes with my
sex goddess hell yeah! But that sorta shit don't happen to me
very often, I only need to look in the mirror to explain why.
anal is the most repulsive thing on the planet and a complete mystery to me. When someone farts and I smell it, I like to get as far away from it as possible, so to actually WANT to take your wang and cover it in someone else's shit just baffles me. Humans are weird
I think there bazillions of feel good things
in her butt.
Plus it makes her feel all naughty.
Hence the amazing blowey you get in return.
I know all bjs are all good but trust me
the have a whole other gear reserved
for dirty boys.

What you never had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?

Apologies if this jokes already been cracked.