doublejj Carport Greenhouse discussion thread

I think I may have a 1/2 masonry drill bit. I could drill a couple holes in a few of the cinder blocks, to poke the rebar into.
dirtsurfr & I have been discussing how we might cook the potatoes & corn better. Maybe add a rack to hold things up off the floor to cook. Nothing major.....
Sounds good. That pig was sooooo good I need an occasion to cook one.
I hear you brother, I invented the "2013 after harvest bbq"! lol!
It had been several years since I had cooked one, I was looking for a good excuse....
I have to get a small pig and have a party with close friends . I can build one in the back yard. maybe for easter . Are you gong to cannibis cup up by you ?
I just got a carport for free the other day! saw my neighbor taking his apart and asked him if he was dumping it and he said was so I offered to take it off his hands. gonna put it to use this summer next to my other greenhouse :)
I want to start by saying, "Excellent thread jj." I have been surfing around RIU for a little while now as I am getting prepped up for this coming season. I am however located up in eastern Washington and still waiting for the weather to become a bit friendlier for us. Your posts have been inspirational and given me some great ideas. I will have to custom fabricate one of my own as my area is a bit larger. This will be my first time outdoors, so any help would be appreciated. I was wondering a couple of things that I hope you wouldn't mind helping me out with. I have been reading through your past years posts to try and find the answers first before asking and seeing that I have just spent the last 4+ hrs reading through the threads, I fear it may take me that much more time at least to find the answers, so I hope you wouldn't mind shortening the time a little for me.
What nutrients do you add during the veg cycle? I saw the bloom mix, looked like just the bloom mix and Epsom salt but didn't see a veg mix. How often do you find yourself needing to feed nuts during veg and do you follow the suggested quantities or do you have a set amount that you have found works best to use per x amount of water? What is the rough distance you found works best between plants for growth in your set up? For now I think if you could answer those it would greatly help and in the mean time I will continue to surf through your 2010 and 11 posts.

Also, just in case you can answer before I find where it if posted, have you changed anything with your soil mix?

Thanks in advance for your help and all the great inspirational thoughts you have added to the community,