Had sexual relations with a very ugly girl who my friends know now I'm paranoid.

Nice comeback. Instantly ad hominem! You obviously did well in debate and rhetoric, were you Captain of the Debate team? When you learn to spell and understand rudimentary English perhaps we can have an intelligent discussion. Oh, and please point out where I said or did anything racist. Oh, BTW, I'll match my post-graduate academic credentials against yours any day. Intellectual poseur.
Boy are you lost. Calling somebody a pollock, unless you mean they are a fish, is racist. If you use a word that a certain race of people consider improper or hateful, then that is racist. Polish people are in the white race and the term pollock is a derogatory racist term for white people.

First off, I never called anyone a pollock, I called them a Polak. Polak is not a derogatory word for white people. You can make a case that it's a derogatory word for Polish people...but not white people.

I could also make a credible case that the word is not always used as a slur, but I won't. I admit to calling Highlowski a dumb Polak, which he is.

I suppose now you are going to tell me that I can't use the word Bohunk, either. I won't listen to anyone who calls someone else boy. LOL.
Nice comeback. Instantly ad hominem! You obviously did well in debate and rhetoric, were you Captain of the Debate team? When you learn to spell and understand rudimentary English perhaps we can have an intelligent discussion. Oh, and please point out where I said or did anything racist. Oh, BTW, I'll match my post-graduate academic credentials against yours any day. Intellectual poseur.

Awwww yeah. Brainbox fight! We've got a couple of boffins ready to do battle.

And fight.........
First off, I never called anyone a pollock, I called them a Polak. Polak is not a derogatory word for white people. You can make a case that it's a derogatory word for Polish people...but not white people.

I could also make a credible case that the word is not always used as a slur, but I won't. I admit to calling Highlowski a dumb Polak, which he is.

I suppose now you are going to tell me that I can't use the word Bohunk, either. I won't listen to anyone who calls someone else boy. LOL.

New contender! Fight.......
First off, I never called anyone a pollock

Haha, this shit got me. What a statement. Just imagine you in a pub with your friend goin "Look! First of, I never called anyone a pollock and if anyone says different we can have it out right here" ya fuckin pollock!

Who calls someone a pollock!?. Funniest misspell in a while :)
Haha, this shit got me. What a statement. Just imagine you in a pub with your friend goin "Look! First of, I never called anyone a pollock and if anyone says different we can have it out right here" ya fuckin pollock!

Who calls someone a pollock!?. Funniest misspell in a while :)

Yep, but dolt boy was on a run when it was pointed out
He better hurry up, I have a date in 2 hrs. Old folk sex again

Hey, enjoyed reading your posts of late and joking aside you seem like a decent, funny dude.

Hope your date goes well man. Don't tell her your so old your social security numb is 000-000-001.
Thanks, have enjoyed you as well. I'm thinking you, Baldrick and I should work up an act, ala Marx Bros. She already knows...she's old too LOL.
You guys are killing me! Well, I've known her for 38 yrs, was married to her back then and to keep in theme, she's gotten a bit fat, never is on time and she's always worn heavy earrings so her lobes have stretched but she's still fun in the sack. Hope Cody doesn't take me to task about mentioning her earlobes, I swear Cody its not racist
You guys are killing me! Well, I've known her for 38 yrs, was married to her back then and to keep in theme, she's gotten a bit fat, never is on time and she's always worn heavy earrings so her lobes have stretched but she's still fun in the sack. Hope Cody doesn't take me to task about mentioning her earlobes, I swear Cody its not racist

So is this your way of saying she doesn't have a cute vagina? I'm confused :/