Well-Known Member
That is a Sikh and not a Muslim. I don't think we've been attacked by Sikhs...
Shhhh....Ben seems to classify facial hair as a sign of terrorist intent. I wanted to see if he was at least a knowledgeable bigot.
That is a Sikh and not a Muslim. I don't think we've been attacked by Sikhs...
Freedom of religion is fine. Shariah law is not. You should know that, you're a U.S. "marine".
That is a Sikh and not a Muslim. I don't think we've been attacked by Sikhs...
Edit: the guy in the story gives Texas a bad name. I hope his business fails.
Why do you hate freedom of religion?
1. Still out of military garb. Let's put it this way, if in command, I wouldn't allow that sort of raghead gear. It's a disgrace to the millions of soldiers who were not only proud to wear The Uniform, but gave up their lives and limbs so some of you dorks could post your useless lives away in a pot forum.
2. Crockett Keller is a clear thinking, American hero as is Joe Horn. There's a time when you (errrrr, me) just have to say "enough is enough". He tells me his sales are up just like the sales of ammo and guns in response to the anti-gun drive of Obama and fiends.
I dont think anyone HATES religious freedom, i dont follow any prescribed political party or ideology , however.
If a religion preaches violence in any way , if it preaches AND teaches its members to Kill and torture the infidel or torture him to death . When my Islamic customers tell me to my facxe that they are breeding us out of existence.
When followers of Islam stop murdering noncombatants , when they stop screwing little boys and each other, when they can rustle up even a smidge of tolerance for any other belief system , When they begin to act like they follow the teachings of a loving god , then, maybe i can concede them the title Religion.
These are the people the Bible talks about ' Having a FORM of godly devotion but proving false to its power.'
Islam is most definitely at war with anyone who is not islamic, the only problem is, almost every Muslim knows it, the rest of the world just keeps hoping they will accept peace, not gonna happen.
Thise people WANT it that way, they want to treat their women as property, they want to enslave each other.
Ever done business with an Arab??? I have hundreds of times. The entire goal is to screw you,,,,period.
You almost have to get paid before and good luck with that.
I thought i had one muslim friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hes the one that told me they are breeding us out of existence , hes the one who still owes me about 6 grand for work i did and he benefited from.
Wishing people would be one way is much much different than what and who they really are.
Islam hates us they want any unbeliever dead , and even the ones who dont hate us or want us dead will tacitly go along,,,,,,,,, and tacit approval is no different that any other type of approval or support.
I dont think anyone HATES religious freedom, i dont follow any prescribed political party or ideology , however.
If a religion preaches violence in any way , if it preaches AND teaches its members to Kill and torture the infidel or torture him to death . When my Islamic customers tell me to my facxe that they are breeding us out of existence.
When followers of Islam stop murdering noncombatants , when they stop screwing little boys and each other, when they can rustle up even a smidge of tolerance for any other belief system , When they begin to act like they follow the teachings of a loving god , then, maybe i can concede them the title Religion.
These are the people the Bible talks about ' Having a FORM of godly devotion but proving false to its power.'
Islam is most definitely at war with anyone who is not islamic, the only problem is, almost every Muslim knows it, the rest of the world just keeps hoping they will accept peace, not gonna happen.
Thise people WANT it that way, they want to treat their women as property, they want to enslave each other.
Ever done business with an Arab??? I have hundreds of times. The entire goal is to screw you,,,,period.
You almost have to get paid before and good luck with that.
I thought i had one muslim friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hes the one that told me they are breeding us out of existence , hes the one who still owes me about 6 grand for work i did and he benefited from.
Wishing people would be one way is much much different than what and who they really are.
Islam hates us they want any unbeliever dead , and even the ones who dont hate us or want us dead will tacitly go along,,,,,,,,, and tacit approval is no different that any other type of approval or support.
1. Still out of military garb. Let's put it this way, if in command, I wouldn't allow that sort of raghead gear. It's a disgrace to the millions of soldiers who were not only proud to wear The Uniform, but gave up their lives and limbs so some of you dorks could post your useless lives away in a pot forum.
2. Crockett Keller is a clear thinking, American hero as is Joe Horn. There's a time when you (errrrr, me) just have to say "enough is enough". He tells me his sales are up just like the sales of ammo and guns in response to the anti-gun drive of Obama and fiends.
You have no idea how military regs work, do you? I'd kindly ask you to shut the fuck up regarding what you would do in the military until you have served a tour and get a clue. If you were an officer, you would have been that butter bar us enlisted folks stuck in a corner so he didn't accidentally shoot himself or someone else.
My Dad was a war hero who fought in S. Africa, Korea, and the European theater. He was a man of many military honors, a career officer, including bronze star and the rest it. I was an Army brat who was forced to move about every 3 years. Being networked in that shit, it was enough for me.
I never served, instead dodged the 60's draft by going to college. I knew Vietnam was wrong and wanted no part in it. I was very liberal then, turned conservative.......just like Krauthammer.
Excellent points, everyone of them.
The point I highlighted in bold Charles Krauthammer addresses in his excellent book, "Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics". Point he makes is we really don't know what's in the heart of people, especially politicians. We can only judge by their outward actions citing an example of when he was a practicing psychologist stating he would spend a 1,000 hours with a patient in counsel and still not really know who they were. Good example of that factor would be guys like Hasan, a practicing military psychologist, hired to protect the emotional and psychological well being of our troops when in his heart he was driven to murder those who did not embrace his twisted addiction for Islam. Just took some planning before his intentions became known.
I'm not much of a reader, never have been, but Krauthammer's book is brilliant. One of the funniest and easiest books to read, except for his use of the English language, which he commands like no other. BUY the book, but also have a copy of Webster's with you. After a personal bibliography of his life, the book is a collection of his 1.5 - 3 page articles he has written over the years and published in rags like NY Times, Newsweek, Time mag., etc. regarding 'things that matter'.
5 stars!
Hasan was known as troubled, and he never received treatment despite being noticed as odd in 2006 and on. This guy was a product of failure to care about our troops.
Hasan was known as troubled, and he never received treatment despite being noticed as odd in 2006 and on. This guy was a product of failure to care about our troops.
So we should send anyone to treatment who acts odd? Who decides what odd things require this intervention?
What your dad did is irrelevant, he's not you and you get no claim to it. That's like a soldiers wife claiming she understands the hardships of military life. Your dad would have also told you that you don't get to ignore military regs because you don't like them.
Hasan was a product of failure to take action because of political correctness in the military. I am sure he is crazy as well, but he was untouchable because he was muslim.
Your argument is false. Homosexuals are entitled to full legal protection and I would argue have special status due to hate crimes not attributable to straight people.