Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first..."

old news, unclebigot.

since then, it has been southerners like you who have taken the lead in the oppressing of blacks and racism against blacks. that's why your state was subject to preclearance laws if you guys wanted to do anything that had to do with voting, because racist people like you from racist states like yours do racist things all the time because you're racist.

but hey, at least you are proud of your racism and hatred, unlike so many of the other closet racists we have around here. you actually do exhibit white pride and you are not ashamed to be a racist ass.
Has uncle ben ever been banned for being racist, and then come back and tell everyone that he was actually black? Does this story sound familiar?
you sound very confused. probably sexually confused as well.

I'm not sure what my sexuality has to do with you being banned for being racist and then claiming to be black. But then your not black, just a racist that calls everyone else racist, It's getting old bro. Not everyone that disagrees with you is racist. But I have witnessed you call kandaher, or what ever his screen name was, an ignorant nigger, then you got banned for it.
you are a special type of idiot.


not quite at uncleben's level of stupidity and racism, but you certainly do aspire.

NLXKS1 is the biggest idiot on here.
I'm not sure what my sexuality has to do with you being banned for being racist and then claiming to be black. But then your not black, just a racist that calls everyone else racist, It's getting old bro. Not everyone that disagrees with you is racist. But I have witnessed you call kandaher, or what ever his screen name was, an ignorant nigger, then you got banned for it.

i got banned for posting pictures of kaendar, not for calling him a niqquer. you dumb, confused thing.
Oh ok, so it's ok for you, a white man, to call a black man an ignorant nigger and then claim to be black? Does that not sound racist to you?

No way buck is black, a bunch of us caught him defending Adolf Hitler the other day in a different thread.
Although he could be another Clayton Bigsby.
Oh ok, so it's ok for you, a white man, to call a black man an ignorant nigger and then claim to be black? Does that not sound racist to you?

show me one time where i called him that and i will leave this site forever. if you can't, you must inform everyone that you are a liar in your sig for 6 months. deal?

No way buck is black, a bunch of us caught him defending Adolf Hitler the other day in a different thread.
Although he could be another Clayton Bigsby.

show me where i defended hitler and i will leave this site forever. if you can't, you must inform everyone that you are a liar in your sig for 6 months. deal?
show me one time where i called him that and i will leave this site forever. if you can't, you must inform everyone that you are a liar in your sig for 6 months. deal?

show me where i defended hitler and i will leave this site forever. if you can't, you must inform everyone that you are a liar in your sig for 6 months. deal?

I don't know how to make a signature, or i would.
Leaving the sire forever is sort of harsh for the crime anyway.
I don't know how to make a signature, or i would.
Leaving the sire forever is sort of harsh for the crime anyway.

so we're on day 4 and you still can't show me where i ever defended hitler in any way.

as if we needed any more evidence that you're a sock puppet lying douchebag. we got it anyway though.
No way buck is black, a bunch of us caught him defending Adolf Hitler the other day in a different thread.
Although he could be another Clayton Bigsby.

You can make this claim as many times as you want, I went and read the thread you referenced where this supposedly happened. Buck said the Germans crushed the jews in the Warsaw ghetto uprising. A fact. Equating that to "defending Hitler" is just stupid