NWO Takin' Shape?


Well-Known Member
we are able to make small minute choices. conservatives always fail to see the bigger picture. thats why our country is in shambles.. conservatives. its funny how prior to the year 2000 this country was a strong great country. then when conservatives came in.. down the hill we went see if u can choose to walk into a govt meeting or stand in front of congress. see if u can choose to spread new organized peaceful religion around in public. see if you can choose to grow any plant you want too and just go give it to the public for free. see if u can choose to protect yourself when the shit really hits the fan..
CALEA is one of the most egregious pieces of legislation if there ever was one. That legislation, which opened the door to warrantless wiretaps, was signed into law under the Clinton Administration in 1994.


Well-Known Member
And yet freedom of choice is still ours. Freedom to watch tv, or not. Freedom to surf the web, or not. Freedom to eat McDonalds, or not. Freedom to drink coke, or not. When it is only, or not, will you be any happier? Will humans be better off? We both know the answer, so live well and prosper, or not. But quit bitchin. Until we have leather or dirt left as a choice of meals, SHUT THE FUCK UP, or not.
Freedom to shut the fuck up... or not. :roll: YOU be docile and SHUT THE FUCK UP. you are doing NOTHING but help run this once great country into oblivion. FUCK YOU.


New Member
And while I'm at it GBL........if it was cool to suck cock, you naive following cocksuckers would be in a perpetual contest to see who could suck the most cock, and no doubt think I, a non-cocksucker, was a pathetic excuse for a human. I'll take your labels any day, sir. Have a good day, sir.:roll:


Well-Known Member
u probably voted for bush twice didnt you? if u did that explains enough about you to make anything you say one sided biased and irrelevant to this conversation. how did it feel to be completely duped and pay 100 to 200% more for the same products we use today.


New Member
u probably voted for bush twice didnt you? if u did that explains enough about you to make anything you say one sided biased and irrelevant to this conversation. how did it feel to be completely duped and pay 100 to 200% more for the same products we use today.

Only the second time......although I will claim them both, as a badge of honor, if you'd prefer, or, if it would better suit your arguments. Truth be told, I probably would have voted for Gore (I was young, and naive), if I hadn't been locked up. The lord works in mysterious ways.......speaking of the lord. Who else is disqualified from this, NWO:mrgreen:, conversation? Believers in god? Drinkers of Coke? Consumers of fast food? Ranch lovers? TV watchers? Newspaper readers? Music fans? Who does this leave, in the end, as the righteous? Environmental wacko libs, like yourself? Speaking of NWO conspiracies, it seems like you might be firmly entrenched in one yourself.
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Active Member
I'm agnostic, and your a loser. Fucking libs.............

Well... LIB your ass out of this forum.
this is politics not poliSHIT.
especially with all the nonsense your talking.:roll:

You are one of the many reasons why this shit is Still going on and is going on in MASS numbers.

my opinion: NWO has been here, taken shape, and welllll under way with its plan. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Only the second time......although I will claim them both, as a badge of honor, if you'd prefer, or, if it would better suit your arguments. Truth be told, I probably would have voted for Gore (I was young, and naive), if I hadn't been locked up. The lord works in mysterious ways.......speaking of the lord. Who else is disqualified from this, NWO:mrgreen:, conversation? Believers in god? Drinkers of Coke? Consumers of fast food? Ranch lovers? TV watchers? Newspaper readers? Music fans? Who does this leave, in the end, as the righteous? Environmental wacko libs, like yourself? Speaking of NWO conspiracies, it seems like you might be firmly entrenched in one yourself.
wow youre proud you voted for one of the worst presidents of american history, you rock :spew:


New Member
I'm proud I don't, like, run away from my past, because it's like, a totally cool thing to do, dude. And, like, I'm proud I voted for a tax lowering, national defense hawk, when, it was like, totally necessary to do so, dude. Totally man.