Hyroot's Magical Light Show w/ Natural Recycled Veganic Living Soil


Well-Known Member
I don't really keep track of veg time. I keep them healthy and let the grow til the smallest plant is large enough. I even said that in my videos. I also said they will probably end up vegging for 3 months. Not all plants vegged for the same amount of time. 1-7 days differnce. different rooting times. In posts I said I might up to 10-15 gals then veg for 3 months (future plans). I didn't plan on picking up all the seeds that I did. So I have 4 seeds of each strain. 4 strains going not counting the ones for the party cup comp. I have to go down pot size. So I can fit that many. Not leave them in small pots for too long.


Well-Known Member
Looks like hy has a cyber stalker :bigjoint:
I just read a trippy ass thread over this... and THAT shit is not funny.... better check on your PCC cohort, gonna get DQ'd. ;)

Hyroot, those are some great green my friend! congrats on the future plans, thought about contacting/have contacted EH? Ask him bout those new panels for me....... lol. hint- may be worth the wait if im not spamming bullshit everywhere...

Psu... so why is worm castings (isn't that shit?) okay but not rabbit shit...? after hearing ppl speak so highly of the Rabbit's diet/shit, I was about to fuckin start a cage.... hahaha... can source THAT shit locally... but by god no fucking amendments.

is it casting being IN the earth naturally? but any fieces will eventually become one... im lost... stoner moment???

any major reasons besides spectrum push you towards the xgs root? I could see it being a "more versatile" as a full spectrum light....


Well-Known Member
total I plan on having 6. Buy 2 more then 3 more. Both . 3 sgs and 3 xgs. That would be good for a 5 x 9. Opposite the IG's. Then after that 3x3 tent in the other room with all start 330 vert.
Thats going all out! Should do you well in the future


Well-Known Member
speaking of worm castings, I got my worm inn in the mail today with 1 lb of worms! It seemed like I got a shit more than 1 lb of worms! I can't wait to harvest the goodies. My basement is pretty dry though I think I ll have to water them in that fabric pouch.

plants are looking GREAT hyroot, you have really stepped up your game!

Thanks.. I think you say the same thing every grow,:lol:

TRUE vegan growers will NOT use any Shit(includes ewc/frass), which is too extreme IMO. SHIT=SHIT...lol... worm castings/worm manure/ worm humus is excellent.

Just because you feed rabbits/chickens/cows an all plant diet doesn't mean it's vegan either:wink:

nice garden btw
kyle kushman uses worm castings and he is King Mr. Veganic lol

worms are invertebratates, 75% - 90% water (no meat) , they don't have the same digestive system as other animals.. Their poop does not contain pathogens like most animal poop.

rabbits, chicken, cows on a plant diet are vegan in the sense that they are on a vegan diet as if you or me were to be vegan.

I just read a trippy ass thread over this... and THAT shit is not funny.... better check on your PCC cohort, gonna get DQ'd. :wink:

Hyroot, those are some great green my friend! congrats on the future plans, thought about contacting/have contacted EH? Ask him bout those new panels for me....... lol. hint- may be worth the wait if im not spamming bullshit everywhere...

Psu... so why is worm castings (isn't that shit?) okay but not rabbit shit...? after hearing ppl speak so highly of the Rabbit's diet/shit, I was about to fuckin start a cage.... hahaha... can source THAT shit locally... but by god no fucking amendments.

is it casting being IN the earth naturally? but any fieces will eventually become one... im lost... stoner moment???

any major reasons besides spectrum push you towards the xgs root? I could see it being a "more versatile" as a full spectrum light....

Thanks, apparently Eh is hard to get a hold of for every one now even me.. for the xgs, You pretty much answered it. I will hang them in this order long ways' ( sorry no photo shop or ms paint)

xgs sgs

sgs xgs

xgs sgs

for spectrum blend

Pot's not addictive, but apparently led panels are :bigjoint:

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Thats going all out! Should do you well in the future
I should hope so.. Eventually when I get into a bigger place. I want to have 3 flower rooms. 1 all a51, 2 all inda gro, 3 all cmh - 330's most likely. Probably by sep or oct, That will begin the move and construction.


Well-Known Member
some troll said veganics is a waste of time and to stick to synthetics so I am relying the message...


Well-Known Member
Thanks.. I think you say the same thing every grow,:lol:
yeah I tend to say the same thing over and over lol... but in this case it is because you truly have been stepping up your game every grow since I started following your work!


Well-Known Member
Really dude who asked you???Just because you tried to save some money by buying cheap chinesse crap now your all butthurt and flamming other grow's trying to make yourself feel all important.Get a life or go back to facebook
What is facebook? is that like myspace?


Well-Known Member
some troll said veganics is a waste of time and to stick to synthetics so I am relying the message...
you gotta be kidding me...... the mods need to fucking take care of these dudes. shoulda been a god damnn blow job...

Hyroot- I messaged them last night and already had answer..... WAIT!


Well-Known Member

  • kyle kushman uses worm castings and he is King Mr. Veganic lol

    worms are invertebratates, 75% - 90% water (no meat) , they don't have the same digestive system as other animals.. Their poop does not contain pathogens like most animal poop.

    rabbits, chicken, cows on a plant diet are vegan in the sense that they are on a vegan diet as if you or me were to be vegan.​

HUH........I thought vegan fert meant 100% plant based?? well if Kyle uses it, then EWC is approved for vegan gardening. ........my bad:dunce:

So if your correct about earthworms digestive tract(too lazy to check:P), the end result is exactly the same as composting with just bacteria/fungi.

So are we troll-free in here today??lol.............be safe brother


Well-Known Member
HUH........I thought vegan fert meant 100% plant based?? well if Kyle uses it, then EWC is approved for vegan gardening. ........my bad:dunce:

So if your correct about earthworms digestive tract(too lazy to check:P), the end result is exactly the same as composting with just bacteria/fungi.

So are we troll-free in here today??lol.............be safe brother
the end result is about the same with worms as compost but with worms its better quality and faster break down.. Plus with worms you don't have to turn the pile. They do all the aerating.

top mod stepped in yesterday on the hate led threads. so no more trolls. plus green santa and green genes stepped in with their grows and called the trolls on their b.s. I was waiting for chaz to step in with his extensive vocabulary..lol scotch and dawg went to bat on the last troll in my thread. Peace in the valley now...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Nice avatar ;) Are you still worm farming or just buying local?
both. My bin isn't ready to harvest. I keep adding to it. I just found a place down the street that carries the same castings as the farm supply. $22 for 40 lbs. of castings and I got 4 cu ft of perlite for $16 and 10 lbs.of rock dust for $8.


Well-Known Member
both. My bin isn't ready to harvest. I keep adding to it. I just found a place down the street that carries the same castings as the farm supply. $22 for 40 lbs. of castings.
That's a steal. I bet your a coupon clipper too. Have you seen their bins and know whats in em?