What if coffee were like ObamaCare?

why do you find it surprising that a democrat voted against a republican nominee?

are republicans misogynists for voting against sotomayor and kagan? anti-semites? xenophobic?

What I don't find surprising is, a KKK member being the only senator to vote against the only two African American SCOTUS nominees.
Was he the only Democrat senator voting?
The other thing that surprises me is, the fact you are defending him, why?
Just a heads up my brudda. I'd be careful engaging the freak. He has admitted to stalking one man here and I just found out he's cyber-stalking me too now. He's googling my user name and posting in forums I visit. It's pretty much agreed that this is sociopathic behavior. We just don't know what he's capable of, but we do know he's capable of at the very least, stalking men on the internet.

I'm truly flabbergasted adults act like this.
Just a heads up my brudda. I'd be careful engaging the freak. He has admitted to stalking one man here and I just found out he's cyber-stalking me too now. He's googling my user name and posting in forums I visit. It's pretty much agreed that this is sociopathic behavior. We just don't know what he's capable of, but we do know he's capable of at the very least, stalking men on the internet.

I'm truly flabbergasted adults act like this.

Sorry to hear that Gin, aren't there rules on this site against that?
Sorry to hear that Gin, aren't there rules on this site against that?

Well, not just here, but there are actually laws against it. Not that they do any good. I'm just a bit freaked that I touched a sicko in that way. If a man is sick enough to be possessed enough about another man that he would stalk him around the internet, what else is he capable of? I need a bigger dog and sharper axe.
Well, not just here, but there are actually laws against it. Not that they do any good. I'm just a bit freaked that I touched a sicko in that way. If a man is sick enough to be possessed enough about another man that he would stalk him around the internet, what else is he capable of? I need a bigger dog and sharper axe.

byrd renounced the klan back in the 50s.

"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

—Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1946

hmmmmm, does 1946 come before or after 1950?

derp dee fucking der, kynes is a moron.
can you rcite the law that says i am not allowed to google your username and join other forums you are a member of to illustrate what a liar you are over there too?

It's just not normal behavior dude, you need help. And yes, there are actually many courses of action I can take against cyberstalking, look it up you freak.

Seriously, what is normal about stalking another full grown man on the internet (no homo)? And to openly admit it, like you are proud of your creepiness, is what bothers me and makes me think I may end up having to take action.

Your behavior leads me to believe you are unstable. An unstable person stalking me makes me nervous. Me being nervous in real life would give me options to put an end to it. Cyberbullying is something I never thought I would have to deal with and I'm just now in the advice gathering for what to do about it.

The fact you see nothing wrong with it also has me nervous. Most serial killers think their actions are normal.
It's just not normal behavior dude, you need help. And yes, there are actually many courses of action I can take against cyberstalking, look it up you freak.

Seriously, what is normal about stalking another full grown man on the internet (no homo)? And to openly admit it, like you are proud of your creepiness, is what bothers me and makes me think I may end up having to take action.

Your behavior leads me to believe you are unstable. An unstable person stalking me makes me nervous. Me being nervous in real life would give me options to put an end to it. Cyberbullying is something I never thought I would have to deal with and I'm just now in the advice gathering for what to do about it.

The fact you see nothing wrong with it also has me nervous. Most serial killers think their actions are normal.

OMFG you have no idea how hard i am laughing right now. this is hilarious.

what possible course of action can you take to stop me from joining a poker forum and correcting your numerous factual inaccuracies that you could never get away with over here?

go ahead, call the police. please record the call and play it back for us here so i can listen and laugh along with the police officers at your dumb ass.
hmmmmm, does 1946 come before or after 1950?

derp dee fucking der, kynes is a moron.

"Late in his life, Byrd explicitly renounced his earlier views favoring racial segregation.[SUP][52][/SUP][SUP][53][/SUP] Byrd said that he regretted filibustering and voting against the Civil Rights Act of 1964[SUP][54][/SUP] and would change it if he had the opportunity. He said joining the KKK was "the greatest mistake I ever made."[SUP][52][/SUP] Byrd also said that his views changed dramatically after his teenage grandson was killed in a 1982 traffic accident, which put him in a deep emotional valley. "The death of my grandson caused me to stop and think," said Byrd, adding he came to realize that African-Americans love their children as much as he does his." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd

can you rcite the law that says i am not allowed to google your username and join other forums you are a member of to illustrate what a liar you are over there too?

Damn, you just admitted to stalking Ginwilly, i wasn't sure if both of you were giving me the circle jerk or what.
I don't know if it is illegal but it's kind of strange if you ask me. Obviously Gin doesn't take to kindly to you following him around the internet, I doubt anyone would tolerate it either.
Throwing jabs at each other on a political forum is one thing, but you are taking it too far.
Give him a break and respect his privacy, I don't think you're the dick you make yourself out to be on this forum.
Damn, you just admitted to stalking Ginwilly, i wasn't sure if both of you were giving me the circle jerk or what.
I don't know if it is illegal but it's kind of strange if you ask me. Obviously Gin doesn't take to kindly to you following him around the internet, I doubt anyone would tolerate it either.
Throwing jabs at each other on a political forum is one thing, but you are taking it too far.
Give him a break and respect his privacy, I don't think you're the dick you make yourself out to be on this forum.

you gonna cry or something, socky McFistuptheass?
in a pooling..you cannot "carve out"..everyone has a mandatory 10 points of coverage..females get ob/gyn and males get their viagara cialis testosterone etc..i don't understand why you can't grasp this concept..you're in the medical field..in reality you are not paying for both..there's no such thing as "female only coverage" or "male only coverage"..the 10-points of coverage are what the government has determined that is required for wellness to...wait for it....circumvent deadly disease and conditions that could lead to the disease.

You want Obamacare to consider a baby a disease?
canndo..i have to laugh..when they say "small government" that means no rules or regulations, period..otherwise, wouldn't we just be somalia?

Please explain why the USA has the highest percent of population in prison and the highest debt. When you're done with that try answering why the USA polices the world and how popular Imperialism is...
Then go put some skin cream on.

  • Soda spray on ipad screen..can I have your baby?

    The things that turn liberals on....
    Was it a "Super Tanker" from 7/11 ???

    Maybe you haven't heard... all the smart Libs never admit to drinking soda, or smoking...
    Not PC enough....

    You see....
    Once a Lib see's the light.... They usually say: "I've given up soda, and smokes..."

    Even if they haven't.... you'll catch on one day...

    For the better good of the group...​
