always having same problem + growbox + OG kush + WW auto + all info

He's not adding it to the soil.....he's adding it to the air in his grow area.....for now,,transplant to a bigger container and just water them. They'll grow out of it. It's common to have some young plant leaf tip yellowing as they acclimate to the media. The first "true" leaves do that.

They'll be fine.
sorry for the bad english i was in a hurry to go to class>>>>> anyways i was asking about the adding CO2 to the soil?... any idea about it?

Its all good I figured it wasn't ur first language and I give u props for getting English more or less figured out. Anyway I watched the video and Im fairly certain he is not putting CO2 into soil, he just has a line that runs underneath his plants and I assume his exhaust is high in the tent, thus sucking the CO2 up. While CO2 can give improved results, I cant comment on how effective these homemade CO2 generators are. I did it once with no noticeable difference and it was kind of a pain in the ass to be honest. Ive been growing for 5 years, never used CO2 besides that one time, and my yields are very respectable without it
Where did you see him put the tube in the soil?? He showed how to make a yeast co2 gen (wouldnt recommend they smell awful). Ill say it again because it bears utterance, photosynthesis requires co2. Where does photosynthesis take place? The leaves... so explain to me why you would put it in the soil by the roots?? Sorry if im coming off snarky bro but i told you in my last poost you dont apply co2 to the roots and though i explained it decently. Your roots need oxygen not co2 otherwise they wont be able to transport nutriebts to the plant.
^^^Lol GO PACK GO!! Yeah I moved out to Colorado for various reasons but Ill be rockin Wisconsin gear till the day I die.
Nice a buddy of mine just moved to denver this last week. Still chilling with the cows myself under walkers tryanny, maybe one day i will move but not in the near future.
He's not adding it to the soil.....he's adding it to the air in his grow area.....for now,,transplant to a bigger container and just water them. They'll grow out of it. It's common to have some young plant leaf tip yellowing as they acclimate to the media. The first "true" leaves do that.

They'll be fine.

Where did you see him put the tube in the soil?? He showed how to make a yeast co2 gen (wouldnt recommend they smell awful). Ill say it again because it bears utterance, photosynthesis requires co2. Where does photosynthesis take place? The leaves... so explain to me why you would put it in the soil by the roots?? Sorry if im coming off snarky bro but i told you in my last poost you dont apply co2 to the roots and though i explained it decently. Your roots need oxygen not co2 otherwise they wont be able to transport nutriebts to the plant.

i thought hes puttin it to the soil..... i just wanted to make sure about it ....... THATS ALL, aint stupid or hard to understand just wanna clear things out

the reason im on this thread to get information n clear things from what i read n what other people tellin me!! if you aint feelin good about the question im askin u can just ignore the questions, but not to mockin the shit im writin ....
Yeah I heard that Wisconsin is trying to or did pass a bill to increase weed penalties which baffles me. Nice to see another grower from Wisconsin tho. When I was growing there it was only me and my garden...kept that shit super low-key for obvious reasons. Its too bad its so strict because Wisconsin has phenomenal weed growing weather. If Wisconsin had the culture that Colorado has you could grow serious dank out of that state.
i thought hes puttin it to the soil..... i just wanted to make sure about it ....... THATS ALL, aint stupid or hard to understand just wanna clear things out

the reason im on this thread to get information n clear things from what i read n what other people tellin me!! if you aint feelin good about the question im askin u can just ignore the questions, but not to mockin the shit im writin ....

You kind of need thick skin when you post on this site. A lot of people are dicks, some people aren't trying to be rude but it comes across as such. Don't worry about it man you learn by asking questions and trial and error. Im sure you will figure everything out.
take a look at this video >>>> hes adding the co2 to the soil....

also i wanna know when i can start doing it ??!

this is badass.
so, did he stick it in the soil, or just place it around the soil?
You kind of need thick skin when you post on this site. A lot of people are dicks, some people aren't trying to be rude but it comes across as such. Don't worry about it man you learn by asking questions and trial and error. Im sure you will figure everything out.

thnx alot
Sorry if i cae off rude man,I always try to keep it in the back of my head that we all had to learn not to shit our pants at some time in our lives but i felt i clearily answered your question.... ill just chalk it up to the language barrier.
keep the questions coming but like danky said be prepared for the dicks to come thru your thread and bash ya a lil.

And not tryin to thread jack but danky they introduced legislation so they can double jeopardy you on weed crimes. If state gets a mistrial locals get a go at ya too... that bill has more likelihood of passing than the medical which imo mirrors the strictness of illinois' medical( only reason i draw comparisons is if i remember correctly both left ptsd out which is disheartening considering how many young vets come back with that now)
^^Yeah no attempt at thread jacking but that is fucked up natro. If you stay in Wisconsin just keep ur nose clean until medical passes, it really is only a matter of time regardless of what is happening now. One more thing I will add is that getting your medical card is just as easy as getting a prescription for Ritalin or Adderall (which is good or bad depending on who you ask). Not saying you should work the system, but I got my card here for depression and hypothyroidism and those aren't "qualifying conditions" in Colorado either.
Oh i may be a young guy but i have bad joints from sports injuries that werent properly treated... And i try to be an upstanding citizen aside from my bedroom of ganj lol. Would move but i got family here, maybe some day. seattle seems more my pace if i was gonna move and that whole no plant count sounds cool