New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

Yeah mate give it a go, Mohicans a bat guano user aye?. I wish I'd used it this season. Man I've seen those nice looking mulanje's, Mulanje is a lake in Malawi I think so It's basically the same, How was the high? I Have some of Holy smokes genetics I might use next season. If the season finishes off properly it will yield as much as anything really, massive potential in the yieldind department.

Aussie - Mohican's a Mohican lol na jokes but I'm pretty sure he grows in Oregon which is an American state that borders Canada. pretty impressive for all the way up there, I thought he was in the emerald triangle for the way his Malawis looked.


It probably gets some in the morning if it's photosynthesising properly, 2 months veg exactly today for the Malawis and just sit on 6ft now. Still have a bad problem of vine hoppers on the Panamas but are starting regain some vigour and 'life' lol.

I'll try upload some pics today guys, I have shitty usb broadband that barely get a signal up here with slow as uploading so bare with me :mrgreen:.

I agree aussie, we need Mohican in this thread. Inspiring grower with his Africans.

I have been vaping it all day and it has left me burnt out, at earlier i was nit that tired but i might be winding down now. Overall it is mellow and uplifting. I expected it to be more psychedelic but I really like the mellow sativa stone. It smells awesome and the vapor is smooth. Maybe this pheno did not have much thcv, leading it to be more easy going. I also have some holy smokes seeds that I am using this year hopefully. I actually just planted Guatemala from ACE.

We are in Southern California, the climate is warm and dry so we can grow sativas fairly easily. In Oregon they probably need greenhouses.
Are there any cheap vapes available in NZ? I really want to get one but don't want to drop $200+ on one when I could get a real nice bong or something for less. I've considered trying to make one myself from a soldering iron or heat gun or something.

Here are some pics from today:



Can see she's definitely budding now. Smells sweet. Anyone have any idea on how much she could potentially yield? I'm thinking around 2oz of dried buds.
I might give it a go with the autos I have going now, they are in a half soilless mix and will probably need a boost. I just met up with Mohican and he gifted me some of his compost grown Mulanje, and it is a beautiful easy going high. My first properly grown landrace African experience. Hope your Malawi give you a high yield because this stuff is nice :-)

ah yeah sorry when i saw this post i thought he must have been a kiwi but now i realise andrew2112's location is cali.
I have been vaping it all day and it has left me burnt out, at earlier i was nit that tired but i might be winding down now. Overall it is mellow and uplifting. I expected it to be more psychedelic but I really like the mellow sativa stone. It smells awesome and the vapor is smooth. Maybe this pheno did not have much thcv,bleating it to be more easy going. I also have some holy smokes seeds that I am using this year hopefully. I actually just planted Guatemala from ACE.

We are in Southern California, the climate is warm and dry so we can grow sativas fairly easily. In Oregon they probably need greenhouses.

Yea that sounds like a nice smoke though, a dude in Aussie that I'm talking to on IC said he couldn't get his Malawi to be anywhere near the strength from the good cobs over in Malawi itself.
I guess plants like their natural environment, I'm glad Ace's version was selected in spain. Maybe that's why it's already showing sex.

I'll be keen to see that Guatemalan man, outside?.

I think he said those holy smokes Malawi where grown at 44N?. What's your Latitude? I'm at 37S which is good for sativas because of the semi sub tropical climate here, where I live we get the more sunshine hours than most. Have you been to NZ? such a different cannabis culture over here compared to Cali :mrgreen:.

Snapper, I dunno man there's way too many variables that affect the outcome. direct sun hours,nutrients,genetics and the climate of the season itself etc. that last lot of rain was awesome!
OK so here's an update. We just had 50mm of rain in the last 2 days and then a 30 degree day today! :mrgreen: the plants are gonna go psycho the way this season is going.

Malawi - just on 6ft. I had my good camera today to take some decent shots.

[/IMG] - The structure is nice

Here's the Panamas looking slightly better from the vine hoppers. What do you guys think? 2 confirmed Panama females :mrgreen: I think they're red phenos too. oh yes!.

Here's a massive fan leaf for the person that asked for a pic.

The Uzbeki is looking healthy and vibrant, I was quite surprised to see how healthy it was.
She's about 2 weeks or more into flower, I don't think it will go til middle of april like it's supposed to. It can't be 9 weeks away? look at these pics.


I'm kicking myself that I didn't put a proper Tashkenti out this year, Looks like it loves NZ's climate.

Letstrip, you have to grow this outside next season bro!, it looks like a turbo charged local strain the way it has responded our climate.

Oh yeah and I saw a bloody Wallaby in my growing area today! since when did we have wallabys in Tauranga?. I've never seen one out in the wild here.
It trips me out that mini kangaroos live in NZ.
Looking good CK, yea those lil roos have been around for ages, I think the NI ones are smaller then the ones in Canterbury. good fun to hunt but they also like eating crop too especially nice stinky buds!! so be careful and make sure your cage is good enough.

you guys ad the spotter plane through yet , a mate of min reckon its been doing the rounds I nelson area the bastards. yours is quite exposed and will be easy target for the flying pigs.
Looking good CK, yea those lil roos have been around for ages, I think the NI ones are smaller then the ones in Canterbury. good fun to hunt but they also like eating crop too especially nice stinky buds!! so be careful and make sure your cage is good enough.

you guys ad the spotter plane through yet , a mate of min reckon its been doing the rounds I nelson area the bastards. yours is quite exposed and will be easy target for the flying pigs.

Ha yeah they are funny little things ay, they can get pretty big down there? the ones up here are only those little ones. They're usually in rotorua though?.
So they eat cannabis? the other person growing in the area is gonna get their plants munched on hard then :mrgreen: My cages are good enough but I don't think they're down where I am.

Not too sure if we've had spotter planes. I'm not too sure if they do it out my ways because there's no big operations or patches up here(that I know of), Tauranga is not exactly known for having massive patches anyway. They're looking for lots of plants in an area rather than single personal plots like us?, They mostly look for operations involving lots of people and gangs etc.

I don't see why spotter planes would come out here because the would find fuck all, needle in a haystack really - Northland,Nelson,Taupo,East coast etc have massive gang operations with hundreds of plants per plot so I think the would target those areas more. All good growing locations are exposed lol, fuck em. You'd have to be a real wanker to pick on minuscule growers like us.
In Canberra they let you grow 2 plants , why can't we be like this!. We're so stuck in the past it's getting to the point of delusion.

JTW - looking pretty frosty mate but I can only see the last pic. We did have a 30 degree day yesterday, maybe from the intense UV but I can't see anything wrong with the one pic I can see.
hi CK, yea the roos around waimate can get up to 25-30kg for a big buck, a mate of mine had his whole crop demolished by them ay, never hassled it while they were vegging but once they started stinking that was it they had an all you can eat buffet.

the chopper thing they'll take what thy can get b yea they are after the big grows but most have got wise and do multiple 10 plant patches now but theres stil the odd idiots every year that cut a big patch out of the bush. last big 1 I seen couldbe seen at 10,000 ft by charter planes, anything more the 50 or so will get the army boys keeping watch camping nearby. they'll take all they can find ive lost single plants in th past to them, if you see a plane flying back and forth late afternoon will most prob be a spotter and id be doin some camo work. growing in gorse is best as its heat signature is similar to pot so the I.R is no good and they have to look at plain photos.
Yea that sounds like a nice smoke though, a dude in Aussie that I'm talking to on IC said he couldn't get his Malawi to be anywhere near the strength from the good cobs over in Malawi itself.
I guess plants like their natural environment, I'm glad Ace's version was selected in spain. Maybe that's why it's already showing sex.

I'll be keen to see that Guatemalan man, outside?.

I think he said those holy smokes Malawi where grown at 44N?. What's your Latitude? I'm at 37S which is good for sativas because of the semi sub tropical climate here, where I live we get the more sunshine hours than most. Have you been to NZ? such a different cannabis culture over here compared to Cali :mrgreen:.

Snapper, I dunno man there's way too many variables that affect the outcome. direct sun hours,nutrients,genetics and the climate of the season itself etc. that last lot of rain was awesome!
It is a very nice smoke, after vaporizing it for a few hours it makes me want to sleep which is awesome it's so relaxing :-)
the plants in Africa are closer to the equator which I read makes them reduce more THC and possibly THCV. Plus, Africans need so much sunlight some will not even flower flower properly indoors. I am definitely placing the guatemalan outside, hope it's a female. I'm actually getting ready for the outdoor season now. My latitude is 33.99 north, and Humboldt is around 40N. I have never been to NZ but I had a few kiwi friends when I lived overseas. What is the cannabis culture like over there?
The summer has been good with sunshine hours up here, and the night temps have been high too. 18 tonight.
29 is good bro it's been raining today which the Panamas needed.

Malawi has real good drought resistance and is more weather proof than most strains. Only Cannabiogen has Taskenti and will handle your climate easily, find a spot with lots of sun hours per day and chuck like 1 or 2 in a cage like how my Malawis are setup. late october or early november is good for seeds. Yeah herbies bro, there's a pick n mix herbies too. Taskenti is pretty stable(f9) so most seeds will be the same.
You'll be lucky to get your hands on peyote purple bro. haven't visited my plants since the start of the month and I need a cloudy rainless day to spray with the pesticide/

Yeah I know what you mean, having lots of people trips you out too much when you're getting super high. like 15-20 cone blazes lol.

Males won't get you high man, only a few % thc at best. I've been so high that it felt like everything was fast forwarding and speeding up yet time past so slowly lol.
You should try grow out the male as long as you can, test how far your season can go before it damages your plants. It'd be cool if you could reverse males to females somehow :mrgreen:

You'll like the taskenti, like a sweet pungent fragrance similar to afghani but better, it has a prolonged stretch too. I'm gonna make some hash out of the trim soon.

Damn bro 18 is a legit as night time high. Is been algood down here in the last few days with 14 - 15 night lows which is pretty good for us. Its been rainy in the past few days and its looking good towards Wensday so hopefully thatl bump the plunt up a bit! Gave it some Thrive fruit and flower today also.

Sweet as I think im gonna get Taskenti. Ive heard its pretty high yeilding outdoors to which will be great! Reckon I should get em going late October or November? Being an indica Itl be gem with the cooler pre summer temps and I suppose it would flower earlier being a pure indica? Saw the pictures of you Takenti it looks mad as must be perfect in our climate. I think Ive got a Latitude of 40 so dunno how that lines up to you. Im keen as to get a Malawi going aswell yours are looking good as and your panama are looking primo to, cant wait to see all you buds :bigjoint: Yea the peyote purple looked insane it was by Cannabiogen bro. Maybe that Taskenti will turn out alot better than you thought.

Yeah tones of people is way to trippy with 15 - 20 cone blazes getting blitzed as hahaha Damn super high i reckon that happens if you smoke enough decent sativa? I think I might do that and see how long I can grow it out for :-D Itl give me a good idea for next season.

I went and checked mine today for the first time since I last uploaded pictures and it was looking algood other than the fact that a branch had fallen on it luckily not breaking anything. The plant just grew upwards and around it so now its on a real awkward angle but itl correct itself eventually lol Male pods are looking good and healthy and yeah the plant looks over all pretty healthy. Sucks that its a because there are tones of bud spots! Also this purple pink redy color is getting more intense along the leaf stems and main stem it looks wack Ill chuck some pictures up. I wonder whats causing it or whether its just part of its genetics. I dont think its the cold because we've had warm nights lately. Either way it looks kinda cool, its taken on a purpley redy slight pink :bigjoint: Leaves are starting to get more and more sativa shaped as it flowers more. The middle leaf picture is a good example.

Male flowers:

General plant:

The redy pinky purple: Also towards the top of the plant on the main stems but I didn't photograph it.
Oh yeah and Ive heard about those roos what breed are they?

Also sucks about spotter planes. I think the bigger plots are sort of more gang related and by taking up on the weed they can usually follow up on the harder drugs to do with the gangs.
I guess if they came across a plant or two depending were it was they'd just take it.
Damn bro 18 is a legit as night time high. Is been algood down here in the last few days with 14 - 15 night lows which is pretty good for us. Its been rainy in the past few days and its looking good towards Wensday so hopefully thatl bump the plunt up a bit! Gave it some Thrive fruit and flower today also.

Sweet as I think im gonna get Taskenti. Ive heard its pretty high yeilding outdoors to which will be great! Reckon I should get em going late October or November? Being an indica Itl be gem with the cooler pre summer temps and I suppose it would flower earlier being a pure indica? Saw the pictures of you Takenti it looks mad as must be perfect in our climate. I think Ive got a Latitude of 40 so dunno how that lines up to you. Im keen as to get a Malawi going aswell yours are looking good as and your panama are looking primo to, cant wait to see all you buds :bigjoint: Yea the peyote purple looked insane it was by Cannabiogen bro. Maybe that Taskenti will turn out alot better than you thought.

Yeah tones of people is way to trippy with 15 - 20 cone blazes getting blitzed as hahaha Damn super high i reckon that happens if you smoke enough decent sativa? I think I might do that and see how long I can grow it out for :-D Itl give me a good idea for next season.

I went and checked mine today for the first time since I last uploaded pictures and it was looking algood other than the fact that a branch had fallen on it luckily not breaking anything. The plant just grew upwards and around it so now its on a real awkward angle but itl correct itself eventually lol Male pods are looking good and healthy and yeah the plant looks over all pretty healthy. Sucks that its a because there are tones of bud spots! Also this purple pink redy color is getting more intense along the leaf stems and main stem it looks wack Ill chuck some pictures up. I wonder whats causing it or whether its just part of its genetics. I dont think its the cold because we've had warm nights lately. Either way it looks kinda cool, its taken on a purpley redy slight pink :bigjoint: Leaves are starting to get more and more sativa shaped as it flowers more. The middle leaf picture is a good example.
General plant:
The redy pinky purple: Also towards the top of the plant on the main stems but I didn't photograph it.

damn bro I just looked at your last weather over the last 30 days, so much temp variation it's crazy - 2/29 lowest/highest temp.
How did you only get to 15 degree yesterday and then have a mid 20's temp today? lol. 4 seasons in one month by the sounds of it.

Yeah mate definitely get Taskenti for next season, Malawi or tropical sativas won't care for lows under 5 degrees. Taskenti on the other hand will handle 0 degrees fine. early flower too, I don't think mine is gonna go all the way to mid april like it's supposed to. I'm thinking late march or early april at the latest. Depends on the season of when to put them out bro- I'd say late october for seeds or early november for clones because they're more prone to flowering early from shit weather because they're mature if you know what I mean. Giant ancient indica genes - probably a lowland variety from how tall it grows. Are you in a situation to clone? some people have to hide their growing from their household but luckily I dont.

Yeah man sativa has no ceiling a lot of the time so you can keep smoking til you pass out, some indicas have a limit of to how high you can get then after that you're just wasting your weed.
Grow you're male out until it dies, if it still goes to end of april sweet then you should get Cannabiogens Panama too. If I make some Malawi seeds I'll send some down to you but you have to grow them out and show us, It'l be better because it is acclimatised to our weather. Might be a little variation being f2 seeds but that's not a bad thing being from ace seeds.

Between each parallel is 111km, 40 degree lat is the start of prime indica growing - even Taupo is indica growing climate. I'm at 37 which is the start of sativa dominant growing country because of the high night time temps and rainfall(1,200mm). In my opinion TGA/western BOP is in the top 3 places for ganja growing. Nelson/blenheim kicks ass too because of the high sunshine hours.

I have Purple stems on my Panamas too. From genetics though because we haven't gone below 10 degree in the last few months.
You're plant's sick mate, Looks healthy as and has that organic look to it. definitely keep the pollen. I'd say it's slightly more sativa dominant because indica males would of flowered before february for sure. Males always show at least a week earlier.

Dama Wallaby I think, damn bastards 1080'd the whole area and killed 16! pussies can't hunt for shit. It pisses me off when they use 1080, like in the Ruahines - my dad went on a trip with a mate years ago and shot 10 stags and saw over 250 deer in that trip and then they were 1080'd. It annoys me that they introduce pests and then when they get out of control they don't have the resources to control them so they just poison them, retarded. I might ring them up and try suss something out so I can hunt them for them.

I'm sure police would rip plants if they were on foot but in the helicopter or spotter plane they're not gonna bother with little mini grows like ours because they only have a certain amount of budget and resources and they have to get good results. They'd get nowhere targeting small grows.

Woodhill forest have massive grows by gangs - some plots are like 200lbs.
damn bro I just looked at your last weather over the last 30 days, so much temp variation it's crazy - 2/29 lowest/highest temp.
How did you only get to 15 degree yesterday and then have a mid 20's temp today? lol. 4 seasons in one month by the sounds of it.

Yeah mate definitely get Taskenti for next season, Malawi or tropical sativas won't care for lows under 5 degrees. Taskenti on the other hand will handle 0 degrees fine. early flower too, I don't think mine is gonna go all the way to mid april like it's supposed to. I'm thinking late march or early april at the latest. Depends on the season of when to put them out bro- I'd say late october for seeds or early november for clones because they're more prone to flowering early from shit weather because they're mature if you know what I mean. Giant ancient indica genes - probably a lowland variety from how tall it grows. Are you in a situation to clone? some people have to hide their growing from their household but luckily I dont.

Yeah man sativa has no ceiling a lot of the time so you can keep smoking til you pass out, some indicas have a limit of to how high you can get then after that you're just wasting your weed.
Grow you're male out until it dies, if it still goes to end of april sweet then you should get Cannabiogens Panama too. If I make some Malawi seeds I'll send some down to you but you have to grow them out and show us, It'l be better because it is acclimatised to our weather. Might be a little variation being f2 seeds but that's not a bad thing being from ace seeds.

Between each parallel is 111km, 40 degree lat is the start of prime indica growing - even Taupo is indica growing climate. I'm at 37 which is the start of sativa dominant growing country because of the high night time temps and rainfall(1,200mm). In my opinion TGA/western BOP is in the top 3 places for ganja growing. Nelson/blenheim kicks ass too because of the high sunshine hours.

I have Purple stems on my Panamas too. From genetics though because we haven't gone below 10 degree in the last few months.
You're plant's sick mate, Looks healthy as and has that organic look to it. definitely keep the pollen. I'd say it's slightly more sativa dominant because indica males would of flowered before february for sure. Males always show at least a week earlier.

Dama Wallaby I think, damn bastards 1080'd the whole area and killed 16! pussies can't hunt for shit. It pisses me off when they use 1080, like in the Ruahines - my dad went on a trip with a mate years ago and shot 10 stags and saw over 250 deer in that trip and then they were 1080'd. It annoys me that they introduce pests and then when they get out of control they don't have the resources to control them so they just poison them, retarded. I might ring them up and try suss something out so I can hunt them for them.

I'm sure police would rip plants if they were on foot but in the helicopter or spotter plane they're not gonna bother with little mini grows like ours because they only have a certain amount of budget and resources and they have to get good results. They'd get nowhere targeting small grows.

Woodhill forest have massive grows by gangs - some plots are like 200lbs.

Crazy weather ae. Its been a real out of it summer, alot like a woman in the past couple of months, It can never make its mind up and goes from one extreme to another. Next few days are looking good though so thatl give my plant a good boost after all the rain. Sweet as Taskenti it is I guess! Maybe a couple of others to. I wanted to grow the Barneys farm LSD one day because im into those psychedelic buzzes, it supposedly is popular for delivering a vivid and psychedelic experience with a powerful body buzz and cerebral high which sounds quite tasty! Its indica dominant surprisingly so that would suite my climate more over a sativa I guess but then again I can only try. Unfrotuneatly im not in the situation to clone at the moment but I defiantly will in the future so Ill have to run with the seeds for now.

Agreed especially the weaker indicas and hybrids like Big bud in particular I reckon. Yeah Im just gonna grow it out until it looks like its had enough and then chop it. Sweet as bro Id been keen to grow out some Malawi and give them a jam down here! Yeah you guys defiantly would grow good ganja up your way! So im around the more indica side being at 40 degrees? Awesome about the reds I hope you got a red pheno or two!! I wish I new what strain I had because I do quite like it not that I can compare it to anything. Cheers mate, reckon it looks algood. The soil and the organic liquid fertilizer have been the biggest influence on the organic look. The soil is beautiful and packed full of nutrients I reckon. Sucks about the 1080 ae. Out of it how we have those little Wallaby's though.

Couple of quick questions if CK or anyone can answer:

What does the f1 f2 etc mean?
How do I collect pollen from my male?
And can I pollinate any marijuana plant using any pollen from any strain or does it effect the genetics etc? Because I have no idea what strain ive got lol

I never noticed how white marijuana is under the leaves :bigjoint:
Basically you have the parents. They are given the name P1 - these are for example old school land-race strains.
Then F1 is basically the first cross between the original parents P1 x P1 = F1
f2 is a cross of the f1 crosses. F1xF1 = F2
and so on.

The reason this is important is due to how homozygous, or not, the outcome of the seeds is.

For pollinating - Just keep your male separate and when pollen drops, take a damp cotton bud and dab up some pollen on it and then go rub it on as many or few pistils as you require. If you only want a few - just to test or whatever, then just rub it on a couple of the pistils directly off the main stem. You'll get really big healthy ones :leaf:
If you want hundreds just put the male and female in the same room lol

OR if you just wanna collect it just put some into a small, airtight container ideally with some silica or you can use rice. Some people freeze it too.

If your male is unknown and/or not great it won't have any negative effect on your female to pollinate it, but the offspring are unknown..not necessarily bad though.
Couple of quick questions
What does the f1 f2 etc mean?
How do I collect pollen from my male?
And can I pollinate any marijuana plant using any pollen from any strain or does it effect the genetics etc? Because I have no idea what strain ive got lol

I never noticed how white marijuana is under the leaves :bigjoint:
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Keep your male plant separate from the females, lean you male over a glass picture frame like 45 degrees, over the next few days pollen will fall, scrap up with a razor blade and store in the freezer with a spoon of rice to absorb water, water is the curse of pollen as it kills it, dab the pollen with a q-tip to the female flowers, and mark each fertilized branch or do the whole plant by spooning in pollen to a bag and in a isolated place invert the bag over the female plants leave on for 30 minutes then remove
its a sad day today. for around 2 years i have had an endless supply of my favourite bud. my most recent batch was about 6 moths old and was cured perfectly and today i just ran out.

its time to fire that clone up again.
Cheers vostok and goldy! Pretty sure I understand now ;-) Answered all my questions cheers.

Do I just put the rice in with the pollen or separated in the container or what?

Thanks guys.
its a sad day today. for around 2 years i have had an endless supply of my favourite bud. my most recent batch was about 6 moths old and was cured perfectly and today i just ran out.

its time to fire that clone up again.

Aussie that shit looks amazing! What strain was it