New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

you can only get about .05g per fill in the little pen vape and when it takes os much mucking around between hits that isnt really enough

I might just go with the desktop vape then. Those pens sound like a pain in the ass.

lol I'm not into the fancy ways of smoking weed, joints,bongs and spots for me. plus a decent vape is expensive as.
Aussie I wish I had the same tolerance as you, I need strong thcv sativas to get me properly wacked. Hopefully Malawia and Panama do the trick, although I haven't taken a tolerance break in a while.

Anyone know where to get earth juice bloom? on the internet?. couldn't find any on Australian or NZ sites. We have earth juice catalyst which I'm using but I really want the bloom.
Also does anyone know where to get blunts from? like more than 1 or 2. Can you get blunts papers? like a pack. I love smoking blunts.

It's worth the investment, even though we are getting ripped in this country for decent quality desktops, that's if the shop even decides to sell
anything other than those chinese vaporites. Taste is 10x better and you use alot less weed. The ultimate vape machine is the sublimator i hear,
apparently it's like having five bong hits in one hit, it's a pretty elaborate machine with a heavy price tag.

"couldn't find any on Australian or NZ sites"

I just put earth juice bloom in google and one of the first results came from You couldn't have been looking that hard lol.
lol I'm not into the fancy ways of smoking weed, joints,bongs and spots for me. plus a decent vape is expensive as.
Aussie I wish I had the same tolerance as you, I need strong thcv sativas to get me properly wacked. Hopefully Malawia and Panama do the trick, although I haven't taken a tolerance break in a while.

Anyone know where to get earth juice bloom? on the internet?. couldn't find any on Australian or NZ sites. We have earth juice catalyst which I'm using but I really want the bloom.
Also does anyone know where to get blunts from? like more than 1 or 2. Can you get blunts papers? like a pack. I love smoking blunts.

I just use raw papers. There made from hemp and taste nixe in a joint. As for blunt papers I know you can get em but I dont know where. My hydro shop guy stocks all that sort of crap though I think
Yeah today has clouded over a bit, good for the pesticide to settle in. man such a cool summer aye? we haven't even got 28 this summer although I've measured 29.4 at my house.
The Tashkent is so vigorous and hardy, you should grow some clones next season - you only get a 50mm average in april while I get 120mm on average. If it doesn't get bud rot in my climate it sure as shit wont in yours :mrgreen: Yeah the infestation was so bad, did you see those 2 pics I posted of the Panamas? so bad that I had to pull out the big guns.

The Malawis are too healthy to be affected by the vine hoppers. bit yeah I don't like using pesticides.
Smell and 'look' of the bud is only cosmetic, all those trippy landraces don't look like much but they certainly take you deeper into the cannabis world.
I've had some average as looking La confidential that fucked us all up lol, a soaring high that felt like a rollercoaster in the car.
Have you ever been so high that you feel like you're permenantly falling or flying? I've had weed that gave me the feeling of my toes falling off.

You're plant looks amazingly healthy bro, you should keep some pollen because it's acclimitised to your climate and will be more rain resistant,wind etc in the breeding.
I reckon A malawi could finish off down there too, you're temps are algood til the end of april.

Sucks about it being male but you've learnt heaps and can do a more equipped grow next season with some good genetics to handle your climate well.
The Tashkent and Malawi would adapt to your climate pretty easily.

I'm harvesting tomorrow :mrgreen: the Led and hps combination is producing some nice buds that are all falling over!.
Tashkent still looks a couple of weeks away because it's a seed mother.

The taskenti can turn into a monster very quickly and produces resin stronger than afghanistan or pakistan genetics - kick your mates asses with it if you grow it :weed:

Yeah its been pretty cool ae definatly not the best summer but I guess itl have to do. We eneded up hitting 29 on Tuesday! Im seriously thinking about getting some Taskenti seeds planting them up next season. Probably should do good as, being 100% indica itl handle the late season cold good down here I guess. Whats the stone like? Should I go for Ace or Cannabiogen Taskenti? From Herbies right? I was just looking at the Peyote Purple by cannabiogen, man what a wack looking plant! Has almost a black color to it. Yeah saw those pictures on the panama bro that looked pretty serious. How they doing now?

Would love to go in deeper into the cannabis world. I know what you mean about being so high you feel like your falling or flying, I actually quite like getting that high but only with a good mate or two and as long as we know what were in for :bigjoint: My mind goes wild when Im that high I think really deeply, its very enjoyable but not something id have around lots of people. Sometimes it feels like my legs are just floating or are just made of jelly or something lol

Cheers yeah I reckon its pretty healthy! Sucks that its a male because it could have been a killer female but hey that's nature. How do I collect the pollen? Might have to grow some Malawi to, will you be making any Malawi fem seeds? Coz id be happy to send some ching ching your way for a few to try out down my way:bigjoint: You can get those blunt wraps from most smoke shops in NZ, even some dearies stock them. I tried my first blunt a little while ago It got me pretty high but Im not so into the tobacco lol Had a mad berry taste though and it was two wraps for 5 bucks.

I think I might do a little experiment with my male. There seems to be bugger all info on what alternatives there are to do with male plants other then bin them or get the pollen etc. I might try and make something out of it or I might chuck up a thread and see what desired effects smoking certain parts can get you and clear this up once and for all ;-) Is there CBD in males and I heard they contain a very small portion of THC?
I might just go with the desktop vape then. Those pens sound like a pain in the ass.

It's worth the investment, even though we are getting ripped in this country for decent quality desktops, that's if the shop even decides to sell
anything other than those chinese vaporites. Taste is 10x better and you use alot less weed. The ultimate vape machine is the sublimator i hear,
apparently it's like having five bong hits in one hit, it's a pretty elaborate machine with a heavy price tag.

"couldn't find any on Australian or NZ sites"

I just put earth juice bloom in google and one of the first results came from You couldn't have been looking that hard lol.

Yeah na Guru gardener only sells everything apart from the actual grow and bloom which is very hard to find as it seems.
I use the catalyst which is pretty expensive, $50 for a litre.

Aussie, I use those pure hemp bob marley papers. Yeah most shops here only have that shitty juicy jay brand, I want actual blunts not fairy flavoured blunt wraps lol.
Element papers are proabably my favourite because of the criss cross pattern to make it burn evenly. It feels good to be smoking hemp rather than those zig zags hah.
Yeah its been pretty cool ae definatly not the best summer but I guess itl have to do. We eneded up hitting 29 on Tuesday! Im seriously thinking about getting some Taskenti seeds planting them up next season. Probably should do good as, being 100% indica itl handle the late season cold good down here I guess. Whats the stone like? Should I go for Ace or Cannabiogen Taskenti? From Herbies right? I was just looking at the Peyote Purple by cannabiogen, man what a wack looking plant! Has almost a black color to it. Yeah saw those pictures on the panama bro that looked pretty serious. How they doing now?

Would love to go in deeper into the cannabis world. I know what you mean about being so high you feel like your falling or flying, I actually quite like getting that high but only with a good mate or two and as long as we know what were in for :bigjoint: My mind goes wild when Im that high I think really deeply, its very enjoyable but not something id have around lots of people. Sometimes it feels like my legs are just floating or are just made of jelly or something lol

Cheers yeah I reckon its pretty healthy! Sucks that its a male because it could have been a killer female but hey that's nature. How do I collect the pollen? Might have to grow some Malawi to, will you be making any Malawi fem seeds? Coz id be happy to send some ching ching your way for a few to try out down my way:bigjoint: You can get those blunt wraps from most smoke shops in NZ, even some dearies stock them. I tried my first blunt a little while ago It got me pretty high but Im not so into the tobacco lol Had a mad berry taste though and it was two wraps for 5 bucks.

I think I might do a little experiment with my male. There seems to be bugger all info on what alternatives there are to do with male plants other then bin them or get the pollen etc. I might try and make something out of it or I might chuck up a thread and see what desired effects smoking certain parts can get you and clear this up once and for all ;-) Is there CBD in males and I heard they contain a very small portion of THC?

The summer has been good with sunshine hours up here, and the night temps have been high too. 18 tonight.
29 is good bro it's been raining today which the Panamas needed.

Malawi has real good drought resistance and is more weather proof than most strains. Only Cannabiogen has Taskenti and will handle your climate easily, find a spot with lots of sun hours per day and chuck like 1 or 2 in a cage like how my Malawis are setup. late october or early november is good for seeds. Yeah herbies bro, there's a pick n mix herbies too. Taskenti is pretty stable(f9) so most seeds will be the same.
You'll be lucky to get your hands on peyote purple bro. haven't visited my plants since the start of the month and I need a cloudy rainless day to spray with the pesticide/

Yeah I know what you mean, having lots of people trips you out too much when you're getting super high. like 15-20 cone blazes lol.

Males won't get you high man, only a few % thc at best. I've been so high that it felt like everything was fast forwarding and speeding up yet time past so slowly lol.
You should try grow out the male as long as you can, test how far your season can go before it damages your plants. It'd be cool if you could reverse males to females somehow :mrgreen:

You'll like the taskenti, like a sweet pungent fragrance similar to afghani but better, it has a prolonged stretch too. I'm gonna make some hash out of the trim soon.
Yeah na Guru gardener only sells everything apart from the actual grow and bloom which is very hard to find as it seems.
I use the catalyst which is pretty expensive, $50 for a litre.

Must be an old page then. I just use ebay when all else fails. I buy cal mag from there for my coco instead of using the flairform cmx they sell
here, it works out roughly the same price anyway excpet this the cal mag is a better formulation. Earth juice is about $55 on ebay including shipping.
Must be an old page then. I just use ebay when all else fails. I buy cal mag from there for my coco instead of using the flairform cmx they sell
here, it works out roughly the same price anyway excpet this the cal mag is a better formulation. Earth juice is about $55 on ebay including shipping.

sweet found the earth juice on ebay.
I got a couple of earth juice samples but I probably won't use them, I was reading that chelates nutrients when used in soil can mess with the micro life especially mycorrhizae. It's the higher levels of available phosphorus that do them in. Plus, I read that earth juice with all the humic acids added can mess with the soil life as well. Has anyone heard of this before?
Frisian dew 2.jpg1.jpg3.jpg4.jpg
It hasn't really been getting any direct sun for quite a while, it used to be taller than my kushberry but now the kushberry is shooting up because its in a sunny spot. and this one has been the same height for weeks. still going ok I think
Andrew2112 - What samples do you have? I'm only using the catalyst for the moment. There's lots of earth juice products lol, which ones are you talking about?. I don't grow in soil anyways.

Looking good JTW, looks shaded though. Can you bend any trees back to let light in?.
Use them Andrew2112, Earth juice is amazing and I reckon they're the best hydro organic company.

Use that bloom too if you hand water, you'll be amazed at the taste and quality of plants. I grow in rockwool so I use an NZ brand called growzilla and use the EJ catalyst.
Pretty expensive stuff but definitely worth it.

JTW - does it get any direct light? how's the kushberry going?. I'll visit my plants today and will come back with an update.
Im not sure crazykiwi any time that I have visited it doesn't have any direct sun, maybe it gets a little bit in the morning. Im thinking it must get a bit or it probably wouldn't be growing that well. The kushberry gets quite alot of sun and its getting big now about 6ft7 i'll get a couple pics up tomorrow. keen to see how your sativas are doing too
Use them Andrew2112, Earth juice is amazing and I reckon they're the best hydro organic company.

Use that bloom too if you hand water, you'll be amazed at the taste and quality of plants. I grow in rockwool so I use an NZ brand called growzilla and use the EJ catalyst.
Pretty expensive stuff but definitely worth it.
I might give it a go with the autos I have going now, they are in a half soilless mix and will probably need a boost. I just met up with Mohican and he gifted me some of his compost grown Mulanje, and it is a beautiful easy going high. My first properly grown landrace African experience. Hope your Malawi give you a high yield because this stuff is nice :-)
holy shit is Mohican a Kiwi? i did not know that. i thought for sure he was in a legal state in america because there is no way those giant sativas werent head and shoulders above his fence lol. unless of course im thinking of a different person. should tell MO to come and chat in this thread
I might give it a go with the autos I have going now, they are in a half soilless mix and will probably need a boost. I just met up with Mohican and he gifted me some of his compost grown Mulanje, and it is a beautiful easy going high. My first properly grown landrace African experience. Hope your Malawi give you a high yield because this stuff is nice :-)

Yeah mate give it a go, Mohicans a bat guano user aye?. I wish I'd used it this season. Man I've seen those nice looking mulanje's, Mulanje is a lake in Malawi I think so It's basically the same, How was the high? I Have some of Holy smokes genetics I might use next season. If the season finishes off properly it will yield as much as anything really, massive potential in the yieldind department.

Aussie - Mohican's a Mohican lol na jokes but I'm pretty sure he grows in Oregon which is an American state that borders Canada. pretty impressive for all the way up there, I thought he was in the emerald triangle for the way his Malawis looked.


It probably gets some in the morning if it's photosynthesising properly, 2 months veg exactly today for the Malawis and just sit on 6ft now. Still have a bad problem of vine hoppers on the Panamas but are starting regain some vigour and 'life' lol.

I'll try upload some pics today guys, I have shitty usb broadband that barely get a signal up here with slow as uploading so bare with me :mrgreen:.

I agree aussie, we need Mohican in this thread. Inspiring grower with his Africans.