vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

before i leave just to TROLL the only reason i came to this site was i saw "because this is REAL chemistry" seems to be american kitchen chemistry, Y'a rien de pire que l'ignorance vive la educacion Français.............
I believe tha same BS was stated about being able to deliver nicotine thru e-cigs...
**Bonding with PG or VG Creates a what is called a "Solution" which can be Vaporized at a much lower temps.. Also it does get hot passing tha coil and obviously is capable when alot of fools are putting str8 oil into wicking ecig atomizers :\ lol
I am not a chemist but THC etc will vary easily bond with PG or VG No? That's what I read.
***i soaked 50\50 high grade cannabis & USP glycerin and it tasted and smelled grate (vary hashy) but it smelled and tasted horrible in a e-cig =( Im sure i couldn't feel anything either.. Potency would be vary low using even high grate bud as i did, and it also absorbs Chlorophyll etc and is why I'm sure it is unusable in a ecig unless highly flavored... Only way I could see it really working is using a milk frother\heat to blend high grade oil with pg\vg at no less than 50% extract.... So unless your using a concentrate don't waste your time ;p lol
I would agree with decarbing which is a key step in RSO no? Also vary simple while making extract, bonding your solution or even after by heating....
Glycerin is an extremely polar molecule, to desolve thc in it would be like water in oïl, you would need to create clathrates around the thc, there is a possibiliy for homogeneous mixing but even then after time ? i think it would separate out.
It appears to me that e cigs atomize rather than vaporise due to the temperture, as tests show that a standard 3.7v e cig with a 2 ohm resistance will give around 150°C (wet), at 250°C glycerol will decompose producing toxins like acrolein and many others, so for all those people trying to vaporise thc, it boils at around 200C, leaving a dangerous unmeasurable 50°gap !! For me i find the best solution being tintures, as said not the best tast but highly concentrated and well flavoured they work, i have got the concentration to 2% being 4 dropps the 10ml disguised with koolada and other strong flavours.... Just to emphasize, cannabis produces phyto cannabinoids in a carboxylic acid form that are not orally active,to enable them to pass the blood brain barrier, they must first be decarboxylated, to remove the COOH carboxyl group of atoms, which exits in the form of H20 and CO2...................
Oh and yes RSO is decarboxylated by the heating prosses but not the same results have been achieved, the freezing is very important as a lot of the thc is locked in the cell walls the freezing and shaking breaks the walls helping to release more thc
Ughmmm. I get plenty high hitting my mix. I've tried all ohms. Voltages. The high definitely gets delivered. Adjusting the hit can give you a nice soft vape, to a nice big heavy hit
what are you mixing ? if bho please explain more! if rso then yes i agree you will get a hit, can you explain your mixing technic, have you tried comparing standard combustion with vaping ? mixing rso with vg could be helped by using ethyl malto much the same as with pure tobacco absolute, and no we are not trying to get everyone to burn there mixes, only trying to resolve the problem, stop people waisting time and money, and to share ideas
you are fast to react ! mr ganja after reading a few of your posts: i think the idea to encourage people to make bho is quite stupid, half the people have no idea as to what they are doing and most of them don't care about residues as long as they get high, measures should be taken to explain the dangers, as i beleive you do, you seem to be quite into bho so please explain how do you get this in your e cig ? oh and i totally agree about your family life not that it has anything to do with me or the topic
no we are not trying to get everyone to burn there mixes\

who are these we? is this a joke being pulled? makes me question this idea even further..

as for my mix. i prefer a some bho winterized, mixed with some PG. ratios can be played with across the entire spectrum. you can make a potent mix, or a light hitter you can puff on 24/7..

i stay away from the vg. as it has been very difficult make a pleasurable batch..

look into these pages..

now now. as for bho and its making. it leaves a deep dark anger in me when i hear about an accident..

i was one of those half people that had no fucken idea on what i was doing. i honestly started out under a rock..
i have pulled nearly every fuck up you can pull, and have learned a great deal along the way..

why did i get into this madness? why do i encourage this art? :]

this shit is expensive!!! i come from no money. i grew up taking shit apart, putting it back together, broke things, sometimes fixed them!
i knew i was getting ripped off left and right paying 20-40 $ a half gram.. and i didnt like that.. but i reallyyyyy liked what i was smoking..

this site is to help spread knowledge info.

i started off in sr verdes concentrate corner. and its beem a marvelous journey ever since..
i like to think of myself as a creative tinkerrerrerrerrerrr..
as for the danger.... ya. that comes with life.. users make the decisions..
Interesting links, but basically burning on a dry coil in a bowl ! the popjoe juice lol, people have been trying this since the e cigs came out, renowned for blocking and blowing the atomisers, the best method for this is homogeneous mixing and still not suitable for tank systems, as it separated and gloges the system, another point to be made, if you measure two equal partes, one part smoked, and one (temporarily) mixed with pg and vaped, if people were to be honest with themselves and others, the psychotropic effects should or not be the same.. What we are trying to do is make a stable juice for tank systems ! thanks for the links and my mistake about family.................
Tests prove the mix don't separate, and delivers an excellent vape.. Sure, the cheap $5 tanks will burn out and or get clogged..

but its not like I haven't seen that before , ... (bong downstem) (pipe) ( joint)

hmmm. Seems like you speak of resin build up .. Oh noooooo
ok so done the exeriment as suggested ! just to see the result ! after an hour the solution has started to separate, not sure what we have done different, whats more we are using labourity material !!! we get far better results using a homogenizer with a T-17 generator shaft !!! for more info..
All this defeats the object the idea behind the e cig is to eliminate nasty toxins, not to add !
Most sites with the same topic, recognise the importance of decarboxylation when using tintures with e cigs, for some reason here is not the case..
After 5 years of experimentation from crock pots to chloroform, the alcohol extraction (metioned in my first post) dirty as it is, seems to be the most efficient, safe, non toxic way (organic alcohol) for the general public to make tintures, that is to say these are my and fellow friends experiences..
Interesting links, but basically burning on a dry coil in a bowl ! the popjoe juice lol, people have been trying this since the e cigs came out, renowned for blocking and blowing the atomisers, the best method for this is homogeneous mixing and still not suitable for tank systems, as it separated and gloges the system, another point to be made, if you measure two equal partes, one part smoked, and one (temporarily) mixed with pg and vaped, if people were to be honest with themselves and others, the psychotropic effects should or not be the same.. What we are trying to do is make a stable juice for tank systems ! thanks for the links and my mistake about family.................

Yes, that is correct. As soon as I started e-cigarettes I immediately realized that I must make cannabis work in the device. You are wasting your time, money, and extracts. I have it fully mastered. I have exceeded vaporizing now. Dry coil? I don't do that. The PG USP is to prevent that from happening.

Are you using really dirty oil or something? I hate to be the one to break the bad news, but I am 100% confident.

Decarbed or non decarbed oil works awesome in e-cigarettes. It only takes me 5 minutes to convert my RSO or QWISO to e-cannabis oil. None of my coils get hot. The only time I have seen my coils get hot with my oil is when it is used with Persei or Omicron type products that are meant to be used with the oil straight and they suck as far as I am concerned. Yes, they are great for recreational use, but I am far past that. Like I said, I am past vaporizing. I am to gaseous form now. It can be achieved with vaporizers and there are other ways to achieve it too. It is this simple, premium high quality oil, preferably winterized, if you want to vaporize it and taste the strains, use an iClear 30. If you want gaseous form, use the iClear 30b. Of course you will need to mix your concentrate with PG USP. It only takes 1 to 5 minutes to blend. I can't imagine the need for anything more than high quality oil, PG USP, a coffee mug warmer, and a small metal cup. I just simply mix it with a syringe. I put it on and off the heat twice to be sure it is mixed well stirring with my 1CC syringe. I suck it up into the syringe, inject it into my iClear 30b, I use an SVD, APV, MOD vaporizer. Don't buy the crappy one from Hong Kong that is $37, get the quality kit for $89 from High Desert Vapes, batteries, and a charger, that is all you need. Like I said, I have exceeded vaporizing. Gaseous form of mj was put on a bill for Michigan for a reason, I now understand why. It is the freaking whoop.

Sounds like you may be running a dispensary or something, testing for sale purposes. Here is all you need to know.

Me personally, for making e-cannabis oil, I don't need anything else other than what I have described. My oil that I made for experimental purposes is well over 6 months old in a 30mL bottle, I still have it. It took 3 months before it started to separate. All I did was shake it and it didn't separate for another month or so.

I must agree with Guzias1. Good quality oil, winterized, mixed with PG USP with a small amount of heat from a coffee mug warmer is all you need. I am not saying leave it on the coffee mug warmer. I leave it on for a minute or so, remove from heat, mix, put back on the heat, mix again, and you are good to go. At least when it comes to high quality oil or QWISO.
final words, i am not trying to discredit any of the extraction methods, only trying to state that a décarboxylation prior to other extraction methods could help the final product for electronic cigarettes with tank systems, i have been testing with an evic, protank 3, and for the last 2 months the aspire nautilus, which imo is unbeatable as tank systems go.......
sorry i didn't see your reply before my last post ! thank you for your answer, i have no time to reply in detail for the moment, WORK ! are there any lab results for this method ?
final words, i am not trying to discredit any of the extraction methods, only trying to state that a décarboxylation prior to other extraction methods could help the final product for electronic cigarettes with tank systems, i have been testing with an evic, protank 3, and for the last 2 months the aspire nautilus, which imo is unbeatable as tank systems go.......

decarbed or non decarbed oil before vaporizing: well that is difficult to explain. The best I can explain it is comparing indica to sativa. The non decarbed oil that I have tried (QWISO) is more of an instant buzz in some cases, less taste, but it can seem more potent or intense. Where as the decarbed oil (RSO) that is more unique. It exceeds indica. You can vape more of it, it is more comfortable. It can be more tasty only if correctly used in an electronic vaporizer. Must be of high quality with precision temperature settings. Non decarbed oil does not require such precision, but the precision is greatly preferred.

I am not familiar with the aspire nautilus, but I am very familiar with the ProTank 3. For e-cannabis oil, I do not recommend the ProTank 3. Actually, when it comes to e-cannabis, I don't recommend glass. Glass helps bring out the taste of the PG USP and causes bad burning on the throat. There is a solution to this problem and that is why I recommend the iClear 30 series clearomizers. There is a lot of metal which masks any taste or negative effects of the PG USP. You can't even tell the PG USP is in the mix if you have everything tuned in just right. I think the ProTank 3 sucks for e-cannabis. Just the leaking problem alone is bad enough, not to mention the harshness. Switch to an iClear 30b if you like the bottom coil units and you will see a big difference especially if you are using top notch oil.

Just trying to help people whether it is for business or personal. I just want to help patients get the best medicine.

I have tested ounces, if not pounds of oil. So far the best is the $89 SVD with the $15 iClear 30b. I got the $89 SVD from High Desert Vapes and I purchased the iClear 30b from Ziggy's Vapes. The best batteries are the AW brand. I prefer the 18350 because the unit will be as small as possible, but you can simply telescope the battery cover down to where it will accept the larger 18650 battery or you can go in between and go with the 18490. Any 18 mm 3.7 volt battery will work for the SVD as far as I know right now.

The ProTank 3 may be good for e-cigarettes. It is really cool that it has a 510 tip and you can put different drip tips on it, but it just does not compare to the iClear 30b. mine came with the rotatable tip and that is the way I prefer it. I immediately ordered 2 more as soon as I saw how good they are and also got a 5 pack of replacement coils for $15. The only downside to the 30b that I have seen so far is you have to hold it horizontal and store it horizontal (laying down flat). If it is left standing upright it will leak. Also, if you hold it upside down it will eventually leak out the tip. Now the ProTank 3, it just leaks period and burns the shit out of my throat. I believe that is because of the glass and the coils are not as good as the iClear 30b coils. With the 30b, the coils are criss crossed. The ProTank 3 coils are stacked in the same direction. I prefer the criss crossing of the coils.
just a quick reply about bho, my main concern is the possibilité of polymerization, and is why i haven't really experimented with this kind of extraction, and yes pro tanks are not so good !! the nautilus however is another world, the i clear not a bad vape apart from the tank cracking with certain juices !