It's All The Fault Of Fox News


Well-Known Member
Didn't he say his granny is black? Maybe she gave him some sort of pass.
"my grandma is black, i can't possibly be racist", says the guy who accuses obama of being racist against white people, including his own mother and grandparents.

it's impeccable logic.


New Member
as evidenced by your spamming of baseless allegations, it seems like you do care.

or you are suffering a hefty amount of derriere devastation.
Baseless allegations huh, are you saying you never snitched and admitted it on RIU, then deleted the posts?


Well-Known Member
you having a bad day clayton? is the wife boring you? does she keep walking into the room, making you cower and minimize the RIU screen?


Active Member
That is a serious allegation.!.

I'm the proud owner of a few acres of swamp land.

I'm a simple man. "fiesty old geezers" like me that burn wood, own chainsaws and chippers, and are always interested to know about snitchers.


New Member
That is a serious allegation.!.

I'm the proud owner of a few acres of swamp land.

I'm a simple man. "fiesty old geezers" like me that burn wood, own chainsaws and chippers, and are always interested to know about snitchers.


Active Member
You hate certain people Buck.
It may not be about race but why don't you give them a chance?
It is called pre judging.

Anyone who has differing views than him falls in to nice tight compartments with many ready made labels to apply.

Yet liberals claim tolerance as a creed.

Actually their tolerance only applies to those that live according to their standards, and they detest those that don't fit into their norms.

Very few grey areas exist. It is all black and white. Hence the persistant cry of "RACISM", "Bible Thumpers", "Gun lovers", and "Anti- fill in the blank".


Well-Known Member
It is called pre judging.

Anyone who has differing views than him falls in to nice tight compartments with many ready made labels to apply.

Yet liberals claim tolerance as a creed.

Actually their tolerance only applies to those that live according to their standards, and they detest those that don't fit into their norms.

Very few grey areas exist. It is all black and white. Hence the persistant cry of "RACISM", "Bible Thumpers", "Gun lovers", and "Anti- fill in the blank".
there's a difference between intolerance and mockery.