Random Jibber Jabber Thread

how much in precious metals are in a laptop?

Not much at all. Even less in cellphones. There used to be a lot more, but the same job can be done with copper. The amount of work that would go into taking apart the laptop and harvesting the metals isn't worth what you could get for them.. You would get more by selling the individual parts.
Free Printable Valentines Card....

The influx of retarded members isn't helping.

Maybe I'm just noticing them more with all the regular posters gone. :-?
My thoughts too. I think political bleed over is killing us. Nobody likes them - so they're used to this. Thriving now I think.
Yup. It's been fun while it lasted. As the politics spill in and the racists become more apparent and the heroin lovers see no harm in distributing a painfully addictive substance to the mentally ill this place becomes something I don't really want to be apart of.

Junk It Up everyone
Yup. It's been fun while it lasted. As the politics spill in and the racists become more apparent and the heroin lovers see no harm in distributing a painfully addictive substance to the mentally ill this place becomes something I don't really want to be apart of.

Junk It Up everyone

I don't think the latter conversations have been offensive. I think they were an offshoot of Philip Seymour Hoffman's death. They stand out more in light of the fact that normal topics and interesting posts are few and far between.

Maybe a good time for a sabbatical. I get the feeling that banging my head against the wall here might effect my long term experience. Not meaning to seem over dramatic, but the experience has suffered more than I would have ever guessed.
I don't think the latter conversations have been offensive. I think they were an offshoot of Philip Seymour Hoffman's death. They stand out more in light of the fact that normal topics and interesting posts are few and far between.
Money and Popularity = getting shit done...


Four people were arrested in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday evening with more than 350 bags of heroin as part of the investigation into the death of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, the authorities said.

wonder how many times this happens and no one gave a shit about who sold the drugs...
Yup. It's been fun while it lasted. As the politics spill in and the racists become more apparent and the heroin lovers see no harm in distributing a painfully addictive substance to the mentally ill this place becomes something I don't really want to be apart of.

Junk It Up everyone

And that is why the DSM should not be shared with the masses, le sigh.

The sheer hubris of thinking prohibition on cannabis is bad but prohibition on something else is good tells me precisely why we won't make Kardashev 1.

Let me see if I can explain this. If you tell an adolescent child, still thinking in mostly in concrete operations, they can't have something what do they do? RIGHT!! That's a lot of my point.

One more try how did prohibition on Alcohol work? Remember the Vollstead act?

Prohibition is a failed public health concept. Addiction is a public health issue not a criminal one. Criminal acts from whatever causal factor belong in the legal system but not the simple act of addiction. We need to stop creating new prison classes or else when they come for you YOU will stand alone!

This is artificial class creation for the money makers and no one seems to see beyond their own personal issues and THAT is what *they* are counting upon.

For anyone that doesn't believe this. I beg you to read this, "Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent" by Harvey Silverglate an activist, federal bar enrolled, constitutional scholar. This isn't annie being a wingnut folks this is how they are rolling all of us up.

I care kinetic, that's the problem, I care about the humans and their condition. I am cursed. I am Cassandra.
Money and Popularity = getting shit done...


Four people were arrested in Lower Manhattan on Tuesday evening with more than 350 bags of heroin as part of the investigation into the death of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, the authorities said.

wonder how many times this happens and no one gave a shit about who sold the drugs...

You must spread some reputation around...

Truth of the matter is that half of the tri state area probably rebranded to Ace of Spades quicker than you can say Stringer Bell.
You young folks Under 40 go out and get Obama Care today... So I can have it.. and thanks for buying it for me...
Plan on making a 14x14x8 covered Green House for about 100$

using 10 Concrete sidewalk mesh and a few tarps.... new law here requires a 4 walled GH with a roof... does not list the materials you must use.. jsut asks for 4 walls and a roof..

will take 8 of the side walk mesh pieces then make a Box frame with a curved roof

any recommendations of the type of tarp I should use?