One of the owners wives of a Co wifey works for handed her a heavy backpack told her to get rid of it..wifey looked inside and see's a laptop.. she's asks what do you mean get rid of it?
Lady says they have not been able to figure out whose laptop it is.. and they are tired of moving it from one spot at their house to another.. Wifey asked her.. so you want me to give it to I.T? Lady says.. dont care... dispose of it.. tired of seeing it at our house..
Wifey kept it a work over the weekend and talked to me about it.. said it powered on and was in great condition.. she hated to just throw it away or give to the recycle center.. told her to bring it home and I'll format it and either use it or give it away..
it's a Sony Viao PCG-881r ( found very little stat wise on it..) but looks like a 1ghz with 256 ram.. dvd burner has 2 HDD's both 20 gb's thing must way about 12lbs
the backpack it came with has to be worth more then the PC itself..
reformatted it.. added windows xp pro forgot about warmth a laptop brings to the crotch..
thinking it's a corporate line not a retail line... it's a solid laptop for sure
thanks sorny..
I'd replace the hard drive just to be safe and conga rats maybe