"Someone has to clean the toilets"

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member

"..it does work like that.." Are you saying that all it takes to succeed in life is work ethic?

I certainly feel like I've been oppressed by the national minimum wage, especially when you consider economic gains since the 1970's. 97% of them went to the top 1% of earners. That would seem like pretty blatant economic oppression to me.. What suddenly made the top 1% more worthy of profits than everybody else around 1978?

The only thing in your post I disagree with is bolded, as I myself have personal experience with this. I worked at an establishment for almost 4 years before I quit. I put in an application for supervisor after having zero late or absent days after about 2 years of being there. I was stepped over for a younger female employee and was left stuck in the same position for 4 years. I started at $8.25/hour and when I quit I was making $9.00/hour. $.75 in 4 years.. Such improvement is unacceptable. How can someone say that's at all consistent with economic advancement? With growth? Keep in mind, this was a top 10 company to work for during my time there according to Forbes and multiple other publications.. Top 10 in the US, and this is what we get? $.75 cents in almost 4 loyal years with the company...? That's fair? That's equal? That's "top 10"? If that's top 10 in the country, we're in big fuckin' trouble!

This is the face of poverty. This is unacceptable. Full time Americans should not be subject to poverty. Working wages for full time employees should, at the bare fucking minimum, pay for their bills. I'm not even asking for food for fucks sake! Just bills! Basic shit to survive, shelter. I have a friend who rented an "apartment" in the bay area, I visited him and I could literally touch wall to wall north to south, east to west, barely enough room for this 6'2" guy to fucking sleep in for $700/month! How is this shit fucking legal?

To anyone reading this thinking it is, let me tell you what this will lead to, because I've considered it myself, as a relatively stable middle class suburbanite. It leads to crime. It leads to theft. It leads to assault, robbery, murder. Meanwhile Utah is taking a stance on eliminating the homeless and simply letting them live in vacant houses to get them off the streets with vast success. We have empty houses that nobody is buying, more in fact than the number of fucking homeless themselves, yet they remain without any shelter..

Forgive the rant B&B, like I said, I agree with 99% of this post, it just seriously bothers me that this problem can't be solved because of greedy people.. That conservatives think it's some simple solution, "just work harder".. when working harder is only a small aspect of solving the problem as a whole..

Well Pada,
You are young and .75c over 4 years sucks.
Back in the 70's that was a good raise for say a year of good service.

A lot of people still think being faithful to a company will help them get ahead.
True if you make the company money, not just doing your job.

If you want to be recognised you have to put in the extra effort.
Just like BB is talking about.
Kids that put in the extra effort, rich or poor will excel in life.

You're not doing your homework if you take these shit jobs and expect to be happy.
Take a look in the wanted section.
What does the same job pay across town or whatever?
While looking at those adds, what other jobs can you apply for?

You have to keep fighting and working until you find happiness.
No person or the govt is going to make you instantly happy with some job.

Do something you know and go into business for yourself after learning the ropes.
and stop blaming other people for your failures.
It's not the rich or democrats or republicans or independents.

It's You!
it's all of us.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
hear that, pada?

just work harder.

and have some sympathy for those oppressed minorities, the taxpayer.

thus spake a crazy right winger.
The Taxpayer.

And where does the govt get it's money from?

Why so despondent tonight Bucky?
You get your period or something?


Well-Known Member
Myth number 1: having multiple jobs in a one year period will look bad... Nonsense!

I'm not talking about having 14 jobs in one year.

But suppose you are making $7.50 right now. In march you find a job that pays $9, you apply and get it.

In June you're looking around and you see a $12 job, you apply and get it.

In November that company closes.

In December you're applying, this does not look bad at all. It's called being smart. You left for considerably more money.

Myth number 2: I shouldn't lie on a resume... Bull shit, if you ain't lying, you ain't trying.

Basically you have to tell the truth about where you worked and how long you worked there. If I'm hiring you, I can look online and see where you worked, and about how long you've worked there, not much else.

If I call there, all they can legally tell me is yeah you worked here, much else and the company giving the information opens itself up to massive liability. Now a small mom n pop might not know that, but if you worked for a large company, say mcdonalds, if I run the taco bell across town, and you're applying for my gm position, if I call mcdonalds they will not tell me that you just flipped the meat on the grill and salted the fries.

If in the interview, you know your gm stuff, and you get the job and a year later I found out you we're just a line cook, if you're doing the job well, you're usually going to be fine. If I decide to fire you anyway, you've got a year gm experience at my place to put on your resume.


Well-Known Member
hear that, pada?

just work harder.

and have some sympathy for those oppressed minorities, the taxpayer.

thus spake a crazy right winger.
Witness the troll master.

Ask yourself what you said you're "figna" do in your own life.

You're about to go to co and when pressed to comply with
Regs and taxes you claimed you would simply "grow more".
Which equates to "work harder" by your own definition of your job.


Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
My one ex was a manager at Mc's.
She would talk about certain kids the "really helped me out tonight" or this week.
Doing a good job and putting in some extra effort will get you noticed.
Those kids went on to better jobs at Mc's and beyond.

The point I'm trying to make is, earn the company money.
If you just do the minimum, it's time to move on to a new job.


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna go ahead and not get a job for the next 45 minutes as i pour 50 gallons of water over some soil in two dozen 5 gallon containers.
It speaks volumes that what you call a job most do as a hobby, and do just as much. And somehow with all that free time to devote to it, you still can't be bothered to remove the animal feces from your drying room.

You suck at your hobby job.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I spent more time tonight giving the flower room a good cleaning and general maintenance.

There was a time I became lazy with my grow and it came back to bite my ass as far as yield.

You have to do a better job all the time and you will be rewarded.

"The squeaky wheel gets the grease."


Well-Known Member
I would guess that for one reason or another, someone above you didn't like you.

You're absolutely right, my supervisor didn't really approve of my attempt to rise up in the company. During that time, I felt like she simply needed a void to fill and anyone available to fill it was applicable (much like the other jobs I've had). They need a spot filled? "WHO WANTS TO FILL IT@!???" First come, first served. Experience be damned. This is coming from 3 different jobs that I'd spent more than a year at, one at a movie theater, the other at Starbucks and one at a computer tech company. I spent a week preparing for the application/interview, and she simply gave it to someone else who showed up before me.. Real loyalty there. I hope that serves as an example of the solution to just "work harder". I worked harder, I worked harder than I'd ever had before, yet I was still skipped over, more than once. No explanation other than "unlucky". I could have worked twice as hard and the circumstances still would not have permitted me to be in the right place at the right time.

A lot of people say they dont do the kiss ass office politics thing. Those are stupid people. You don't have to be a suck up or a yes man.
The funny thing is, my lips are permanently brown for how much ass I've kissed during my minimum wage career, minimum wage ass kissing leads you absolutely nowhere.

I might be off base, i might be dead on. Having a perfect attendance record, you didn't speak to it, but you seem intelligent and I assume you discharged your duties with competence. I would be willing to bet that the person in charge didn't like you.
Absolutely correct, I believe the same thing

I must admit, I once didn't hire a guy because his name was Noah, like the guy that built a boat in the Bible. It was a coin flip between him and another candidate, and I went with the other candidate, I think his name was Jeff. I remember playing youth soccer and another kid on the team was named Noah and I couldn't stand that little fuck. And that is why someone else named Noah didn't get a job 20 years later. Also, I think going out of the way to give your kid a strange Biblical name is just silly. My first name is a biblical name, Dan. It is a Jewish tribe. But it doesn't sound like a Biblical name. If you name your kid Ezekiel, you're a dumb fuck. Apologies to anyone named Noah or Ezekiel.
I think that pretty much proves what I mentioned earlier, how luck and other factors come into play regarding someones success

But playing office politics, and being adept at office politics is very key in this world. Those who refuse to participate, or who are bad at it, are at an extreme disadvantage. Part of being good at office politics is being able to tell when the person above you doesn't like you. If they don't like you, they will poison your well, and you are screwed there.
None of these jobs were at an office. It's a simple regular working environment. I think if your success at a company is derived from an ability to work office politics at a small time tech company or coffee shop, there is something significantly wrong with said job. Not to mention its blatant discrimination to hold an employee back because of office politics


Well-Known Member
Witness the troll master.

Ask yourself what you said you're "figna" do in your own life.

You're about to go to co and when pressed to comply with
Regs and taxes you claimed you would simply "grow more".
Which equates to "work harder" by your own definition of your job.

you made an assumption.

you assume that growing more automatically equates to working harder. i vehemently disagree. that would only be true if the processes were the same, which they would definitely not be. legality changes everything. if i wanted to actually pursue that dream, i'd honestly be in a more managerial role than the role i play now, which is every single employee there is.

the model under legalization is still grow more, but that means working differently, not necessarily harder. i've got all i can eat on my plate at harvest time right now. i'd have to expand a shit ton. no way i could do it alone. other people would do the hardest work for me.

your assumptions are naive and simplistic.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
While that was a fun deviation from the topic under discussion, did you have a retort to the actual premise of my post?
someone likes to mess with the stoners, But I agree with what this guy said on 1st page. the system works just fine. Get in where you fit in. Its the unproductive junkies doing this country wrong!


Well-Known Member
Someone has to lick up and shit in the toilets.



Well-Known Member
you made an assumption.

you assume that growing more automatically equates to working harder. i vehemently disagree. that would only be true if the processes were the same, which they would definitely not be. legality changes everything. if i wanted to actually pursue that dream, i'd honestly be in a more managerial role than the role i play now, which is every single employee there is.

the model under legalization is still grow more, but that means working differently, not necessarily harder. i've got all i can eat on my plate at harvest time right now. i'd have to expand a shit ton. no way i could do it alone. other people would do the hardest work for me.

your assumptions are naive and simplistic.
Your lies become truly worth of eye rolling.

Now you are all alone in your endeavors. So much for the job creator.


Well-Known Member

"..it does work like that.." Are you saying that all it takes to succeed in life is work ethic?

I certainly feel like I've been oppressed by the national minimum wage, especially when you consider economic gains since the 1970's. 97% of them went to the top 1% of earners. That would seem like pretty blatant economic oppression to me.. What suddenly made the top 1% more worthy of profits than everybody else around 1978?

The only thing in your post I disagree with is bolded, as I myself have personal experience with this. I worked at an establishment for almost 4 years before I quit. I put in an application for supervisor after having zero late or absent days after about 2 years of being there. I was stepped over for a younger female employee and was left stuck in the same position for 4 years. I started at $8.25/hour and when I quit I was making $9.00/hour. $.75 in 4 years.. Such improvement is unacceptable. How can someone say that's at all consistent with economic advancement? With growth? Keep in mind, this was a top 10 company to work for during my time there according to Forbes and multiple other publications.. Top 10 in the US, and this is what we get? $.75 cents in almost 4 loyal years with the company...? That's fair? That's equal? That's "top 10"? If that's top 10 in the country, we're in big fuckin' trouble!

This is the face of poverty. This is unacceptable. Full time Americans should not be subject to poverty. Working wages for full time employees should, at the bare fucking minimum, pay for their bills. I'm not even asking for food for fucks sake! Just bills! Basic shit to survive, shelter. I have a friend who rented an "apartment" in the bay area, I visited him and I could literally touch wall to wall north to south, east to west, barely enough room for this 6'2" guy to fucking sleep in for $700/month! How is this shit fucking legal?

To anyone reading this thinking it is, let me tell you what this will lead to, because I've considered it myself, as a relatively stable middle class suburbanite. It leads to crime. It leads to theft. It leads to assault, robbery, murder. Meanwhile Utah is taking a stance on eliminating the homeless and simply letting them live in vacant houses to get them off the streets with vast success. We have empty houses that nobody is buying, more in fact than the number of fucking homeless themselves, yet they remain without any shelter..

Forgive the rant B&B, like I said, I agree with 99% of this post, it just seriously bothers me that this problem can't be solved because of greedy people.. That conservatives think it's some simple solution, "just work harder".. when working harder is only a small aspect of solving the problem as a whole..

4 whole years and they didnt make you president of the company?? I am SHOCKED!!!

You are the one responsible for your advancement. What you seem to be missing is that the amount of money you made for the company did not increase much over that time either. Your job is tied to the profit the position makes.

To get ahead if you cannot do it in the same company is to find a higher position than you have with another company and continue to move up. Some jobs are not going to start out at minimum wage and go to 100K per year.

For some reason, and it appears to be the fact that you were born, and using the economic data from 20 years before you were born you have concluded that in the 1970's that people had it much better than now and damnit, you want the 70's back.

I think one of the big reasons you are having so much difficulty in life is you spend a lot of time wishing that reality were different rather than accepting reality and doing something productive within that framework.


Well-Known Member
4 whole years and they didnt make you president of the company?? I am SHOCKED!!!

You are the one responsible for your advancement. What you seem to be missing is that the amount of money you made for the company did not increase much over that time either. Your job is tied to the profit the position makes.

To get ahead if you cannot do it in the same company is to find a higher position than you have with another company and continue to move up. Some jobs are not going to start out at minimum wage and go to 100K per year.

For some reason, and it appears to be the fact that you were born, and using the economic data from 20 years before you were born you have concluded that in the 1970's that people had it much better than now and damnit, you want the 70's back.

I think one of the big reasons you are having so much difficulty in life is you spend a lot of time wishing that reality were different rather than accepting reality and doing something productive within that framework.
Four years is plenty of time to demonstrate that you are a competent individual, and worth being invested in. Hell, very often, a few months is enough time.

The key to his problem with advancement therein is the fact that his supervisor didn't like him. His mistake there was continuing to work there, or not attempting an end round of his immediate supervisor.

If your boss don't like you, you have to change bosses. Most often this means change companies, it can mean, depending on your level of access to their boss, going around them. There are plenty of ways to do this.


Well-Known Member
Four years is plenty of time to demonstrate that you are a competent individual, and worth being invested in. Hell, very often, a few months is enough time.

The key to his problem with advancement therein is the fact that his supervisor didn't like him. His mistake there was continuing to work there, or not attempting an end round of his immediate supervisor.

If your boss don't like you, you have to change bosses. Most often this means change companies, it can mean, depending on your level of access to their boss, going around them. There are plenty of ways to do this.
My boss changed halfway through working that job, that wasn't the issue. As I'm sure you know, in most jobs, there are workers, supervisors/management, and bosses. So say you spend all 4 years doing exactly what you're supposed to without missing a day of work or being late... but there are no openings for supervisors/management... then what? That theory falls flat on its face right there. You could work even harder, still no positions open.

You're right it was a mistake to stay there that long, but as I mentioned before, there are dozens of variables I don't think you're considering.

You both realize we're still feeling the effects of the economic crisis, right? Would you tell somebody in the early 1930's this same BS? That they just need to "work harder" to get ahead? Do you understand how ridiculous that would sound to them?


Well-Known Member
Not true they just buss you across town to equalize this, a fact. If you fail at school, its because you failed to pay attention and apply yourself, not matter the funding for the school. Last I checked, the curriculum is standardized.
I'm relaying to you someone's real life experience and you are blindly telling me that it is not true. Obviously you are wrong. There's no such thing as equality in public schools. The quality varies district by district. Even in states that have tried to equalize funding the wealthy districts have an advantage because the parents volunteer, donate supplies, etc.

The fact that the curriculum is standardized is irrelevant. What if you don't have supplies? What if you don't have books? What if the teachers willing to work there are absolutely terrible? You're telling us these factors have zero effects on outcomes, which is laughably ridiculous. There are piles and piles and piles of research that resolutely declare you to be wrong.


Well-Known Member
The facts and actual experience make it difficult not the information, just like a job cleaning toilets....its what you choose to use it for. Want to stay stuck? Stay stuck then.

The point was none really goes to their "neighborhood" school where I am from...they are bussed to "equality". Dont' know if they still are, but we were.

The chances of becoming valedictorian were based on effort and accomplishment, not income....evidenced by the valedictorians of my class.....one from a stable "high society" background....one from a so called "ghetto".
Your personal experience and the policies of your childhood school district are not necessarily reflective of any other place in the United States. There are fifty states and thousands of school districts. You are one person out of millions who came from entirely different places and had entirely different experiences.