"Someone has to clean the toilets"


Well-Known Member
How does the guy cleaning the toilets earn the American dream?

In other words, how can the "American dream" be applicable to everyone if there is always going to be a need for someone to do the dirty work, like cleaning the toilets? Is it simply expected that this job will continuously be handed down to the next person in line as you move up? So what happens when there's nowhere to move to and you're stuck cleaning toilets, working the drive through, cleaning movie theaters, etc.?

I read recently the average age of your average fast food employee is 28 years old, while most Americans believe such a job should be allocated to the teenage workforce. These people don't enjoy health benefits, are usually scheduled to part time, and have no 401K or retirement plan to think of..

So you tell me, how, in a capitalist, free-market society, can everyone strive while someone has to clean the toilets?


Well-Known Member
How does the guy cleaning the toilets earn the American dream?

In other words, how can the "American dream" be applicable to everyone if there is always going to be a need for someone to do the dirty work, like cleaning the toilets? Is it simply expected that this job will continuously be handed down to the next person in line as you move up? So what happens when there's nowhere to move to and you're stuck cleaning toilets, working the drive through, cleaning movie theaters, etc.?

I read recently the average age of your average fast food employee is 28 years old, while most Americans believe such a job should be allocated to the teenage workforce. These people don't enjoy health benefits, are usually scheduled to part time, and have no 401K or retirement plan to think of..

So you tell me, how, in a capitalist, free-market society, can everyone strive while someone has to clean the toilets?
Some one on the right will come along and tell you soon enough. Either that or call you a communist


Well-Known Member
How does the guy cleaning the toilets earn the American dream?

In other words, how can the "American dream" be applicable to everyone if there is always going to be a need for someone to do the dirty work, like cleaning the toilets? Is it simply expected that this job will continuously be handed down to the next person in line as you move up? So what happens when there's nowhere to move to and you're stuck cleaning toilets, working the drive through, cleaning movie theaters, etc.?

I read recently the average age of your average fast food employee is 28 years old, while most Americans believe such a job should be allocated to the teenage workforce. These people don't enjoy health benefits, are usually scheduled to part time, and have no 401K or retirement plan to think of..

So you tell me, how, in a capitalist, free-market society, can everyone strive while someone has to clean the toilets?
You have it all wrong out of the gate. It's someone GETS to clean the toilets. If a company or individual needs a janitor/maid/lackey, they post the job opening and take applications. Then at the interview, the salary and benefits are laid out as well as details of the job. Here's the interesting part, the potential employee DECIDES if they want the position, just as the employer decides if they want to hire him/her. This is pretty much the same way it works for fast food joints.

As far as I'm aware, most companies don't have press-gangs roving the high schools and unemployment lines shanghaiing poor souls into their janitorial staffs. Last couple stories I've read, companies were getting 1500+ applications for custodial jobs and many of them had college degrees.

By the way, why do you look down on janitors? They are the eyes and ears of this establishment, my friend.


Well-Known Member
Can you cite a storie recently where 1500 people applied for a janitor position
The most recent was for a custodial position at Campbell University. The story ran in the Fuquay Varina Independent about a year ago. Unfortunately, they don't have a website. Give 'em a call, they can probably dig up a copy for you. I also remember a similar story in about 2010 up in Raleigh for a custodial position at an elementary school. Maybe not what you're looking for, but they were local stories, in local papers.

While that was a fun deviation from the topic under discussion, did you have a retort to the actual premise of my post?


Well-Known Member
That's old, Cheesy wanted a recent one. The caveat on the story I was referencing, Campbell University offers 100% free tuition to the children of full time employees. The salary wasn't bad either, but the bum rush of applications was probably due to the tuition benefit.

It doesn't change the argument. If one person applies or a thousand, no one is being forced to clean the toilets.


Well-Known Member
That's old, Cheesy wanted a recent one. The caveat on the story I was referencing, Campbell University offers 100% free tuition to the children of full time employees. The salary wasn't bad either, but the bum rush of applications was probably due to the tuition benefit.

It doesn't change the argument. If one person applies or a thousand, no one is being forced to clean the toilets.
Agreed. Just like I'm not being forced to shovel pig shit or scrap up roadkill off the road. Everybody needs to do something.

Balke Buds

I think part of the problem with this whole thing is that most people hold themselves above cleaning toilets, washing dishes, picking fruit, etc....more honor in all those than being jobless because of an inflated ego.

Doing shitty work is a catalyst for self improvement....or not.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the replies, but I think the point might have been missed, my fault for not explaining it correctly

I guess what I'm asking is do you believe the American dream is attainable for everyone in America? If you do, what's the guy cleaning the toilets place in it? If I were cleaning toilets for a living (not saying its good or bad) I don't think I would feel like I am living the American dream. How can we all have it if we still need people to clean the toilets? I brought up the age range because the most recent data shows that most Americans believe cleaning toilets, fast food, these types of jobs are going to the kids right out of high school, like they used to. But the fact is, as I mentioned, 28 is the average age of the workers of these types of jobs.

Balke Buds

The Americn Dream, I believe, is not being told what job to have but having the chance to get the job you want to have.
That and being able to keep what you earn, say what you think, and practice any religion you want to.

Some people spend alot of time praying to the porcelin god so being a toilet cleaner might actually be their American dream.


Well-Known Member
I spent my formative years cleaning toilets.
It was good experience, and was one of three jobs I held while attending school.
Pride(vanity or vainglory) is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason.
I got paid for doing it, and was happy to cash my checks.
If circumstances dictated, I would do it again.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the replies, but I think the point might have been missed, my fault for not explaining it correctly

I guess what I'm asking is do you believe the American dream is attainable for everyone in America? If you do, what's the guy cleaning the toilets place in it? If I were cleaning toilets for a living (not saying its good or bad) I don't think I would feel like I am living the American dream. How can we all have it if we still need people to clean the toilets? I brought up the age range because the most recent data shows that most Americans believe cleaning toilets, fast food, these types of jobs are going to the kids right out of high school, like they used to. But the fact is, as I mentioned, 28 is the average age of the workers of these types of jobs.
The opportunity to achieve the american dream is available for everyone.

There is no guarantee you will reach it nor that you even want to.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the replies, but I think the point might have been missed, my fault for not explaining it correctly I guess what I'm asking is do you believe the American dream is attainable for everyone in America? If you do, what's the guy cleaning the toilets place in it? If I were cleaning toilets for a living (not saying its good or bad) I don't think I would feel like I am living the American dream. How can we all have it if we still need people to clean the toilets? I brought up the age range because the most recent data shows that most Americans believe cleaning toilets, fast food, these types of jobs are going to the kids right out of high school, like they used to. But the fact is, as I mentioned, 28 is the average age of the workers of these types of jobs.
Self-cleaning toilets are the solution. They have them in Japan.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the replies, but I think the point might have been missed, my fault for not explaining it correctly

I guess what I'm asking is do you believe the American dream is attainable for everyone in America? If you do, what's the guy cleaning the toilets place in it? If I were cleaning toilets for a living (not saying its good or bad) I don't think I would feel like I am living the American dream. How can we all have it if we still need people to clean the toilets? I brought up the age range because the most recent data shows that most Americans believe cleaning toilets, fast food, these types of jobs are going to the kids right out of high school, like they used to. But the fact is, as I mentioned, 28 is the average age of the workers of these types of jobs.


The "American dream" is NOT obtainable by everyone. That's not the way life works, in case you haven't noticed.

Some people are just fucking retards with NO sense of integrity or work ethic. Period. They suck at life, they have ALWAYS sucked at life, and they WILL always suck at life.


Well-Known Member
Lets say for a moment that the American dream is not acheivable by everyone.

Is it the governments job to identify the people who cannot achieve it and then simply give it to them to be *fair*?