"Someone has to clean the toilets"

Survival is quite cheap. When someone's wealth has increased from $1 million to $50 million in 10 years, adjusted for inflation, I feel little sympathy.

thats the result of Hard Work, Dedication, and a product people want.


Dont be a Hater.
thats the result of Hard Work, Dedication, and a product people want.

well that's certainly a naive and simplistic view that leaves out anything undesirable in order to idolize the wealthy, of which you yourself will never be a part.

but not unexpected coming from you.

edit: cool random capitalization, too!
How does the guy cleaning the toilets earn the American dream?

In other words, how can the "American dream" be applicable to everyone if there is always going to be a need for someone to do the dirty work, like cleaning the toilets? Is it simply expected that this job will continuously be handed down to the next person in line as you move up? So what happens when there's nowhere to move to and you're stuck cleaning toilets, working the drive through, cleaning movie theaters, etc.?

I read recently the average age of your average fast food employee is 28 years old, while most Americans believe such a job should be allocated to the teenage workforce. These people don't enjoy health benefits, are usually scheduled to part time, and have no 401K or retirement plan to think of..

So you tell me, how, in a capitalist, free-market society, can everyone strive while someone has to clean the toilets?

Idk...we should try ACTUALLY having a capitalist, free-market society sometime and find out.
the result of your "solution would be a nation of these:


you would usher in the Idiocracy?

You seem to think expression of an idea equals advocacy. It does not.

Of course you are displaying the children of folks who became wealthy to the point their children didn't have to do anything.

The folks I imagine under "my idea" who get a license are middle class folks, who are much better at rearing children who know the value of a dollar and hard work.

Again, the idea is too "big brotherish" for me to really support. And would probably have many unintended consequences. Like china and the one child policy.

It wouldn't be hard to imagine many hidden pregnancies and children dumped in dumpsters.
I appreciate all the replies, but I think the point might have been missed, my fault for not explaining it correctly

I guess what I'm asking is do you believe the American dream is attainable for everyone in America? If you do, what's the guy cleaning the toilets place in it? If I were cleaning toilets for a living (not saying its good or bad) I don't think I would feel like I am living the American dream. How can we all have it if we still need people to clean the toilets? I brought up the age range because the most recent data shows that most Americans believe cleaning toilets, fast food, these types of jobs are going to the kids right out of high school, like they used to. But the fact is, as I mentioned, 28 is the average age of the workers of these types of jobs.

Let's put it this way Pada.
We all like growing plants but trimming sucks ass.

When we first started growing and we read ahead about trimming it seemed like no problem.
We were thinking about growing for fun and maybe profit and trimming was easy.

Now that we have grown several crops we now find certain parts of the job really suck, like trimming but we are living the dream of successful growing.

All jobs get pretty boring over time and you have to start somewhere, usually from the bottom.

It's a person's mindset to accept or reject jobs.
If you are happy cleaning toilets then clean toilets.
If not seek other employment, it's why we call the USA Land of the free with religion and freedom of speech.

Illegal immigrants piss me off the most.
They are taking jobs from Americans.
Somewhere along time liberals claimed these illegals as (and still do) good, hard working people.
They do the jobs Americans don't want.
Americans need to off their asses and start working from the bottom up.
There are always new jobs unless you except your shitty job as your future.
All in ones mindset Pada.

It's also what pisses me off about Obama.
Give all the kids and illegals all this money, education and college and raising the minimum wage "so we all have a chance" is a bunch of shit.

There are no jobs in a poor economy.

A lot of people need to wake up and start working those toilet jobs again and stop dreaming.
Illegal immigrants piss me off the most.
They are taking jobs from Americans.
Somewhere along time liberals claimed these illegals as (and still do) good, hard working people.
They do the jobs Americans don't want.

is that why they have to bus in prisoners to harvest the crops in georgia now?


you are big on resentment, short on brains.
is that why they have to bus in prisoners to harvest the crops in georgia now?


you are big on resentment, short on brains.

Not sure Georgia has much to harvest this time of year.
Are they harvesting pot?

I know what you are getting at but it's still the same.
People need to start working again, shit jobs or not.
Not sure Georgia has much to harvest this time of year.
Are they harvesting pot?

I know what you are getting at but it's still the same.
People need to start working again, shit jobs or not.

maybe if the minimum wage were more enticing, people would.

but we can't be giving people a livable wage though.
I cleaned toilets and got to live in Hawaii for a few years, its hard to look down on something that allowed me to spend so much time in paradise... perspective and priorities
I cleaned toilets and got to live in Hawaii for a few years, its hard to look down on something that allowed me to spend so much time in paradise... perspective and priorities
Not to be rude, but what do those two things have to do with each other? You make it sound like Hawaii was importing toilet cleaners or something :) Would the toilet cleaning have been less worth it if it wasnt in Hawaii, and wouldnt any form of stable employment have allowed you to live there?
ah, es. hyperbole. the last resort of the weak minded who have no reasonable argument.

What do you want to hear?
Hey! there's corn in my shit? or
Hey! there is shit in my corn?


You never answered my question of the democratic motto?

  • What would the Democrat motto be?

    I don't want to clean toilets, just give me free money?​

Not to be rude, but what do those two things have to do with each other? You make it sound like Hawaii was importing toilet cleaners or something :) Would the toilet cleaning have been less worth it if it wasnt in Hawaii, and wouldnt any form of stable employment allowed you to live there?

My bud lives in Hawaii and although the weather is nice, he hates working there.
He's not a native and the natives mostly like people with money, like tourists.
They don't care for the outsiders.
What do you want to hear?
Hey! there's corn in my shit? or
Hey! there is shit in my corn?


You never answered my question of the democratic motto?

  • What would the Democrat motto be?

    I don't want to clean toilets, just give me free money?

if you tell me when the last time we more than tripled our minimum wage, i'll give you a motto you'll masturbate to for days. none of that "give america a raise" crap that obama keeps pushing.