old leaves dieng new ones healthy


So what do I do? Top soil?

Edit : the dirt I'm using is used for indoor vegetation..but any recommendations for a fellow with no real supplies, any big major stuff I could use ?


Well-Known Member
you can sit on your hands like I told you yesterday..... it would be a good idea to throw some dry soil on top so you don't get a bunch of gnats....your larger plant is pretty well fukd but those seedlings will be ok if you wait to water for about a month............


Why is the big one "fukd"? It's actually been growing healthy and isnt dying anymore..? so throw some dry soil and wait to water it for how long ?


Well-Known Member
Why is the big one "fukd"? It's actually been growing healthy and isnt dying anymore..? so throw some dry soil and wait to water it for how long ?
roots are gonna rot before that pot dries up...... not that it wont live but it wont do very well......water again when they look thirsty.....kinda fukd yourself starting seeds in a 5....... the thing to do is wait a couple weeks then give em about a quart each...... im guessing you've been giving them gallons of water every three or four days?..........


Well-Known Member
Are they yellowing first? That along with lighter green on new growth sounds like nitrogen deficiency.
You need to get your ph in check, too high. Soil should fall between 6.3-6.8. I shoot for 6.5, thus no nute lock in my girls. I would get a ph pen from Amazon (cheap) to monitor your water/nute solution going into the soil. This would be a good place to start.
Good luck
its the bucket of mud youre trying to grow in.......... sit on your hands
you can sit on your hands like I told you yesterday..... it would be a good idea to throw some dry soil on top so you don't get a bunch of gnats....your larger plant is pretty well fukd but those seedlings will be ok if you wait to water for about a month............
soo many different opinions , never read too much into what one person says


Honestly I've been trying everyone's opinion and I greatly appreciate everyone's help even the bad criticism. They're growing back to normal I can tell by color, growth, and thickness. I lowered my light I fed them not really a measure amount but depending on how wet my soil is about 2 times a week. the soil but seem really moist but these were just buckets I added drain holes too and if I transferred the big plant to dry soil and ran the water through once would that help ?


Well-Known Member
Honestly I've been trying everyone's opinion and I greatly appreciate everyone's help even the bad criticism. They're growing back to normal I can tell by color, growth, and thickness. I lowered my light I fed them not really a measure amount but depending on how wet my soil is about 2 times a week. the soil but seem really moist but these were just buckets I added drain holes too and if I transferred the big plant to dry soil and ran the water through once would that help ?
you need to just let it sit......... do nothing til it dries up .... go from there


How Long you thinkin ? Honestly I feel the soil is a little to cold...
Edit also what do u usually do with dried up dead leaves cut em or let em dry n fall off?


Well-Known Member
probably 2 weeks then give em a quart...........70 is a pretty low temp but its not gonna over water your plants..........you need every leaf you got don't be cutting anything off......


Well-Known Member
probably 2 weeks then give em a quart...........70 is a pretty low temp but its not gonna over water your plants..........you need every leaf you got don't be cutting anything off......
Are you telling him to let his buckets dry for 2 weeks? They have drain holes and from the looks of it they have perlite in them. I've always read that there is no point in letting soil dry out completely. From what I understood you should water to keep the soil wet but not too wet to allow air molecules to reach the roots still, which usually means watering whenever the top 1 to 1.5 inches of soil is mostly dried out.


Well I added a bit of dry soil to the top I'm letting them sit for about a week. Week and a half at most, the plants are growing back to normal also lowered the light a bit branching and stuff is coming in a lot better but I still notice a little mg deficiency I'm gonna try treatment if I don't see improvement in a week or 2


Well-Known Member
Are you telling him to let his buckets dry for 2 weeks? They have drain holes and from the looks of it they have perlite in them. I've always read that there is no point in letting soil dry out completely. From what I understood you should water to keep the soil wet but not too wet to allow air molecules to reach the roots still, which usually means watering whenever the top 1 to 1.5 inches of soil is mostly dried out.
yep that's what im telling him...........your talking about soil this is mud.........its pretty obvious those buckets are soaked....prolly fifty pound buckets........