Another State Of The Union, Who Will Obama Blame?

Only if its bulbous, purple..

right now it is flaccid, but i shall watch more fox news to make my erection marvelous and bulbous and purple and majestic.

all the axiron and viagra in the world won't help some men overcome their flaccidity.
Not to intercede in an argument I have no stake it, but are you dense? No where did beenthere talk about national averages. His comments were narrowed to a specific hospital/company.

And you come in all confrontational over something that doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Who gives a fuck what the national average for a specific job is outside of people with an interest in such a job?

In other words, even if you were correct, who gives two shits?

I don't believe in making a statement such as hospital workers pay are the reason why hospital cost are so high. Medical assistants on the average don't make 24 dollars an hour. Statement as such mislead people in to thinking that is the reason medical cost are so high. I like fucking with beenthere...the same way he likes bitching about Obama
I don't recall him saying that because of him women were getting equal pay, I recall him saying that they have not yet reached this status.

--Equal pay for equal work" "I believe when women succeed, America succeeds"

Is the president insinuating that women make less than men do at the same job?--

That was your post. Seems you are left in thin air here, dancnig as you have, right off a cliff.

He did not claim that he was instrumental in having women get the same as men, and women do not get the same as men.

exactly...people not taking the time to listen to their President.
10:30 PM last night: republicans believe health care choices should be yours, not the government's!

10:30 AM this morning: republicans pass sweeping anti-abortion bill

boner licking good.
10:30 PM last night: republicans believe health care choices should be yours, not the government's!

10:30 AM this morning: republicans pass sweeping anti-abortion bill

boner licking good.

Like? is this the way it is done now? Lord what clowns they are. So does that mean if I like my abortion doctor I can keep him?
Guy the average pay for an medical assistant is not 24 an hour. You going off a hospital in Cali, which with the cost of living the salaries will always be boosted more then the national norm. Next conversation was about Obama comment about women and equal pay...again whats your argument.

Fog, your dishonesty is nearing UncleBuck's.

Anyone can look at my quote and see that I never mentioned any kind of average salary, I was talking to Nuts and Nugs about what Kaiser Permanente in California pays their medical assistants. You rudely butted in trying to pick a fight and got your ass handed to you, so deal with it.
How times does the American public have to be lied to to really get it? We didn't waste our time listening to the Liar-in-Chief. Started Django Unchained, got the last half to watch tonight. WOW! What a movie!

Go watch the original Django (with Franco Nero) when you're done. It was a revolutionary piece of work on par with the Wild Bunch for effect.
Fog, your dishonesty is nearing UncleBuck's.

Anyone can look at my quote and see that I never mentioned any kind of average salary, I was talking to Nuts and Nugs about what Kaiser Permanente in California pays their medical assistants. You rudely butted in trying to pick a fight and got your ass handed to you, so deal with it.

you totally did hand his ass to him. asses and nuts. i love asses and nuts.

you are also right, it is a myth that women get paid less. all the effective research can be refuted with just a simple casting of doubt.

also, i reviewed the data and you are correct, there has been no disproof of your skewed polls hypothesis. the election was just tallied incorrectly as part of a liberal media plot to smear dean chambers, the one honest and true arbiter of polling data analysis.

soldier on, my fellow american. we will show this lefty scum what is best for this nation, one denigrating racial slur at a time.
Im going to repeatedly use the word "peen" today and if I catch anyone else using it I'm going to call them a plagiarist:lol:

"Our job is to help Americans build a future of hope and opportunity, a future of hope and opportunity begins with a growing economy, a future of hope and opportunity requires that all citizens have affordable and available health care, extending opportunity and hope depends on a stable supply of energy," All of that came from the 2007 State of the Union from George W. Bush,"

Jeeze, is it just me or does that look a hell of a lot different than just repeating the word "peen"?

Clown shoes for you Schuylarr.
you totally did hand his ass to him. asses and nuts. i love asses and nuts.

you are also right, it is a myth that women get paid less. all the effective research can be refuted with just a simple casting of doubt.

also, i reviewed the data and you are correct, there has been no disproof of your skewed polls hypothesis. the election was just tallied incorrectly as part of a liberal media plot to smear dean chambers, the one honest and true arbiter of polling data analysis.

soldier on, my fellow american. we will show this lefty scum what is best for this nation, one denigrating racial slur at a time.

My goodness, would you look at this, a lying leftie defending another lying leftie.
What shall I do?
Fog, your dishonesty is nearing UncleBuck's.

Anyone can look at my quote and see that I never mentioned any kind of average salary, I was talking to Nuts and Nugs about what Kaiser Permanente in California pays their medical assistants. You rudely butted in trying to pick a fight and got your ass handed to you, so deal with it.
You actually think you are handing someones ass to them..LOL. dude this the internet

  • The only way to reduce the cost of healthcare insurance, is to lower the costs of healthcare itself, it's as simple as that.​

How true.
If you ever looked at an itemized bill from a hospital stay the costs are crazy.

Why are we paying so much for so little?
Much less the contract you sign when being admitted. It basically says if they fuck you up or you die, they can't be sued.
So, what are we paying for?
I wish I new all the answers.
But my niece is a radiation therapist at Kaiser Permanente and makes near $100k, has a ton of paid vacation, sick leave, free healthcare ($5 co pay) and an excellent retirement plan and she's only a radiation therapist.
I believe medical assistants starts out around $24hr, god knows what nurses and doctors make.

The hospital she woks at employs about 3000 people so do the math.

And that's just labor.

You replied to nugs statement about the cost of health care. My answer to you is employees salaries are not the reason why health cost is so high...especially the salary of a medical assistant, which does not averages 24 an hour. Now would you like to try again in your answer as to way the cost of healthcare is so high ? By the way ANY salary in California is going to be higher then the national average due to the cost of living in the state.
My goodness, would you look at this, a lying leftie defending another lying leftie.
What shall I do?

i wasn't defending a leftie, i was agreeing with you.

dean chambers was right about the skewed polls, and election night offered no disproof. only more proof that the lying liberal media propped up obama with massive fraud.

you have been validated, beenthere. you always will be validated, and now i am on your side to crusade for truth and what's right.
My goodness, would you look at this, a lying leftie defending another lying leftie.
What shall I do?

I taunt, followed by laughter, a little more taunting, and then I shut the screen off while they keep hating.

Some of them, I actually think get mad and even sometimes cry, I can see it in their posts.

I'd cry if I had no job and had to aplogize all day long.
You actually think you are handing someones ass to them..LOL. dude this the internet

You replied to nugs statement about the cost of health care. My answer to you is employees salaries are not the reason why health cost is so high...especially the salary of a medical assistant, which does not averages 24 an hour. Now would you like to try again in your answer as to way the cost of healthcare is so high ? By the way ANY salary in California is going to be higher then the national average due to the cost of living in the state.

sorry, fog. he did hand your ass to you, you got totally owned by his superior intellect and debate skill and undying love of facts and knowledge.

health care costs are high because tort reform and cross state lines. every state that has done tort reform now has awesome low health care costs, even thogh they don't the fact that they don't just proves me and beenthere more true in what we say. we are not afraid to speak the truth even when the truth does not agree with us because we're brave.

now if we could just cross state lines you lefties with your massive regulations ruining america because of your PC nonsense and you got your ass handed to you yet again.
You actually think you are handing someones ass to them..LOL. dude this the internet

You replied to nugs statement about the cost of health care. My answer to you is employees salaries are not the reason why health cost is so high...especially the salary of a medical assistant, which does not averages 24 an hour. Now would you like to try again in your answer as to way the cost of healthcare is so high ? By the way ANY salary in California is going to be higher then the national average due to the cost of living in the state.

Do you have any citations to back up your claim that medical assistants in Minnesota are paid higher than medical assistants in California?
Do you have any citations to back up your claim that medical assistants in Minnesota are paid higher than medical assistants in California?
why would a medical assistant get paid more in Minnesota ??? The cost of living in California is higher which would mean the medical assitant in Cali would be paid more. ..are you paying attention??
why would a medical assistant get paid more in Minnesota ??? The cost of living in California is higher which would mean the medical assitant in Cali would be paid more. ..are you paying attention??
I am paying attention, are you?
You're the one that made that claim, not me.
why would a medical assistant get paid more in Minnesota ??? The cost of living in California is higher which would mean the medical assitant in Cali would be paid more. ..are you paying attention??

Do you have any citations to back up your claim that medical assistants in Minnesota are paid higher than medical assistants in California?

Where's you citation to back up your claim, Fog?