New Member
Aye, but Senator Joseph Lieberman is still a zionist fuckwad jewbag![]()
Aye, but Senator Barack Hussein Obama is still a islamist fuckwad nigger ;P
Aye, but Senator Joseph Lieberman is still a zionist fuckwad jewbag![]()
Guess you didn't read a word I posted, eh?
It was the UN that allowed for the creation of the state of Israel, but it goes way back farther than that. The Israelis accepted the proposal put forth by the UN and the Arabs in the region immediately rejected it. The proposal was for the region to be divided into 2 states; one Jewish and one Arab. Not long afterwards, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq attacked Israel. This is known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.I absolutley did. Zionism was the justification for the formation and continuation of Israel. Imagine if any other country did anything with that sort of justification this day in age. The U.N would be ALL over them
It was the UN that allowed for the creation of the state of Israel, but it goes way back farther than that. The Israelis accepted the proposal put forth by the UN and the Arabs in the region immediately rejected it. The proposal was for the region to be divided into 2 states; one Jewish and one Arab. Not long afterwards, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq attacked Israel. This is known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
If it wasn't for the Balfour Declaration, Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the UN passed Partition Plan, the state of Israel would not exist. I'm not doubting that "Zionism" exists, but I'm trying to let you know that the creation of the state of Israel was the result of failed policies and backroom dealings between France and Britain, and later the UN, that has allowed for this clusterfuck to exist today.
The way the Israelis are reacting to the Palestinians and vice versa are reprehensible and it's my opinion that we should withdraw any and all support for all countries in the region.
true. I agree with all of the above![]()
It was the UN that allowed for the creation of the state of Israel, but it goes way back farther than that. The Israelis accepted the proposal put forth by the UN and the Arabs in the region immediately rejected it. The proposal was for the region to be divided into 2 states; one Jewish and one Arab. Not long afterwards, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq attacked Israel. This is known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
If it wasn't for the Balfour Declaration, Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the UN passed Partition Plan, the state of Israel would not exist. I'm not doubting that "Zionism" exists, but I'm trying to let you know that the creation of the state of Israel was the result of failed policies and backroom dealings between France and Britain, and later the UN, that has allowed for this clusterfuck to exist today.
The way the Israelis are reacting to the Palestinians and vice versa are reprehensible and it's my opinion that we should withdraw any and all support for all countries in the region.
I agree with this in totality, all support both financial and military. BTW Fuck that jew scumbag Joe lieberman.
Why would it dissapear? I've voiced my displeasure with Israel several times, and most certainly my advanced hatred of that traitor Joe Lieberman on many occaisions. If you remember, he was a democratic senator (In name only) as he voted with the Bush vandals 99.9% of the time. I have no hatred or predjudice against jewish people, just the zionism of Israel and the traitorism of Lieberman. I wouldn't support either.I'll save this for later, before it "magically" disappears.
It was the UN that allowed for the creation of the state of Israel, but it goes way back farther than that. The Israelis accepted the proposal put forth by the UN and the Arabs in the region immediately rejected it. The proposal was for the region to be divided into 2 states; one Jewish and one Arab. Not long afterwards, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq attacked Israel. This is known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
If it wasn't for the Balfour Declaration, Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the UN passed Partition Plan, the state of Israel would not exist. I'm not doubting that "Zionism" exists, but I'm trying to let you know that the creation of the state of Israel was the result of failed policies and backroom dealings between France and Britain, and later the UN, that has allowed for this clusterfuck to exist today.
The way the Israelis are reacting to the Palestinians and vice versa are reprehensible and it's my opinion that we should withdraw any and all support for all countries in the region.
Actually you won't get an argument from me regarding the Palestinians. In fact, I almost posted that after Israel took the Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza Strip, the respective countries did not want to take their Palestinian brethren back when they were asked to do so by the Israelis. I decided against it as I wanted to keep it focused on why I feel we should not aid Israel....or any other country over there for that matter. You are indeed correct in your statement regarding the fact that the surrounding countries do not want them.I disagree Dave. The Palestinians have a thousand year history of being disliked and distrusted by everyone, including muslims. They are viewed like the Gypsies of Europe were viewed. They are a small group of people, about 5 million I believe. Many muslims privately consider Palestinians to be worthless slime. Respectable muslims would be outraged to learn their daughter was dating a Palestinian. Many muslims could care less what happens to Palestinians, unless a Jew harms them. Then muslims care for Palestinians.
It is a stupid mess. Most Americans do not understand what actually is happening in that region, because we are only informed with 30 second sound bites. If the Palestinians were really worth caring about, there are 22 countries, full of muslims, in the region to look after them.
Uhhhhh, somebody tell me quick, was it not Syria that recently kicked them out? The Syrians thought they were a useless nuisance and closed the holes in the border fence?
I disagree Dave. The Palestinians have a thousand year history of being disliked and distrusted by everyone, including muslims. They are viewed like the Gypsies of Europe were viewed. They are a small group of people, about 5 million I believe. Many muslims privately consider Palestinians to be worthless slime. Respectable muslims would be outraged to learn their daughter was dating a Palestinian. Many muslims could care less what happens to Palestinians, unless a Jew harms them. Then muslims care for Palestinians.
The way the Israelis are reacting to the Palestinians and vice versa are reprehensible and it's my opinion that we should withdraw any and all support for all countries in the region. FUCK THECOLORBLIND